
For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

Mr. Chan, 38 years old, is usually busy at work, often working overtime until late at night. Last month, while working overtime, he suddenly felt weakness in his limbs and collapsed on the ground.

He was taken to the hospital for examination and found that his carotid artery was 99% stenosis and required immediate surgery.

Doctors were surprised that such a young patient was so stenosis.

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

After learning about the past history, I learned that Mr. Chen's health awareness was very weak, and the company's physical examination benefits never went, and the problem of high blood pressure and high blood sugar was never discovered.

Coupled with irregular diet and rest every day, and a large intake of high-fat foods, it eventually induces severe carotid artery stenosis.

Fortunately, the time of this time was timely and there were no obvious sequelae.

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

1. Chinese scientists have found that vitamin B1 may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

Recently, researchers from Continental Pharmaceutical University published a study in the European Heart Journal, which pointed out that vitamin B1 supplements may become a potential drug to inhibit and improve atherosclerosis, providing a new idea for the prevention and treatment of arteriosclerosis.

The researchers found high expression of P2Y6R in clinical samples and atherosclerosis animal models, and it is more localized in macrophages.

Subsequently, the researchers constructed macrophage P2Y6R knockout mice and fed them a high-fat diet for 12 weeks. The results showed that compared with the control group of mice, the arterial plaque in the P2Y6R knockout mice was significantly reduced.

After that, the researchers took P2Y6R as the target and screened drugs with P2Y6R inhibitory activity and macrophage foaming inhibitory effect among many drugs, and found that the coenzyme TPP of vitamin B1 had excellent inhibitory activity.

Through experiments, it was found that high-dose TPP could reduce the production of aortic plaque in mice with arteriosclerosis, which may provide a new idea for the prevention and treatment of arteriosclerotic cardiovascular diseases in the future.

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

Second, atherosclerosis, which is harmful to health, is mainly related to "four highs and one suck".

When it comes to arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, most people think that they are the same, both are related to cardiovascular disease. In fact, they are not the same disease.

Arteriosclerosis refers to the thickening and elastic deterioration of the arterial wall caused by various factors, including atherosclerosis, arteriolar sclerosis and medial calcification of the arteries.

When arteriosclerosis occurs in the body, it will cause the lumen of the blood vessels to become narrow, so that the blood circulation is blocked, resulting in the inability of various organs to obtain sufficient blood supply, which is easy to cause myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, arteriosclerosis occlusion of the lower limbs and other diseases;

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

The occurrence of atherosclerosis is mainly related to the "four highs and one suck", what are they?

High blood lipids: High triglycerides and cholesterol can easily adhere to the blood vessel wall, which will lead to hardening of the arteries after aggregation.

Hyperglycemia: People with high blood sugar often have problems with fat metabolism, and the apolipoprotein in the blood is degenerated, which is easily deposited inside the blood vessels when transporting fat, forming atherosclerosis.

High blood pressure: High blood pressure can cause mechanical damage to the lining of arteries, making it easier for lipids to be deposited in the lining of blood vessels.

High body weight: Obese people have a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and are prone to three highs.

Smoking: Carbon monoxide, nicotine and other ingredients in cigarettes can damage the endothelium of blood vessels after entering the body, making it easier for fat in the blood to be deposited on the inner wall of blood vessels.

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

3. 3 ways of eating can help remove waste from the blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis

Hong Zhaoguang, a health education expert, said that arteriosclerosis is the basis for the occurrence of many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and enough attention must be paid to this. In your daily diet, you should pay attention to eating selectively.

A study published in the journal "Cardiovascular Research" of the European Society of Cardiology pointed out that in order to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, healthy adults should pay attention to three points in their diet:

One is to eat less red meat and limit salt;

the second is to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, etc.;

The third is to replace butter with olive oil and other non-tropical vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids, as well as animal fats and tropical vegetable oils.

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

Specific to each food, it is enough to keep meat at 40~75g per day, eat more white meat such as chicken and fish, and eat less red meat, and the daily salt intake should be controlled below 5g;

It is recommended that normal people consume 1 egg per day to supplement calcium and protein, consume 300~600g of fish meat per week to supplement omega-3 fatty acids, and the dietary guidelines recommend a daily intake of about 300ml of dairy products, 300~500g of vegetables, and 200~300g of fruits;

Beans are rich in protein and dietary fiber, with a weekly intake of less than 720g, and nuts are rich in dietary fiber and linoleic acid, with a daily intake of 30g.

Staple foods should pay attention to the combination of coarse and fine grains, 1~2 servings of whole grains can be consumed every day, the drink is mainly boiled water, it is best not to drink sugary drinks, coffee and tea should be controlled intake, no more than 3 cups a day.

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

Fourth, to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, in addition to diet, we must also do these 3 points

If you want to prevent atherosclerosis, you need to start from the details of your life, and these things are very important.

Weight control: Obesity can lead to a significant increase in the risk of atherosclerosis, so keep your BMI within the normal range, be careful not to lose weight extremely, keep your mouth shut and open your legs.

Regular life: Good lifestyle Xi habits help to keep the internal environment of the body stable, which is good for the prevention and treatment of diseases. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to going to bed early and waking up early, emotional stability, and people who have the Xi habit of smoking and drinking alcohol should quit as soon as possible.

Regular physical examination: Physical examination can detect abnormalities in the body in time, so as to achieve early detection and early intervention.

For the first time, Chinese scientists have discovered that this common B vitamin may prevent and treat atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis has a great impact on health, and there are generally no obvious symptoms in its early stage, so regular physical examinations are very important, and it is recommended that everyone develop this good Xi.


[1] "Academic News of Alma Mater|Professor Hu Qinghua's Team Publishes Research Results on Original Target Discovery of Atherosclerotherapy in Eur Heart J", China Pharmaceutical University Alumni Association.2023-12-08

[2] "Arteriosclerosis ≠ atherosclerosis, it is the "culprit" of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases!

[3] "Prevent atherosclerosis, eat like this!", Health Times.2021-10-12

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