
The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

author:Yunzhou Shice


The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai, the great romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty, with his uninhibited character and outstanding literary talent, left countless poems that have been praised through the ages.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

The marriage of the great poet is also a different kind of romance, the two wives are the granddaughters of the prime minister, famous ladies, and the two live-in girlfriends are, romantic widows.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

If you have money, you get married, and if you don't have money, you live together

In that era when the right people were right, Li Bai was born in a merchant family and did not have an official position, but he won the heart of the Xu family with his talent and beauty. Xu is not only beautiful and intelligent, but also the granddaughter of Xu Yushi, the prime minister of Tang Gaozong.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai, who had no fixed residence, finally didn't have to travel the world, and settled directly in his wife's house. Many people say that Li Bai is a big deal, which is purely the charm of Li Taibai, who is underestimated. The children are all surnamed Li, and the main thing is a soft rice and hard food.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

But the irony is that in the year when the 26-year-old Li Bai ate the first bite of soft rice in his life, the 29-year-old Wang Changling had already entered the rank of scholar and entered the official career seriously.

"Hearing that Wang Changling moved to the left and Longbiao Yao sent this"

Yang Hua fell to the end of the rules,

Smell the dragon mark over the five streams.

I send my sorrow and the bright moon,

Follow you until the night is long.

Maybe in the eyes of modern people, what is so good about Wang Changling as a civil servant, it is better than Li Bai to be a star, travel the world, and have fans to give gifts and money wherever he goes, how good.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

You must know that in ancient times, the division between rich and poor was very clear, and it was easy to fall downward, but it was difficult to go up. Xu, who gave everything for love, paid a terrible price for it.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

As the daughter of an official eunuch, Xu was originally a scholarly family, but because she married the businessman Li Bai, the class declined, and the three children ended up very miserable.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai knows poetry and books to learn martial arts, and that is because Li Bai's father has spent a lot of money to train him since he was a child. When Li Bai had a child himself, he didn't have the funds to train him, and the child couldn't be a martial artist.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

The son disappeared when he was a teenager, and since then the only legal bloodline of Li Bai has been cut off. The two daughters could not afford to pay the dowry, and the father had no official position, so he had to marry a local farmer casually.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

After Xu's death due to illness, he began to frequently leave his family and travel around, hoping to meet the nobles in his life.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Although Li Bai had no money and no official position, he was talented and charming, he went to the capital and got acquainted with an officer. Through the recommendation of this officer, he gave full play to his expertise and wrote sycophancy poems for the princess.

When to enter the young room, the queen mother should meet.
The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

He praised the princess for becoming an immortal sooner or later, coaxed the princess very happy, and lived in Princess Yuzhen's annex from then on. With the princess's connections, he began to meet with various princes and ministers to recommend himself, but all failed.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

The princess is not a little girl who is ignorant of the world, because Princess Yuzhen at this time is almost forty years old, Li Bai can't ask for an official position, she won't raise Li Bai for too long.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai, who had no money and no officials, could only marry the daughter of a farmer or a merchant. But he didn't look down on people of the same class, and was only willing to marry aristocratic wives. So he could only find some pretty widows who didn't need to get married, and live together.

Li Bai looked for Liu at first. However, the marriage was not as happy as he had hoped. Liu's personality is strong and he can't stand Li Bai's perennial wandering life.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

You must know that Li Bai's principle is that one person eats enough and the whole family is not hungry, Liu doesn't understand how such a person dares to have children, the contradiction between the two continues to escalate, and Liu sees that he is unreliable and breaks up with him.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Later, Li Bai changed to a girlfriend, this girlfriend was really good-hearted, and gave birth to an illegitimate child to Li Bai before getting married. Li Bai always felt that his rich and noble days were still ahead, so he ignored the mother and son.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

It can be said that with this departure, Li Bai will be cut off from children and grandchildren. After many emotional twists and turns, Li Bai finally met Zong, a loyal fan who could truly understand and support him.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

The acquaintance and love between Li Bai and the Zong family are full of poetry and romance. Zong is the granddaughter of Zong Chuke, the prime minister of Tang Gaozong, and when she saw Li Bai's poem written on the wall, she fell in love with Li Bai at first sight.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Zong is a star-chasing girl of that era, she not only married 57-year-old Li Bai, but also went to the door many times to ask for help in order to get Li Bai, who was imprisoned.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai has only been in class for three years in his life, he travels and drinks every day, where does all this money come from, does it all rely on women? The answer is hidden in this poem.

The Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun to send me love.
The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai - Earning money depends on the reward of the big brother of the fan

Li Bai's background is quite unique. According to historical records, his ancestors were migrated to the Western Regions at the end of the Sui Dynasty for smuggling salt and iron. You must know that salt and iron were the most profitable business in ancient times.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

In the Tang Dynasty, his family did business in the Sichuan region. This family environment provided Li Bai with sufficient financial support, allowing him to travel all over the world and enjoy the beauty of the world.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

When he went out, his father gave him 300,000 yuan, which can be said to be a lot of money. But it didn't take long for him to squander it.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

In Li Bai's poems, we can also get a glimpse of his family's wealth. This is enough to prove that Li Bai's family must have a lot of valuables, which are not comparable to ordinary poor families.

He wrote in "Gulang Moon Xing": "When you don't know the moon, you call it a white jade plate. ”
The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

In terms of economy, the generosity of Wang Lun and other wealthy people made Li Bai's life worry-free. Li Bai and Wang Lun's friendship is actually not too deep.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

The reason why I want to "Give Wang Lun" is because Wang Lun gives too much money. Therefore, Li Bai rarely writes poems with depression, one is that he has a bold personality, and the other is that he eats people and has a soft mouth, and the poems he writes to the gold lord are best to make people happy.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

To put it simply, Li Bai was a traffic star of that era, and it was a face-saving thing to invite him to appear and let him write poems. Although the price will not be clearly marked, but you know everything, you have to give money, and you have to eat and drink.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Therefore, Tang Xuanzong also gave him a lot of money when he treated people like Li Bai. Because everyone knows that he lives by writing poetry. Such a person and being an official are really unbeatable.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai - obsessed with taking shortcuts

When Li Bai was young, he used to live in seclusion in Zhongnan Mountain, a Taoist holy place where many literati and scholars gathered. At that time, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty revered the Taoist Lao Tzu Li Er, and Taoism was very popular in society.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Therefore, the imperial court often went to Zhongnan Mountain to recruit talents. Therefore, Zhongnanshan is known as a "shortcut", and you can become an official without passing the imperial examination.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Although he drank alcohol and his poems were passed down to future generations, Li Bai still failed to get the opportunity to hold an official position. may be due to the high requirements of the imperial court for the personnel recruited by Zhongnanshan at that time, or perhaps Li Bai was not favored.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

So, he began to seek other opportunities, he came to Zhejiang, and met the famous Taoist priest Wu Yun. Wu Yun was invited by Tang Xuanzong to go to Chang'an to take up an official position.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai decided to follow Wu Yun into Beijing together, and hoped that Wu Yun could introduce him to He Zhizhang, so as to open the door to officialdom. Wu Yun fulfilled his promise and introduced Li Bai to He Zhizhang.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

And He Zhizhang was full of praise for Li Bai's talent and decided to recommend it to Emperor Tang Xuanzong. Through He Zhizhang's introduction, Li Bai finally obtained the official position of enshrined in Hanlin, became a confidant of Tang Xuanzong, and realized his ideal in his life.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

However, Li Bai's officialdom career was not too smooth, and he soon found himself unsuitable for being an official. He did not abide by the discipline of work, often left his post without permission, and stayed late at night to have fun with his friends.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Li Bai found that he could not meddle in government affairs, and the emperor only regarded him as entertainment and pastime. Li Bai finally decided to resign from his official position. After losing an official position, Li Bai's political fate came to an end completely.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

The Hanlin position given to him by Tang Xuanzong is actually the foundation of civil officials, which is equivalent to the current secretary's office. Compared with starting from the county order at the grassroots level, Hanlin is actually a shortcut.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

But Li Bai not only wants to be a big official when he comes up, but also is unwilling to start from a small position, which is a very naïve idea. And it can be seen from his actions that he has no ability to rule the world.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Tang Xuanzong found an excuse to give him money back to his hometown. He was born into a merchant family and did not receive a traditional education as an official since he was a child. Although he has martial arts, he refuses to be a soldier.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

Many poets in the Tang Dynasty were actually generals, and civil officials had no hope of writing from Rong. But Li Bai always wanted to ascend to the sky in one step, and after the Anshi Rebellion, he immediately took refuge

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

However, regardless of success and failure, Li Bai is still a great poet, and his poetry is still praised by people today. Irreplaceable literary everyone. With his character, if he was born in modern times, he will definitely be able to mix the wind and water.

The real Li Bai in history: If he doesn't work all his life, he can still have four marriages, where does his money come from

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