
Yao Yang, a professor at Peking University: Children can't think and are becoming problem-solving machines

author:Xinyan will tell the story

Yao Yang, a professor at Peking University, said: There is a big problem in our education.

More and more parents and teachers are starting to worry that our children are becoming soulless problem-solving machines. They can memorize a lot of knowledge points, they can complete one set of test papers after another from beginning to end, but when we ask them a simple question: "What is the meaning of life?", they are helpless.

Yao Yang, a professor at Peking University: Children can't think and are becoming problem-solving machines

Yao Yang, a professor at Peking University, said in a recent interview that there is a big problem with our education. He delved into the shortcomings of the education system and found that the current educational model does not develop students' creativity, critical thinking and independent thinking. Children just spend most of their time with repetitive mechanical memorization and stereotyped test-taking techniques, while real thinking and exploration are left behind.

A desert of spiritual growth

Education should be the sunshine and rain for children's growth, but the reality is that people are anxious. Our children are living in an era of information explosion, and they are exposed to a lot of knowledge every day, but can this knowledge really nourish their spiritual growth?

Yao Yang, a professor at Peking University: Children can't think and are becoming problem-solving machines

Professor Yao Yang pointed out that we should pay attention to children's thinking ability, not just cultivate their memory ability. Allowing children to learn to think and ask questions on their own is what really stimulates their creativity and imagination. However, under the current education system, thinking is suppressed and creativity is forgotten.

From a problem-solving machine to an independent thinker

We can't let children be reduced to problem-solving machines all the time, and we can't leave the framework that has been set. Instead, we should encourage them to think for themselves, ask questions, and find answers. Only in this way will they be able to become more confident and flexible in the face of a changing society in the future.

Professor Yao Yang suggested that teachers should guide students to train their thinking critically and encourage them to ask questions and question traditional ideas. Schools should provide diversified Xi resources to encourage students to participate in practical, innovative and social practice activities. In such an environment, students can truly achieve all-round development of personality.

Yao Yang, a professor at Peking University: Children can't think and are becoming problem-solving machines

Educational reform that paralyzes thinking

We can no longer allow the education system to paralyze children's thinking and creativity. Now is the time for a radical education overhaul! We need to break the shackles of test-oriented education and create an educational environment that fosters children's thinking skills and creativity.

Professor Yao Yang's appeal has attracted widespread attention. More and more educators, parents and society are beginning to discuss the importance of education reform. We must take the first step towards change and let the flowers of children's thinking bloom brilliantly!

We look forward to change

The expectations of the masses of the people on the issue of education are enormous. We aspire to see children become truly independent thinkers of the future. We want them to not just do problems mechanically, but to think and solve problems on their own.

When faced with problems, we cannot run away from them, let alone leave them behind. We should seize the opportunity for change and strive to promote progress and innovation in education. Only in this way can our children move towards a bright future.

Let us take action together and call for the arrival of educational reform! Only through change can we usher in the development of education in the true sense!

I would like to thank Professor Yao Yang for speaking out on education issues, and thank everyone who cares about education reform. Let's work together to open the door to thinking for children, guide them to explore the ocean of knowledge, and move towards a better future!