
More than 30 yuan a bottle of large factory products - Jianzhuang Qu wine, how does it taste? Specifications to see the wine, smell the taste

author:Bingo has wine

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Wuliangye's Jianzhuang Qu wine, but captured the hearts of many wine friends, deeply loved by some wine friends, but the new products of Jianzhuang Qu wine listed, the controversy of wine friends is still relatively large, praise and criticism, some people say that this has this old and fragrant style, but some people say that this wine is blended wine, that is, not soft and not smooth, etc., so let's take a look at its taste today?

More than 30 yuan a bottle of large factory products - Jianzhuang Qu wine, how does it taste? Specifications to see the wine, smell the taste

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > specifications</h1>

Aroma type: strong fragrance type

Degrees: 52 degrees

Content: 500 ml

Raw materials: water, sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, wheat, corn

Origin: Yibin City, Sichuan Province

More than 30 yuan a bottle of large factory products - Jianzhuang Qu wine, how does it taste? Specifications to see the wine, smell the taste

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > to watch wine and smell the aroma</h1>

This wine is colorless and transparent, shaking the glass, and it is found that this hanging cup is not very obvious, but the hops are still relatively plump and delicate:

The aroma of this wine is relatively clean, there is no miscellaneous taste, and the aroma of this cellar is still relatively strong, and it also carries the compound aroma of grain aroma and quxiang.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > taste</h1>

The feeling of this wine entrance is as clean as the aroma, there is no miscellaneous taste, its feeling on the tongue will not be spicy, stimulating taste, giving people the feeling is very soft, very smooth, alcohol to the tongue stimulation is really small, not like 52 degrees of liquor, but the sweet taste of the entrance is very fast; to the middle, you can feel the feeling of cellar incense, is very rich; to the aftertaste, the bitter taste is very obvious, the sweetness of the belt is also relatively long; the empty cup is also relatively clean, The incense is also very sufficient.

More than 30 yuan a bottle of large factory products - Jianzhuang Qu wine, how does it taste? Specifications to see the wine, smell the taste

Such a price, there is such a quality, I personally think, this cost performance is still relatively high, I don't know what everyone thinks?

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