
Identify the real and false herb wine, the method is too simple, smell to know, the real wine of the herb fragrance is difficult to imitate the fake for half a year to know where the fake wine is true, how to identify the fake herb wine why to pretend to be a hundred grass koji wine, how to impersonate? Wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Hundred Herbs Qu Wine


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > to fight counterfeiting for half a year to know where the fake wine leave is</h1>

Last year, while looking for folk traditional wines, I came across a "BaicaoQu Wine" in Chongqing (Yunyang). The owner of the wine claims that "Hundred Herbs Qu" is his family's "600-year-old ancestral secret recipe, intangible cultural heritage items, and state secret recipes, using 108 flavors of hundred herbs to make koji, brewed by traditional craftsmanship." Because it was the first time I saw it, it felt magical. I also know the existence of some medicinal liquor songs, so I have a special understanding of the history of medicinal liquor koji in China, as well as the development trajectory.

Identify the real and false herb wine, the method is too simple, smell to know, the real wine of the herb fragrance is difficult to imitate the fake for half a year to know where the fake wine is true, how to identify the fake herb wine why to pretend to be a hundred grass koji wine, how to impersonate? Wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Hundred Herbs Qu Wine

As a result, there was doubt in the tasting. The first bottle felt particularly good, with a faint oak barrel smell. It should be known that many precious foreign wines have this taste, so that the oak barrel flavor has become a sign of the nobility of the wine. That's because the body of the wine is aged in oak barrels, which means that the wine as a whole is vintage, not a good wine that will not be aged for many years.

But the second bottle did not smell like an oak barrel, and I immediately asked him, answering that it was not stored in a container. This explanation is obviously weak and does not convince people. Then he saw that his price continued to rise, relying on the continuous denigration of all the wines on the market, especially Maotai and Wuliangye, taking the opportunity to increase his small workshop wine from dozens of pieces to a maximum of 3980 yuan a bottle (jin).

Later, I inadvertently found a problem on the wild fruit "Golden Cherry". According to him, he made wine with golden cherry blossoms, and it took 10 pounds of fresh fruit for 10 pounds to make a pound of wine. Local friends say that this thing is all over the mountains, and it is only a few dollars a pound when it is ripe in autumn. Then combing through it found that the counterfeiting of this wine had reached the level of unscrupulousness. So from February 3, 2020, 10 anti-counterfeiting articles were written in a row and posted to the platform with "Baijiu Jianghu Deception Revealed 1-10".

Identify the real and false herb wine, the method is too simple, smell to know, the real wine of the herb fragrance is difficult to imitate the fake for half a year to know where the fake wine is true, how to identify the fake herb wine why to pretend to be a hundred grass koji wine, how to impersonate? Wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Hundred Herbs Qu Wine

So far, the main counterfeit contents of this wine, including "600 years of inheritance, intangible cultural heritage, state secret formula, 108 to 144 flavors of herb song", are clearly revealed. It is also because the parties did not submit any evidence, and the proof was all made up by themselves. Even he did not make wine at all, but bought the wine of a small workshop nearby and sold it at a high price by making up his own story. According to his own chat records, his fake liquor trading was seized by the market supervision department on the fifth day of the first month of the first month.

At the same time as fighting counterfeiting, a friend introduced a hundred grass qu liquor, which is also in Chongqing. However, the family provided all the documents to determine that it was an intangible cultural heritage item in the area and was the only one.

After drinking the serious Herb Koji wine, I finally understood that the Herb Koji wine is not good for counterfeiting. Because the taste of the real Herb Koji wine is highly recognizable, it can hardly be imitated, unless the national bartending level, but also the use of top equipment and flavors may be able to blend out.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to identify true and false herb wine</h1>

Fake herb wine is not to be said, there is no slightest taste of herb, it is ordinary small koji sorghum wine. The real Herb Qu wine, in fact, has long had a model, that is, Dong wine. That is to say, the recognition of Dong Xiang's type is very high and it is not easy to imitate. This baicaoqu wine is more distinctive than the aroma of Dongjiu, because he is still brewed by complete traditional craftsmanship. Not only the process, but also the grain, koji making, fermentation and distillation, are all made by the workshop owner himself.

Identify the real and false herb wine, the method is too simple, smell to know, the real wine of the herb fragrance is difficult to imitate the fake for half a year to know where the fake wine is true, how to identify the fake herb wine why to pretend to be a hundred grass koji wine, how to impersonate? Wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Hundred Herbs Qu Wine

I spent three days tasting his wine, a total of five items: Luzhou Qu Corn Wine, Baicao Qu Corn Wine, Baicao Qu Sticky Sorghum Wine, Baicao Qu Glutinous Sorghum Wine, and Bitter Buckwheat Wine. Among them, Luzhou qu corn wine is the cheapest, and buckwheat wine is the most upscale. After three days, I couldn't choose between them, and I felt that the lowest grade was better than the fake high-end Herb Koji wine I had ever drunk.

I found and recommended ration wine for netizens, and the core standards of ration wine are three: pure solid grain wine (no fermentation other than addition), cost-effective (good wine is not expensive), and local folk specialty wine. Chongqing is located in the east of Sichuan, since ancient times has been the production and distribution center of folk small qu liquor, the world-famous Jiang Xiaobai is in the east of Sichuan. Therefore, "Hundred Herb Koji Wine" should be a very distinctive folk wine in this area.

The method of identifying true and false Baicaoqu liquor is very simple, there is no need for high-tech testing, nor is it necessary for national wine evaluators to taste, as long as the bottle is opened, ordinary drinkers can easily identify. The real herb wine, the aroma of the herbs is strong, it is not the taste of lees, nor the taste of the cellar, nor the musty taste of grain. The pretended Herb Koji wine only has the taste of ordinary koji wine, and the authenticity is immediately determined.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > why pretend to be Baicao Qujiu, how to pretend? </h1>

The counterfeit Baicao Qu liquor mentioned at the beginning of this article belongs to the unscrupulous type, and actually dares to blindly make up the content of "intangible cultural heritage" and "state secrets", so it is seized. Then there is the commonly used method of cutting corners, that is, the weeds used to make koji are less than 100 flavors, a few flavors or dozens of flavors.

Identify the real and false herb wine, the method is too simple, smell to know, the real wine of the herb fragrance is difficult to imitate the fake for half a year to know where the fake wine is true, how to identify the fake herb wine why to pretend to be a hundred grass koji wine, how to impersonate? Wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Hundred Herbs Qu Wine

In the production of folk koji sake, it is normal to use weeds in sake songs, and it is also a historical inheritance. In the early Zhengshi "Book of Shang", there is the exact word "grass song", called "qu tiller". Among them, "tillers" are weeds, and "koji " (koji)" is broken grain, and the two are combined to make koji. The original words of the Book of Shang: "If you make wine, you will only be a tiller." It is recorded that Emperor Gaozong of yin merchants compared himself and the chancellor to wine and wine, which shows that the relationship is inseparable.

In the eastern Sichuan region, there are many herb wineries. Especially in Chongqing, there are more hundred grass qu liquor and bitter buckwheat wine than other regions, all of which say that they have ancestral traditions, ancient methods and traditional crafts. However, the data shows that within the jurisdiction of Chongqing Municipality, only this one is recognized, and the intangible cultural heritage catalogue is the "Lu's Traditional Production Technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine Wine Qu" in Qianjiang District, and there is no second one.

So, why do you have to use the banner of "Hundred Grass Songs"? Are they all herbs? The answer is not difficult, except for the outright fake ones in the front, most of them are honest workshop owners. It's just that the wine song is not necessarily all hundred grasses, generally dozens of kinds of grasses, less than three kinds. According to practical experience, koji containing more than 40 kinds of grass is also called "hundred grass koji", but the flavor of the wine is not enough. Lu's descendants have said that he can collect more than 80 kinds of food in the local mountains, and he also has to go to the medicinal material market to purchase more than 30 kinds, which is enough for 108 flavors.

Identify the real and false herb wine, the method is too simple, smell to know, the real wine of the herb fragrance is difficult to imitate the fake for half a year to know where the fake wine is true, how to identify the fake herb wine why to pretend to be a hundred grass koji wine, how to impersonate? Wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Hundred Herbs Qu Wine

It can be seen that the herb song is simple to say, and it is difficult to collect medicine. Besides, being able to form a mature recipe of experience and pass it down from generation to generation is even more remarkable. Therefore, the ancestral production of mature herb music can be included in the intangible cultural heritage, rather than saying that your ancestors have been passed down for hundreds of years, and you must have evidence to make people believe.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Baicaoqu wine</h1>

My tasting of wine is the method of folk experience, and when tasting wine is drunk, it is simple and rude. Aroma, price and brand are not suitable for tasting, only the feeling of smelling and drinking, judging the quality of the wine by the degree of comfort and deliciousness of drinking. Of course, it is limited to grain wine, if you smell alcohol or flavor, you will not taste it and drink it, and you will not taste it. When you encounter a good wine, you should also do further tasting, drink as much as possible, and experience the feeling of drunkenness. If you pass the experience, it is considered a good wine and shares the drunkard friends in the group.

Let's just say that the last trick of my tasting, some drinking friends said that my trial drunkenness was a destructive experiment, I think it makes sense. Excluding the previous 2007 original pulp old wine, this year has been three times: drinking 50 years of sauce wine in Renhuai, Yibin drinking 10 years of 68 degrees of fragrant original pulp, and drinking Lujia's Baicao qu wine at home. A few experiences have led to an experience: good wine is not drunk. In fact, it is not drunk or not, it is not easy to get drunk, and it is sobering up while drinking. One of the hundred grass songs is also unable to stop drinking, just want to drink, feel like drinking 50 years of sauce wine, of course, there is a certain difference in the quality of the wine.

Here is a record of Mr. Haidian Ma's wine review in Beijing, as an ordinary wine friend, this comment is grounded, although not necessarily accurate, for your reference:

Identify the real and false herb wine, the method is too simple, smell to know, the real wine of the herb fragrance is difficult to imitate the fake for half a year to know where the fake wine is true, how to identify the fake herb wine why to pretend to be a hundred grass koji wine, how to impersonate? Wine lovers' tasting of Lu's Hundred Herbs Qu Wine

Master Lu [shake hands] could not wait to taste the two wines: bitter buckwheat and sweet sorghum, (1) The aroma of the two wines was not active enough, and the smell was more restrained, which was different from the aroma characteristics of Daqu wine. Which category it belongs to is not clear, moving the wine glass lightly sniffing has a slight nectar fragrance, but the deep smell is an inexplicable sense of taste, and the sense of elegance is lacking! (2) The entrance is soft and clumps, the herbal music fragrance is obvious, the grain is fragrant, and the return is sweet. The bitterness of the tail section of sorghum wine is obvious, and there is no evil smell! There is no irritation in the throat, no alcohol irritation in the back nasal cavity, soft in the mouth, and smooth in the throat. (3) Although buckwheat wine is a new wine, it does not have any uncomfortable irritation, but it is full of sweetness, why? No bitterness, [Strong] (4) Both wines have turbidity after burning, and the rubbing presents a distinctly bad grain aroma without any irritating substances. (5) Pour the wine into the cup for more than 30 minutes and then smell, the aroma is unchanged, the taste is unchanged, but it is more comfortable and elegant than starting to open the bottle and pour it into the smell. (6) Empty cup incense has a bad incense, cellar incense? There is no odor, but it does not last long enough.

In general, the wine is clean, the smell is not elegant enough, the drink is soft and does not sting the throat, and the alcohol sense is not obvious [strong]

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