
"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

author:Scholars enlighten

She is Li Chunxiu, a dog-hugging girl who dares to love and hate, and has a flamboyant and pungent personality in "Mansion Gate".

is also Ye Hongqiao, who has been pursuing love and freedom all her life in "Absolute Love".

Xie Lan on the screen dares to love and hate, and her personality is spicy and flamboyant, but Xie Lan on the screen is full of bitterness and bitterness.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

If life has to be described as a taste, then Xie Lan's first half of life must be a cup of bitter coffee.

After 27 years of walking alone, Xie Lan finally met the true son of his life.

But when the bitterness came to an end, Sheeran made another decision that seemed unthinkable to everyone: Dink, don't have children.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Unexpectedly, Shi Xiaohong also agreed.

In 2012, Xie Lan risked her life to give birth to a son.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

What exactly made Sheeran change her mind?

What kind of secret did it make a woman willing to give up the opportunity to be a mother?

How is Xie Lan doing now?

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink
"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Xie Lan was born in 1973 in a poor family in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, to parents who were visually impaired.

After Xie Lan was a little older, his parents gave birth to a second child and added a younger brother to Xie Lan.

Fortunately, the child, like Sheeran, is extremely healthy.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

When Xie Lan was 8 years old, in order to give her daughter multiple ways out, Xie Lan's parents sent Xie Lan to learn gymnastics by saving money and land.

And Xie Lan is also very sensible, even if she is tired and tired, she never thinks of giving up.

Because she knows that she is different from others, and she can stand at the same starting point as others, which is earned by her parents who are frugal and work hard.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

In the days of learning Xi gymnastics, it can be said that Xie Lan has always worked the hardest, and she is also the most improved student in the class.

If he continues to follow this step, in time, Xie Lan will definitely become a good gymnast.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Just when everyone was practicing as usual, there was a sudden cry of pain.

When everyone followed the sound and looked over, they found that Xie Lan had fallen to the ground.

The teacher asked to take the injured Xie Lan to a nearby hospital immediately, but Xie Lan's arm still fell to the root of the disease.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

This also means that Xie Lan's gymnastics career has come to an end.

Such a result was unacceptable to 11-year-old Sheeran, for which she broke down and cried.

Strong chagrin, regret, and guilt were intertwined in her heart, and she only felt that she couldn't live with her parents, and that she had let her parents' hard work go to waste.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

After recovering from her injuries, Xie Lan said that she would not continue to study, and her strong self-blame and guilt made her unable to watch her parents work so hard anymore, she had to go outside to work to earn money and share the burden on her parents' shoulders.

It can be said that Xie Lan is already a little bit of a bull at this time.

Under the "good talk" of her parents, Xie Lan was finally persuaded to finish junior high school in an instant.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Do you want to continue your education or go out to work?

Before Xie Lan could make a choice, a local theater troupe took a fancy to Xie Lan, who was pure and weak in appearance, but stubborn in his bones.

Now there is no need to be entangled, Xie Lan agreed to the invitation of the troupe without saying a word and became a member of the troupe.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

During the years of working in the troupe, Xie Lan was busy making money and at the same time transformed into a member of the industry, and she also sensed that the troupe was gradually declining.

If you want to stabilize this bowl of rice, you have to make changes.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink
"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

In 1992, with the support of his parents, Xie Lan was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy and became classmates with Huang Lei, Jiang Wu and others.

During her time at university, Sheeran was constantly looking for opportunities to shoot to ease the burden on her family.

It is said that the opportunity is won by oneself, and Xie Lan was lucky to participate in "Sister and Brother of the Distant Mountains" in his freshman year, which also won the Best Feature Film Award at the Chinese Film Huabiao Awards in 1993.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

It also made directors in the industry see Xie Lan's strength.

In the four years of college, Xie Lan has starred in the filming of many film and television dramas such as "Blood Stained Peach Blossom Water", "Palace Cockfighting", "The Legend of Emperor Yan" and so on.

It can be said that as long as there is a drama to be filmed and money to be made, no matter the size of the role, no matter how much the salary is, Xie Lan doesn't care.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

It is said that practice brings true knowledge, and under this crazy play, Xie Lan has also gained a lot of valuable experience.

In 1995, Xie Lan cooperated with Leslie Cheung and played the role of Juliet, the heroine in the movie "Singing in the Middle of the Night".

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

In 1996, Xie Lan starred in "Camel Road", and with the role of Xing'er in the play, Xie Lan became a frequent guest on the screen.

Xie Lan can finally stop worrying about money.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

In 1998, Cui Fushun in "Conscience" starring Xie Lan was widely praised by the public.

Seeing that their daughter was successful and so promising, while the parents were happy for Xie Lan, they were also heartbroken for Xie Lan's marriage.

In the concept of the older generation, men should marry and women should get married, seeing that Xie Lan is already 25 years old, and there is no friend of the opposite sex around him, his parents are anxious and more guilty at the same time.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

In their hearts, they thought that if it weren't for their lack of ability, if they weren't dragging it down, why would Xie Lan be so tired?

A girl as big as Xie Lan has long been married and has a family, and some even became mothers.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt uncomfortable, so the Xie family's parents tried their best to introduce Xie Lan to the object, and asked Xie Lan about the type she liked, which also annoyed Xie Lan.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

However, what made Xie Lan even more irritating was that when her parents revealed that they wanted to tell Xie Lan about their marriage, the seven aunts, eight aunts, eight aunts, and neighbors all rushed to introduce Xie Lan.

After several refusals to no avail, Xie Lan couldn't bear it anymore and said, "I never thought about getting married." ”

But who would have wanted a slap in the face so quickly.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink
"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

In 1999, Xie Lan met his true destiny when he took over the filming of "Yellow Earth and Blue Earth".

The other party is none other than the male protagonist of this drama - Shi Xiaohong.

At first glance, when the director introduced the male protagonist's name, Xie Lan subconsciously said, "Isn't this a girl's name?"

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

It is said that it is necessary to say "bad things" about people behind their backs, and in the next moment, Shi Xiaohong walked in from the outside, a man with a tough face and a burly figure.

This can make Xie Lan embarrassed to death, and I really can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into.

Seeing this, Shi Xiaohong took the initiative to greet Xie Lan, and the two knew each other.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

This also made Xie Lan have a good impression of Shi Xiaohong.

In getting along day by day, Shi Xiaohong found that Xie Lan was really a very quiet woman, just like her name, like Hollow Valley Youlan, with a touch of coldness.

I like to stay quietly in a corner and read quietly, making it a small world of my own.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

This strong contrast also made Shi Xiaohong a little curious and concerned about Xie Lan.

And we all know that curiosity is often the beginning of a relationship.

As the filming progressed to the later stage, Shi Xiaohong already fell in love with Xie Lan.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

But how to pursue it is indeed a difficult problem for Shi Xiaohong.

After all, love can make people incomparably brave and incomparably cowardly.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Shi Xiaohong can't get past the level in his heart, in Shi Xiaohong's heart, he is 11 years older than Xie Lan, and he is not very handsome, even his career can be described as a world and a world compared to Xie Lan, who has a good development.

Why do people think of themselves?

It wasn't until 2000 that the relationship between the two had a breakthrough.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink
"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

One day in 2000, Shi Xiaohong suddenly suffered a car accident on the way out with friends, but fortunately, everyone in the car was fine.

But thinking of the car accident and the deformed car just now, Shi Xiaohong was still afraid.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

At this time, he also suddenly understood:

"Life is full of impermanence, no one knows what will happen in the next second, it is better to live each day with your heart and try not to leave yourself with regrets. ”

Whether she accepts me or not, I have to show my heart, so that I can count myself as having worked hard, and there is nothing to regret.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

After doing some psychological construction for herself, Shi Xiaohong called Xie Lan.

However, after Xie Lan connected, the originally typed draft was instantly blank, and Shi Xiaohong had to clumsily express his intentions.

But after this confession, the other party remained silent.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

This also made Shi Xiaohong's heart sink gradually.

However, at this moment, Xie Lan said:

"You know everything about my family, right?"

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Although I don't know why Xie Lan suddenly asked like this, Shi Xiaohong still said sincerely: "I know." ”

"So my family has a heavy burden, I'm the eldest daughter in the family, I can never leave them alone, can you understand what I mean?"

"I know, I know. At this point, Shi Xiaohong was not a fool and immediately understood Xie Lan's concerns all along, so he hurriedly said, "I can share it with you." ”

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

"But I don't dare bet. Xie Lan said.

"So even if I get married in the future, I still have to work, and even because of my work I won't have children. ”

Xie Lan said sincerely and frankly, Shi Xiaohong was silent for a long time and didn't know what to say for a while, and finally hung up the phone.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Who would have thought that it didn't take long for Shi Xiaohong to take the initiative to call, he said, he has seen people's hearts for a long time, and hopes that Xie Lan can give him a chance to prove himself.

Regarding what Xie Lan said about Dink, Shi Xiaohong said that young couples and old companions, as long as we live well.

Shi Xiaohong's sincerity touched Xie Lan, and the two confirmed their relationship.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

And at the end of the year, he entered the palace of marriage.

After marriage, Shi Xiaohong did not disappoint Xie Lan and regretted it, he took on the burden of the family with Xie Lan as he said.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

When Xie Lan was too busy with work to take care of the family, Shi Xiaohong would replace Xie Lan to accompany Xie Jia's parents and have a meal with them. Look at what they lack, as long as they find out what they lack or what is suitable for them, Shi Xiaohong will buy it for them as soon as possible.

It is said that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies, even if both parties are sensible people, it is inevitable that there will still be friction and unhappiness when two people with completely different living Xi and temperament live under the same roof.

Especially when it comes to giving birth, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are quite embarrassed.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Xie Lan has a good career, so naturally she doesn't want to give up, and her mother-in-law sees that her son is about to be 40, and she doesn't have a son and a half daughter under her knees, so she is naturally anxious.

Whenever this happens, Shi Xiaohong will come out and take the initiative to mediate.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Under his influence and intervention, the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law gets older and better.

Xie Lan's psychology is also gradually changing.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink
"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

It is said that people's hearts are all flesh and blood, and what Shi Xiaohong has done, Xie Lan can see it all in his eyes, and he can feel it.

In this love and care, Xie Lan has a great sense of security.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

So she was no longer defensive, and she was no longer reluctant to be a mother.

Even looking at the children carved in pink in the crew, I will have a longing.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

In 2012, Xie Lan was pregnant, and for this unexpected and expected child, Xie Lan thought it was a gift from God.

As the fetus gradually grew up in the womb, Xie Lan realized that being a mother was so happy.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Xie Lan's mother-in-law was even more happy, but then she thought that Xie Lan was 38 years old this year and belonged to an advanced maternal age, so she began to think of ways to supplement Xie Lan's food every day, and at the same time urged Xie Lan to walk more and do more exercise.

In 2012, Xie Lan gave birth to a son.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

Watching his son grow up day by day, Xie Lan's heart was worried about him, and he was reluctant to leave half a step at all.

Even if the crew offered no matter how generous the conditions were, and even allowed Xie Lan to take his son with him, Xie Lan politely refused.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

She set herself a goal of staying until her son was 3 years old before going out to work.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

But it wasn't until his son was six years old that Xie Lan reappeared in front of the public.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink


Today's Xie Lan has both family and career, and the two are happy.

Once as bitter as coffee, with her personal efforts, it has also become a fragrant cappuccino.

"Xiangxiu" Xie Lan: For the deaf and mute parents refused to fall in love, and her husband sacrificed for love to make her give up Dink

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