
Beware! The organs of the body are most afraid of you doing these things! Many people are still doing it

author:GP online

The human body is like a delicate instrument, and each organ and tissue has unique functions and needs. However, some common Xi and behaviors in daily life can cause harm to them. This article will reveal the most feared things of each organ of the body and remind everyone to avoid these bad Xi!

The stomach is most afraid of "fast, full, hot":

Respond "quickly": In order to protect the gastric mucosa, the food should be crushed and chewed finely, so that the saliva can fully mix the food, which helps digestion and protects the gastric mucosa.

Cope with "satiety": avoid long-term overeating and follow the principle of moderate diet. When you feel full, you should stop eating to avoid excessive digestive burden on your stomach.

Coping with "hot": Foods should be eaten until they have cooled a little, and overheated foods should be avoided to reduce the risk of mucosal cell lesions.

In addition, to properly strengthen the spleen and repair the gastric mucosa, you can use Codonopsis, Astragalus, Atractylodes and other decoctions instead of tea.

Beware! The organs of the body are most afraid of you doing these things! Many people are still doing it


Cope with "holding back bowel movements": People should establish regular bowel Xi habits, drink moderate amounts of water after waking up in the morning or after meals, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, and promote bowel movements.

Hold back your drink: Maintain adequate water intake and avoid drinking plenty of water when thirsty to keep your intestines moist and help you have smooth bowel movements.

The heart is most afraid of assault workouts:

Coping: Make an exercise plan that suits you, gradually increase the amount of exercise, and avoid sudden strenuous exercise. Moderate exercise can improve heart function and enhance physical fitness.

In addition, kneading the Neiguan acupoint and drinking hawthorn salvia tea can also help protect the heart.

The lumbar spine is most afraid of "freezing, pressure, and weight":

Coping with "freezing": pay attention to the warmth of the waist to avoid the cold stimulation of the waist. In the cold season or in an air-conditioned environment, you can add warmth measures such as waist protection.

Deal with "pressure": Maintain a correct sitting and standing posture to reduce the pressure on the lumbar spine as much as possible. Perform regular lumbar stretching exercises to relieve muscle tension in the area.

Coping with "weight": Try to avoid excessive bending or spraining the waist due to carrying heavy objects, and it is recommended to use appropriate tools and techniques to share the weight and reduce the local burden on the lumbar spine.

Beware! The organs of the body are most afraid of you doing these things! Many people are still doing it

The gallbladder is most afraid of "squeal":

Coping: Develop good eating Xi and minimize the intake of unhealthy foods such as high sugar, fat and salt. Eat more fruits and vegetables to ensure a balanced diet. Drink plenty of fluids to help prevent stone formation and promote the excretion of urine crystals.

The pancreas is most afraid of "pressure":

Coping: Eating regularly and avoiding overeating and excessive alcohol consumption can help relieve the pancreas' "work stress".

The eyes are most afraid of "dryness" and "tiredness":

Coping with "tiredness": take proper rest, leave the place where you work or study Xi every once in a while, look into the distance or close your eyes to rest. After prolonged eye use, some eye care measures can be taken, such as proper massage relaxation or the application of eye patches.

Dealing with "dryness": Pay attention to the moderate humidity in the room and avoid staying in a dry environment for a long time. On weekdays, you can apply heat or cold compresses to promote blood circulation in the eye area and relieve eye fatigue and dryness.

The kidneys are most afraid of taking medicine indiscriminately:

Response: Take the medication as prescribed, do not change the dosage or abuse the drug without permission. Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse if you have any concerns or discomfort while taking your medication.

Beware! The organs of the body are most afraid of you doing these things! Many people are still doing it

bladder 最怕"憋":

Coping: Develop a good urination Xi on weekdays, and discharge it in time if you have the intention to urinate, so as to avoid frequent urination. Arrange your time reasonably at work, Xi or when you go out, and try to ensure regular urination to avoid damage to the bladder caused by excessive urine retention.
