
47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

author:Quiet entertainment

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In today's variety show field, Hunan Satellite TV has always been in the leading position in the industry with its unique creativity and high-quality production. Among them, I have to mention a number of popular programs launched by Mango Channel.

47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

"Flowers and Boys 5" and "The Sound of Life" are their recent masterpieces. In these programs, the daily life and real emotions of the stars have been shown, including many names familiar to the audience, such as Han Hong, Sun Nan, Mao Amin, etc.

47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

The appearance of two goddesses

Recently, in Hunan Satellite TV's variety show, the appearance of the two former sweetheart heroines - Lin Xinru and Chen Qiaoen has aroused heated discussions among the audience. Both are in their 40s, but their styles and attitudes are very different. Ruby Lin, as an experienced actress, her every look and every action reveals a mature charm that matches her age, while Chen Qiaoen still maintains the innocence and liveliness of a girl.

47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

The shadow of age anxiety

In recent recordings, both Ruby Lin and Jon Chan have been honest about their age. Especially Ruby Lin, she mentioned her age many times in the show, and she is particularly sensitive to the number of fifty years old. At the same time, her preference for pink has also been noticed by many viewers, and pink decorations seem to have become a way for her to combat age anxiety.

47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Authenticity and decoration: two attitudes

Chen Qiaoen shows a more real and natural state in the show. Her outfits, from the head of the balls to the slightly side face, look very simple and without too much embellishment. Ruby Lin, on the other hand, chose more well-crafted looks, which also reflects the different attitudes of the two actresses towards their appearance.

47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Past and Present: The Transformation of Two Queens

Looking back, Ruby Lin and Chen Qiaoen are both popular heroines in "Fate I Love You". At that time, they were in the prime of their youth, and their appearance and temperament had reached their peak. Nowadays, with the passage of time, their appearance has also undergone some changes. But in any case, they are the queen of idol dramas in the hearts of the audience, and countless classic characters have become eternal memories in the hearts of the audience.

47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

The audience's choice

In the eyes of the audience, the beauty of truth and nature is often more popular. Instead of pursuing that perfect appearance, it is better to cherish the beauty of every age, which is why Mesozoic actresses such as Qin Hailu , Wu Yue , Yin Tao , Zhou Xun and other Mesozoic actresses are still loved by the audience.

47-year-old Ruby Lin and 44-year-old Chen Qiaoen are in the same frame, and the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

The years go by, and the beauty is eternal

Whether it is Ruby Lin's pink time or Chen Qiaoen's natural demeanor, it is the unique charm that the years have given them. In this fast-paced era, being able to authentically express yourself and embrace every age is undoubtedly the most beautiful scenery. And for the audience, the most important thing is to appreciate the inner beauty of a person, not just the external appearance.

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