
Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

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Fan Chengcheng Bailu Interactive caused controversy, is it a fire CP or is it out of proportion?

Since the launch of the new season of "Let's Run", the popularity has continued to rise, and the program team is also well versed in the audience's preferences, and has set up many interactive links for male and female guests in the program, among them, Fan Chengcheng and Bailu, the "sister and brother" combination, have aroused heated discussions among netizens because their interaction in the show is too intimate

Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

some viewers think that fan chengcheng and bailu's performance in the show is very sweet and full of cp , which is a major attraction in the show , while another part of the audience thinks that some of fan chengcheng 's actions towards bailu in the show are too intimate , and even some disrespect for women , which has caused a lot of controversy

The intimate interaction in the show was accused of crossing the line, and Fan Chengcheng's behavior caused controversy

in the show , fan chengcheng and bailu interact frequently , from the game link to the daily get along , all show extraordinary intimacy , in one of the shows , fan chengcheng needs to apply paint to bailu , but he chose to put his face close to bailu , and even hold bailu 's head with his hand to paint , this move was questioned by many netizens for being too intimate and lacking respect for girls

Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

in addition , some netizens picked up some other controversial behaviors of fan chengcheng in the show , such as pressing bailu in the yellow mud during the game session, covering bailu's mouth with his hand when bailu was talking, and even suddenly pulling away the stool when bailu was sitting

these behaviors are considered by netizens to be disrespectful to girls and lack proper gentlemanly demeanor

Fan escort was "slapped in the face" Fan Chengcheng's past behavior

in the face of netizens' doubts , fan chengcheng 's fans have defended it , thinking that this is just the effect of the show , fan chengcheng is very gentlemanly in private and is very polite to girls

Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

however , netizens picked up that fan chengcheng had also crossed the line with other actresses in other programs or activities , for example , when recording a show with liu yuxin , he suddenly hugged his waist and was rejected when he took a photo with zhang jingyi

"No Proportion" or a real couple? The relationship between Fan Cheng and Bailu has sparked speculation

in the face of the intimate interaction between fan chengcheng and bai lu in the show , many netizens speculated whether the two were really together , after all , judging from some details in the show , the relationship between the two is indeed extraordinary

Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

however , some netizens believe that this is just a deliberate arrangement by the program team in order to hype up the cp , and the two should just be ordinary friends in private

The sense of boundaries in the entertainment industry leads to thinking that respect for women should be the basic criterion

the incident between fan chengcheng and bailu has also triggered people's thinking about the sense of boundary between male and female stars in the entertainment industry , as public figures , the words and deeds of celebrities have attracted the attention of the public , and they should pay more attention to their words and deeds and establish a good social image

Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

When getting along with the opposite sex , maintaining an appropriate distance and proportions is a sign of respect for each other , and it is also a basic quality of a person , teasing and intimate actions should be carried out on the premise that both parties feel comfortable and respectful , and should not be a source of offense and discomfort

Is it a show effect or an individual act? Expect a response from the person concerned

at present , the program team and the parties concerned have not made any response to the interaction between fan chengcheng and bai lu in the show , we also hope that there should be a clear explanation , whether it is the effect of the show or personal behavior , in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and controversies , and more importantly , we hope that all celebrities can take this as a warning , When dealing with the opposite sex , maintain due respect and proportion

Fan Chengcheng's white deer body movements caused controversy, Fan Chengcheng was picked up with a criminal record, hiding the "groping pig hand"?

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