
In 2024, in addition to paying attention to the amount of supplementary payment, flexible employees should also pay attention to three details

author:Colorful Qin'an

We all know that the income of flexible employees is unstable, the salary is a day of work, and the social security payment is real, if the statutory retirement age, the cumulative payment period is less than 15 years, you can not receive social security benefits on a monthly basis. Therefore, social security contributions are very important for flexible employees, and it is related to the question of whether and how much they can receive when they retire.

According to the provisions of the "double reduction" policy of social insurance in May 2019, that is, the policy provisions on reducing the proportion of social insurance premiums and reducing the base of social insurance contributions, on the one hand, the calculation of the average salary of employed persons has been adjusted, and on the other hand, the social security payment year has been adjusted to the natural payment year, that is, January to December is a payment year.

In 2024, in addition to paying attention to the amount of supplementary payment, flexible employees should also pay attention to three details

With the time coming to January 2024, it represents the official start of social security payment in 2024, and various localities have optimized and adjusted the social insurance declaration and payment process. Let's take a look.

Supplementary payment of social security premiums for flexibly employed persons

According to the provisions of the "double reduction" policy of social security, flexible employees can choose an appropriate payment base between 60% and 300% of the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units for social security contributions, and the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units is rising every year, according to the adjustment practice, there is no doubt that the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units will rise in 2023.

In addition, in 2023, 31 provinces and cities across the country have successively raised the minimum wage standard, such as Shanghai raised the minimum wage standard to 2,690 yuan/month, and Guangxi stipulates that the benchmark for enterprise wage growth in 2023 is 5%, the upper line is 11%, and the lower line is 1%. There is also a wage-linked pension calculation base in 2023 that has also risen, which can fully show that the average wage of employed persons in urban units of all calibers in all provinces and cities will rise in 2023, which will lead to the adjustment of the social security payment base in 2024.

According to the practice of adjusting the base of supplementary payment over the years, from August 2024, it is expected that many places will adjust the upper and lower limits of the payment base for flexible employees according to the wage data released by the statistical department.

In 2024, in addition to paying attention to the amount of supplementary payment, flexible employees should also pay attention to three details

There are three details that flexible workers pay attention to

First, the social security contribution base for flexibly employed persons is no longer accepted by the Social Security Bureau. From January 1, 2024, for the newly declared flexible employment social security payment, the social security bureau will accept the insurance registration information and pass the insurance information to the tax department, but it should be reminded that the social security payment base, that is, according to what grade of social security payment or downgrade social security payment, the social security bureau will no longer accept it, but the flexible employment personnel will confirm the social security payment base through the handheld channel or to the tax department.

Second, flexible employees need to apply for insurance suspension before they can terminate their insurance. When a flexibly employed person retires, transfers to the pension insurance of employees or urban and rural residents, that is, when the insurance status or the type of insurance participates changes, he or she must first apply for the suspension of insurance at the Social Security Bureau, and then the suspension information can be transmitted to the tax department through the information sharing platform to terminate the payment status of the insurance.

Suppose that Wang, a flexibly employed person, does not want to pay for the pension insurance of urban and rural residents, but pays the employee pension insurance for flexible employees, that is, transfers to the employee pension insurance. Then, Wang can only apply for employee pension insurance payment after applying for the suspension of urban and rural residents' pension insurance, otherwise there will be a payment conflict, and there will be no way to pay the social security payment for flexible employees.

Assuming that Wang, a flexible employee, retires, then, first apply for the suspension of insurance at the Social Security Bureau, and the tax department can handle the termination of insurance payment, otherwise the social security payment will continue to be withheld and paid, and it is impossible to apply for retirement.

In 2024, in addition to paying attention to the amount of supplementary payment, flexible employees should also pay attention to three details

Third, in 2023, flexible employees who have declared social security contributions but have not paid will be invalidated after the deadline. For these flexible employees, pay attention to the completion of social security contributions before the end of June 2024, no late fees will be charged, and if they are not paid within the time limit, the unpaid data will be deleted, which means that the social security contributions will no longer be paid in 2023.

Sum up

Social security contributions are crucial for flexible workers, and it is a major issue related to whether they can retire and how much pension they can receive. In addition to paying attention to the amount of supplementary payment, flexible employees should also pay attention to the three details of the social security payment base is no longer accepted by the Social Security Bureau, the insurance can only be terminated by the social security bureau, and the flexible employment personnel who have not paid the insurance are invalidated after the deadline.

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Source: Social Security Engineering

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