
Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

In a remote mountain village, an indescribable fog shrouded us. The villagers whispered about a chilling incident, a mysterious story about the butcher Yu Jinghu. This is no ordinary village legend, but a series of creepy real-life events.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The story begins on a cold winter morning. Yu Jinghu, a butcher known for his brutality and violence, is preparing to slaughter a fat pig. However, the day was not as smooth as usual. During the slaughter, the unexpected happened - the fat pig suddenly fought back, and a thrilling fight began. Yu Jinghu used all his strength to finally kill the pig, but his leg was also seriously injured. This was supposed to be just an ordinary slaughtering process, but because of the abnormal resistance of the fat pigs, it became confusing.

1. Cruel fate

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

In a remote mountain village, the butcher Yu Jinghu is known for his rudeness and violence. The villagers stayed away from him because of his unusually cold attitude towards life, and every time he slaughtered him, he seemed extremely cruel. On this cold morning, the air in the village was filled with the chill of winter, and before the sun had fully risen, Yu Jinghu began his work.

Today he was going to slaughter a fat pig, which was huge and looked very plump. Villagers watched, children spied curiously, and adults looked Xi. Yu Jinghu walked to the pigsty, grabbed the fat pig's ears roughly, and dragged it out. The fat pig struggled and let out a sharp cry, but Yu Jinghu was obviously Xi to it and did not waver.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

He fixed the pig to a special rack and took out a sharp butcher's knife from the toolbox next to him. The fat pig seemed to sense the impending danger, and its struggle became more intense, but it could not escape due to the rough force of the thorn tiger. Yu Jinghu raised the butcher knife, his eyes were indifferent, and he was about to attack the neck of the fat pig.

That's when something unexpected happened. The fat pig suddenly broke free with all its might, its body rolling in the air, and then slammed into Yu Jinghu's calf with its teeth. Yu Jinghu was startled by the sudden attack, and he groaned in pain, trying to get rid of the pig's bite.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

"Come on!" Yu Jinghu shouted loudly, his voice full of panic and pain.

The onlookers at first thought it was a normal struggle, but soon realized that something was wrong. Several sturdy villagers rushed forward and tried to help Yu Jinghu get rid of the fat pig's bite. But the fat pig's teeth were so deeply embedded in the tiger's flesh that it didn't let go.

The butcher knife in Yu Jinghu's hand fell to the ground, and while trying to break free, he desperately picked up the knife on the ground and slashed at the body of the fat pig. With each knife, the fat pig's body trembled, but it still bit on Jing Hu's leg and refused to let go.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The fight lasted for a few minutes, and finally after Yu Jinghu cut off three knives and almost exhausted all his strength, the fat pig finally stopped struggling due to excessive blood loss, and its body slowly relaxed, and finally let go of its mouth. Yu Jinghu's face was pale and sweating profusely, he staggered to the ground, looking at his bloodstained legs, and was incoherent for a while.

2. Abnormal phenomena

Yu Jinghu's legs were bleeding profusely, and he clutched the wound tightly, his face pale, and his eyes full of pain. The fat pig had fallen to the ground and was no longer moving. Its body was covered with wounds from the tiger's slashing, and blood stained the surrounding land. Although the onlookers were accustomed to the slaughter, they were still shocked by the fighting.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

"Quick, help me get in the car!" Yu Jinghu shouted to the surrounding villagers.

Two villagers immediately ran over and helped him to the side of the village. They found a carriage and carefully placed Jinghu on it, wrapping his wounded leg in a coarse cloth. The coachman urged the horses, and the carriage slowly drove away from the village and headed for medical treatment in a nearby town.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The atmosphere in the village suddenly became heavy. Some of the villagers began to whisper and discuss what had just happened. Lao Yetou, one of the elders of the village, staggered over to the fat pig's carcass and looked down at it. There was a thoughtful look on his face, as if he was looking for some clue.

"This pig... Why is it so ferocious?" muttered the old leaf.

"Old Yetou, is this a bad omen?" asked a young villager cautiously.

Old Yetou didn't answer, just continued to observe. His eyes eventually fell on the eyes of the fat pig, which seemed to reveal some kind of depth and unusual expression. He shook his head and turned to walk towards the other villagers.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

"I'm going to the village chief, I can't just leave this matter at that. Old Yetou's voice was a little firm.

He walked briskly to the village chief's house. The village chief, a middle-aged strong man, was basking in the sun outside the door. Seeing Lao Yetou coming in a hurry, he immediately got up to greet him.

"Old Yetou, what's wrong, so urgent?" the village chief asked.

"Village Chief, I think this morning's incident is unusual. The pig's counterattack was so fierce that I suggested asking a Taoist priest to take a look. There was a hint of seriousness in the old Yetou's voice.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The village chief frowned, pondered for a moment, and nodded. "Okay, I'll arrange it right away. ”

Early the next morning, the village chief sent someone to a neighboring village to invite a Taoist priest. The Taoist priest wore a blue robe, wore a Taoist crown, and held a wooden sword, giving people a solemn feeling.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

3. The discovery of the Taoist priest

The Taoist priest first came to the corpse of the fat pig. He carefully observed the pig's wound and surroundings, and then began to arrange ritual vessels around the carcass, lighting the spices. As the cigarette smoke swirled, the Taoist priest closed his eyes and began to chant the mantra. The villagers watched in silence, no one spoke, only the sound of wind and incantations echoed in the air.

After completing the ritual of fattening the pig, the Taoist priest asked the village chief about other unusual events that had occurred in the village recently. The village chief referred to the tragic death of a young woman, Su Ya. After hearing this, the Taoist priest immediately said that he needed to go to see Su Ya's home and the scene of death.

They came to the humble home, a simple farmhouse. When the Taoist priest stepped into the house, he first noticed that the atmosphere inside the room seemed to be a little dull. He walked straight to the elegant room, which was simply furnished but kept neat and tidy.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The priest's gaze was quickly drawn to the rope hanging from the corner of the room. It was a tool for Su Ya to hang himself. He walked over, reached out and gently touched the rope, then turned to inspect Su Ya's posthumous photos and relics. His fingers lightly traced over the plain face on the posthumous photo, as if searching for something.

Immediately afterward, the Taoist priest turned to the side of the elegant bed, and found several items on the bedside table that she had used to use in her lifetime. He examined them one by one, and finally his eyes fell on a small jewelry box. When I opened the box, it was empty. The village chief explained that Su Ya's favorite jade pendant was missing.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The Taoist priest nodded, did not speak, and continued to look around the room for clues. He noticed a few drops of dried blood on the sheets. He crouched down and carefully took some samples of blood with a white cloth. Then he stood up and said to the village chief and the villagers who followed, "I need to go and see the cemetery of Suya." ”

The group arrived at a small cemetery located on the edge of the village. The cemetery was quiet and solemn, and the Taoist priest walked to the elegant tombstone and began his ritual again. He placed the ritual in front of the tombstone, lit the spices, and began to chant the incantation. The villagers gathered in a circle again and watched from afar.

After the ceremony, the Taoist priest stood quietly in front of the tombstone, as if thinking about something. He turned to the village chief and said, "I need to go back and prepare some special spells, and I'll come back tomorrow." ”

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The village chief nodded in agreement, and the Taoist priest took his leave and left the cemetery. The villagers exchanged puzzled glances with each other, but no one dared to ask more. They knew that this matter was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, and only Taoist priests could find the answer.

Fourth, the astonishing truth

The Taoist priest set out on the road to Yu Jinghu's house in the early morning of the next day. The village is still reeling from the shock of what happened the day before, and the villagers go about their daily work with apprehension on their faces. The Taoist priest walked along the familiar path, through the center of the village, to the door of Yu Jinghu's house.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

He knocked lightly on the door, but there was no response. The door didn't seem to be locked, so the Taoist priest pushed it in. The sight inside the room stopped him. Yu Jinghu was lying on the bed, his expression distorted, his eyes wide open, and he looked like he had died in extreme fear. The sheets were stained with blood, which looked particularly horrifying.

The Taoist priest slowly approached and began to examine Yu Jinghu's body. He found that the wound on Yu Jinghu's leg had turned black and appeared to be infected with severe corruption. During the careful inspection, the Taoist priest noticed that something was wrong, and he asked the village chief to find a puppet to come over and open the belly of the butcher Yu Jinghu, which contained something.

Carefully slicing open the skin of his abdomen, a strange item was revealed—a jade pendant.

This jade pendant was so delicate that it was carved with elaborate patterns, and the Taoist priest immediately recognized that it was exactly what Su Ya was wearing during her lifetime. He took a closer look at the jade pendant and found that there were tiny traces of blood on it. This discovery led him to make a connection between Jing Hu's death and Su Ya's death.

The Taoist priest left Yu Jinghu's house and returned to the village chief's house. He placed the jade pendant on the table and said to the village chief, "I have found an important clue. ”

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

"This is a plain jade pendant. The village chief recognized the jade pendant, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"Yes, I found it in the belly of the thorn tiger. The Taoist priest said calmly.

"What does that mean?" the village chief asked.

The Taoist priest pondered for a while, and then began to explain: "Su Ya did not commit suicide, but was murdered. I suspect it was done by Yu Jinghu. ”

He went on to explain that based on the circumstances of the death of Yu Pei and Su Ya found in Jing Hu's abdomen, he deduced that Yu Jing Hu had a conflict with Su Ya at some point. The Taoist priest speculated that Yu Jinghu may have tried to assault Su Ya, but eventually killed her and faked the suicide scene. The loss of the jade pendant and its subsequent appearance in the belly of the Jinghu are key evidence.

The village chief's face was solemn when he heard this, and he knew that once the news came out, it would definitely cause a huge shock in the village. He pondered for a moment, then said to the Taoist priest, "We must tell the villagers the truth. ”

The Taoist priest nodded in agreement, knowing the importance of revealing the truth and knowing that it would be a difficult process. He walked out of the house with the village chief, ready to announce the astonishing truth to the villagers. The center of the village soon gathered many villagers, who were eager to know the results of the Taoist priest's investigation.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

5. Causal cycle

The Taoist priest stood in front of the gathered villagers, his voice clear and firm through the silent air. He begins to tell what happened between Jing Hu and Su Ya, and the shocking truth behind it all.

Yu Jinghu tried to mistreat Su Ya. The Taoist priest's words shocked the villagers.

But he was stopped by Suya's father. The Taoist priest continued.

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

"Suya's father?" One of the villagers asked, confused.

"Yes, Suya's father, before he died, transferred his soul to a pig in order to protect his daughter. The Taoist priest's voice revealed a deep sadness.

The Taoist priest went on to recount the situation that morning. When Yu Jinghu was slaughtering the fat pig, the pig suddenly became extremely strong and launched a fierce counterattack. This fat pig is actually the embodiment of Suya's father, who uses all his strength to protect his daughter when he senses her danger. In the fierce fight, although Yu Jinghu killed the fat pig, he was also severely bitten.

"It's all a causal cycle. The Taoist priest's voice echoed among the villagers, "Every immoral act will eventually be punished as it deserves." ”

Folk tale: The butcher killed the pig and cut it three times in a row, and died bizarrely and violently the next day, Taoist priest: cut open the stomach and see

The villagers listened to the Taoist priest's words with thoughtful expressions on their faces. They couldn't help but feel a chill when they recalled Yu Jinghu's behavior before his death, and then linked to his tragic death.

The Taoist priest continued to tell the story, his voice sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low. He tells of the innocence and innocence of Suya, and the great love of her father on the soul level. He emphasized that this story is not only a tragedy, but also a lesson in morality and cause and effect.

"Every action has its consequences. The Taoist priest finally said.

As the Taoist priest's words ended, the village fell silent again. The villagers returned to their homes with a heavy heart. The story is like a mirror that reflects everyone's deepest fears and reflections.

The Encyclopedia of Folk Tales