
Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

On a seemingly ordinary day, an unusual event shattered the tranquility. On that day, the weather was clear, the sun was shining on the land, and everything was as peaceful as usual. Li Daring was busy at the tea stall as usual, until a hobbled old man appeared in front of his tea stall. The old man was poorly dressed, his face was engraved with the traces of time, but his eyes revealed an unfathomable light.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

Out of kindness, Li Daring gave the old man an extra bowl of tea. But what is unexpected is that after drinking tea, this seemingly ordinary old man mysteriously told Li Daring not to come to the tea stall the next day. These words echoed in Li Daring's ears, and he felt a trace of inexplicable unease.

1. Encounters on mountain roads

On a sunny morning, on the official road in the mountains, an old man walked slowly forward. His clothes were plain, and his color had faded a little from the years, like an ordinary old peasant. The old man's face is covered with wrinkles, and each one seems to carry a story of life. There were traces of exhaustion and an unwavering sparkle in his eyes.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

The old man walked along the winding mountain road, his steps slow, but each step seemed steady and powerful. The lush trees on both sides of the road and the sound of birdsong add a bit of life to the early morning. The sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves, dappled and sprinkled on the old man's body, gilding his figure with a layer of gold.

At this moment, the old man saw a small tea stall in front of him from a distance. The tea stall is set up between two large trees, and the sun is shaded by cloth flags that gently sway in the breeze. A hint of surprise flashed in the old man's eyes, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose, forming a gentle smile. He quickened his pace and walked towards the tea stall.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

The tea stall is not big and the furnishings are simple. A small wooden table sits several ceramic tea bowls and a steaming pot of tea. The stall owner is a middle-aged man who is busy pouring tea for a few guests. He looks refreshed and gives a warm smile to every guest.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

The old man walked to the tea stall, stopped, and looked up at the cloth banner hanging above the stall. The cloth banner was written in pitch-black handwriting: "A bowl of tea costs a penny, and there is no bargaining!" The old man nodded slightly, and seemed to agree with this sentence. He walked over to a free spot and sat down, putting down his bags.

The stall owner, Li Daring, noticed the new customer and walked over. He looked at the old man and asked with a smile, "Grandpa, do you want some tea?" The old man nodded, and his voice was slightly hoarse in response: "Well, come to a bowl of tea." Li boldly nodded and quickly turned to pour the tea.

After a while, Li Daring came over with a bowl of hot tea and put it in front of the old man. He said kindly, "You drink slowly." The old man raised his head slightly, nodded to Li Daring, and then lowered his head and began to slowly taste the tea in front of him.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

The old man took out a piece of dry and hard cake from his baggage, broke a small piece vigorously, and then carefully put it into the tea. The cake softened slowly, and the old man gently stirred it with his fingers to let the slices of the cake melt into the tea.

The other guests at the tea stall also noticed the old man's actions, but they all continued to drink their tea silently, without showing too much curiosity or concern. The old man sat quietly, waiting for the cake to soften completely in the tea.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

After a while, the old man began to take small sips of tea mixed with cakes. His movements were very slow, as if savoring the warmth of each sip of tea. The surroundings of the tea stall were quiet, with only the occasional birdsong and the barking of dogs from distant villages breaking the quiet morning.

2. Lee's bold kindness

Li Daring watched intently as the old man made tea, and when he saw the old man putting the dry and hard cakes into the tea, his hand involuntarily stopped. As the shopkeeper of the tea stall, Li Daring is used to seeing all kinds of people, but the old man's actions make him feel an indescribable resonance. In the same way, he softened the dry food of the hard state in order to feed and clothe himself in the same way in his barren years.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

Li boldly turned and walked to the back of the tea stall and scooped a new bowl of hot tea from a large iron kettle. His movements are slow but powerful, and every detail reveals the importance he attaches to this bowl of tea. Picking up the freshly brewed tea, Li Daring slowly walked to the old man's table. He put down the tea bowl and said in a gentle but firm voice: "Drink, I will give you this bowl of tea." ”

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

The old man looked up, his eyes revealing a hint of surprise, he didn't seem to expect to receive such treatment. The old man's hand trembled slightly, and he took the new tea and took a sip gently. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he exclaimed, "The tea is fragrant, good tea!" There was an appreciation for beautiful things in his voice.

Li Daring just nodded slightly, didn't say anything, turned around and returned to the other side of the tea stall, and continued to get busy. His movements were still skillful, but his eyes occasionally turned in the direction of the old man, as if to confirm that the old man was comfortable drinking.

The old man drank the new tea slowly, occasionally turning his gaze to the rest of the tea stall. The scenery around the tea stall is peaceful and beautiful, with the occasional few small birds flying by and making a crisp call. The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves and sprinkles in front of the old man, and the tea glows faintly in the sun.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

The other guests at the tea stall enjoyed their own time, some bowed their heads to taste tea, and some chatted in twos and threes. Occasionally, guests leave and new guests arrive, and the atmosphere at the tea stall is warm and harmonious. The old man sat quietly, as if infected by the comfortable atmosphere, and his movements became more unhurried.

Li Daring cast concerned glances from time to time in his busyness, but he didn't bother the old man, just made sure that everything was in order. His voice is calm and his smile is kind when he talks to his guests, giving people the warmth of home.

Time passed slowly, and the sun gradually crept up into the sky. The number of customers at the tea stalls gradually increased, some were passers-by, and some came to enjoy the aroma of tea here. The old man continued to sit there, occasionally looking down at the tea, and occasionally looking up at the distant mountain road.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

3. Prophetic warnings

Li Daring was arranging the dishes and chopsticks on the tea stall, ready to end the day's work. The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the tea stalls, adding a warm touch of color to this small space. At this moment, the old man's voice suddenly broke the silence: "Wait!" Although his voice was not loud, it carried a seriousness that could not be ignored.

The old man's face was covered with traces of vicissitudes, and his eyes revealed an indescribable depth. He looked at Li Daring and said in a deep voice: "I can't accept your kindness for no reason. Tomorrow you don't come to the tea stall. There was no fluctuation in his voice, but there was an unmistakable firmness.

Li Daring was stunned for a while, he didn't understand why the old man suddenly said this. He still held a tea bowl in his hand, and he didn't know how to react for a while. The guests around the tea stall were also attracted by this sudden conversation and cast curious glances.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

Seeing that Li was bold, the old man lowered his voice again and continued: "There will be heavy rain tomorrow, and there will be a disaster where this tea stall is located. Take my word to heart and don't come tomorrow for safety. There was an inexplicable urgency in his tone.

A hint of doubt flashed in Li Daring's eyes, but he didn't ask more. He just nodded, signaling that he had heard the old man's words. The surrounding guests were also whispering, curious about the sudden prophecy.

The old man stood up, leaned on his crutches, and slowly walked out of the tea stall. His figure looked particularly lonely in the setting sun, his steps slow, but every step seemed firm. He didn't look back, just walked into the distance step by step, until his figure disappeared at the end of the road.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

Li Daring stood in front of the tea stall and looked at the back of the old man in the distance. He shook his head, his mind full of doubts. But he didn't think much of it, and continued to clean up the tea stall, ready to call it a day.

The other guests also gradually dispersed, and the surrounding area of the tea stall returned to its usual tranquility. As the night darkens, the lights on the tea stalls are exceptionally warm. Li boldly packed everything, closed the tea stall, picked up his things, and set out on the way home.

Along the way, Li's bold thoughts were ethereal, and the old man's words echoed in his mind. He walked through familiar streets, past bustling bazaars, and finally into the warmth of his own home.

That night, Li Daring lay on the bed, looking at the starry sky outside the window, full of thoughts. He remembered the old man's words, and felt a faint uneasiness in his heart. But in the end, his tired body took over, and he gradually fell asleep.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

4. Disaster and luck

The next morning, when Li Daring woke up, the sky was still clear. When he got up, he did not rush to the tea stall as usual. He recalled the old man's words yesterday and decided to stay at home and not open a stall. Chores await him at home, including fixing a leaky roof, tidying up a messy backyard, and furniture that needs to be repaired.

Li Daring began to get busy, first picking up tools and climbing to the roof to inspect the broken parts. He carefully replaced the tiles to make sure the roof was no longer leaking. From the rooftops, he could see the whole village: quiet streets, smoke rising from the cooking, and the silhouette of the mountains in the distance.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

He then went down to the backyard and began to clear up weeds and debris that had accumulated for a long time. The old trees in the yard provide enough shade so that he doesn't feel too hot in the summer sun. He trimmed the branches, cleared the fallen leaves, and began repairing the crumbling fences.

After lunch, Li boldly prepared to continue working. Suddenly, the sky began to darken, and dark clouds quickly gathered. The wind also began to increase, bringing with it gusts of wind. Soon, the rain poured down and hit the rooftops with a crackling sound. Li Daring stood by the window, looking at the heavy rain outside, and had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The rain became heavier and heavier, thunder and lightning intensified, and the whole village seemed to be swallowed up by a storm. Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds, howling by, bringing strong air currents. In such weather, Li Daring knew that going out was extremely dangerous.

After about an hour or so, the rain gradually subsided. Li Daring decided to go out to see the situation of the tea stall. He put on a raincoat, put on a hat and walked cautiously on the muddy road. When he got to the location of the tea stall, he was stunned - the familiar tea stall was gone, replaced by a mudslide.

Where the tea stall is located, only dirt and rocks remain. Li Daring stood there, unable to move for a long time. He imagined what might have happened if he had come today. The power of a mudslide is so great that it can destroy everything in an instant.

Folk tale: The man sold tea on the side of the road and gave the old man an extra bowl, and the old man said that he would not come tomorrow

Word quickly spread around town. The villagers were discussing, some lamenting Li Daring's luck, while others lamented the unpredictability of natural disasters. Li boldly listened to their conversation, but he had different feelings in his heart.

That night, Li Daring lay in bed and couldn't sleep for a long time. He recalled the old man's prophecy and his choice to stay at home. The wind outside has subsided, but the waves in Li Daring's heart can't calm down for a long time.

Early the next morning, Li Daring came to the ruins of the tea stall again. He began to clear the mud and rocks, knowing that the tea stall could not be restored, but he still wanted to do something. As he cleaned up, he recalled the bits and pieces that the tea stall brought him: the busyness of every morning, the communication with the villagers, and those warm afternoons.

The clean-up was carried out throughout the day. As the sky grew dark, Li Daring stood in the place that had been cleaned up, looking at this small world that once belonged to him. Although the tea stall no longer exists, there is an inexplicable tranquility in Li Daring's heart. He knew that life had to go on, and maybe he would start over elsewhere. He looked up at the sky, and it was a new beginning.

The Encyclopedia of Folk Tales