
At the age of 35, I ended my six-year marriage, and I ended up with the old things, and I will still welcome flowers in the coming year

author:A small rain bubble

At the age of 35, I ended my six-year marriage, and everything seemed to shatter overnight, turning into dust and drifting in the wind. The once familiar people, the once warm home, have all become a cloud of the past. I think maybe that's the norm of life, no matter how hard we try, there are always things that we can't control.

At the age of 35, I ended my six-year marriage, and I ended up with the old things, and I will still welcome flowers in the coming year

I ended up with the old things, not because I didn't love him anymore, nor because he didn't love me anymore, but because the contradictions and differences between us were getting deeper and deeper and irreconcilable. Marriage is like a boat, it takes two people to paddle together to move forward, and if only one person paddles, then the boat will stagnate or even go backwards. That's the lesson of my six-year marriage.

Looking back on the past days, those sweet memories, the moments of quarrels, and the moments of mutual affection have become the most precious treasures of my life. However, the end of marriage does not mean that these memories disappear, they are like seeds, buried deep in the heart, waiting for the spring breeze and spring rain in the coming year to bloom beautiful flowers again.

At the age of 35, I ended my six-year marriage, and I ended up with the old things, and I will still welcome flowers in the coming year

In the days after the divorce, it was as if I had entered a new world, full of unknowns and challenges. I re-examine myself, reflect on the past, try to understand the feelings of others, and try to embrace the new way of life. In the process, I gradually understood what I really wanted in life. I want to have more freedom and time to pursue my dreams, but I also want to be able to connect with others on a deeper emotional level.

Life after divorce is not easy, but I believe that time will make a difference. I look forward to the blossoming of the coming year and to a new beginning. I believe that no matter what life gives us, we must be brave enough to face it, to accept it, and to cherish it. We need to learn to find hope in pain and strength in loss. We must believe that every setback in life is a kind of growth, and every failure is an experience.

At the age of 35, I ended my six-year marriage, and I ended up with the old things, and I will still welcome flowers in the coming year

As the proverb goes, "Failure is the mother of success." "Divorce is a failure, but it's also a growth. It taught me how to love myself, how to understand others, and how to face life's challenges. It made me understand a truth: only when I am strong can I better face the future.

So, I ended up with the past, not to escape the past, but to better meet the future. I look forward to the new year, to a new beginning, and to the blooming of life again. I believe that as long as we have sunshine, hope and dreams in our hearts, then we will still welcome flowers in the coming year.

At the age of 35, I ended my six-year marriage, and I ended up with the old things, and I will still welcome flowers in the coming year

In this process, we need to learn to be strong, learn to be brave, and learn to be grateful. We should be grateful to those who have been with us, and to those who have given us help and support. We need to be grateful for the pain and setbacks because they have made us more mature and stronger.

So, friends, no matter what situation you are in now, no matter what difficulties and challenges you are going through, please believe that every stage of life is an experience and a growth. Let's face the future bravely together and welcome the bloom of life again!