
Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart


Xu Xiaofeng, a 74-year-old Chinese singer, has attracted attention in recent years for her patriotism and principled attitude. She would rather give up her marriage to her husband than give up her Chinese nationality. The decision sparked heated discussions in the Chinese media. This year's Spring Festival Gala, her performance once again attracted the attention of global audiences.

Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart

Xu Xiaofeng's mother is a Chinese singer who guards the dignity of Chinese with her singing voice. Xu Xiaofeng was influenced by her mother from an early age, cultivating love and loyalty to her motherland. With patriotic themes, her songs celebrate Chinese traditions and culture, which resonated with the audience.

Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart

Xu Xiaofeng, who has always insisted on being proud of her Chinese nationality, said she was a real Chinese. Even in the face of nationality disputes and marital conflicts, she firmly chose Chinese nationality. She believes that nationality and identity are a responsibility and a mission that should not be given up lightly.

Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart

Xu Xiaofeng's patriotism has aroused widespread discussion in Chinese society. Some consider her a true patriot who stood by her principles. But there were also those who criticized her decision for being too extreme, arguing that she should have made a compromise between marriage and nationality.

Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart

However, no matter what one thinks of Xu Xiaofeng's decision, it cannot be denied her contribution to Chinese culture and her love for the country. Her songs and performances have inspired many and she has become a legend in the Chinese music scene.

Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart

Although she is 74 years old, Xu Xiaofeng still remains single. She said that she had no plans to get married, and her career was her love. She will continue to convey love and hope with her singing voice, and contribute to China's development and prosperity.

Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart

Xu Xiaofeng's story tells us that patriotism knows no age or gender. Everyone can contribute to their country through their own actions and efforts. No matter where we are, we should be like Xu Xiaofeng, proud and proud of our country.

Legend of Chinese music: 74-year-old Chinese singer Xu Xiaofeng's patriotic heart

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