
In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

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Text丨Bohn's History of Words

Editor丨Bohn History

"Who forced you up the mountain?"

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?


In 1996, Zhang Wannian blurted out to a little monk on Wutai Mountain.

Before that, the little monk actually served in the PLA troops.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?


He was a service soldier in the People's Liberation Army, but he became a monk.

Why is this happening?

The general inspected in the cold winter, and rumors arose in the army

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

In 1996, this winter, a bitter cold wind blew throughout Shanxi.

The soldiers of the Shanxi Military Region were not afraid of the wind and cold, and were lining up in a phalanx waiting for the arrival of General Zhang Wannian.

At this time, Zhang Wannian was 68 years old.

He came here to inspect the military discipline of the teams.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

As he slowly shuttled through the various formations, several young warriors from one of the teams were whispering.

A little soldier whispered: "That recruit surnamed Zhang went to Wutai Mountain to become a monk, right?"

"yes, I don't know what's going on, how did I become a monk in the blink of an eye. ”

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

"You don't know this, I heard that he was beaten by the company commander, so he couldn't get angry before going up the mountain......"

Before the little soldiers finished speaking, Zhang Wannian came to him.

He had vaguely heard these rumors from the little soldiers just now, so he hurriedly asked: "Who is this Xiao Zhang? What happened to him? What Wutai Mountain, who was beaten by the company commander and became a monk, tell me all about it!"

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

Now that General Zhang Wannian had spoken, the little soldiers told the truth one by one.

Under their eloquent telling, Zhang Wannian learned all this: it turned out that a recruit surnamed Zhang came to the army some time ago.

Seeing that he was inexperienced, the company commander only put him in charge of the daily life of the workers in the military district.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

The workers were hired engineers from outside, and they worked in the military district to repair houses, dredge waterways, and repair electrical circuits.

Compared to the soldiers, these workers have very different meal times and dishes, which requires additional arrangements from specific personnel like Xiao Zhang.

Some of the workers were from the south, and they were not Xi to the coarse grain in the north, so they asked Xiao Zhang to improve their food.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

When Xiao Zhang heard that this was human common sense, he agreed.

But Xiao Zhang didn't work for a long time, and he didn't even find ingredients to improve his food in the kitchen for a while.

After thinking about it, he remembered the "lard" he received from the cooking class a while ago.

Soon, Xiao Zhang distributed some lard and thought about improving the workers' food.

However, before he could get out of the pot, the company commander suddenly broke out: "What are you holding in your hand?"

“猪油。 ”小张笑嘻嘻地回道。

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

The company commander asked, "Is there any use for you to take this lard?"

Xiao Zhang: "Yes, I plan to add some oil and water to the workers' food, and their usual food is a little bland!"

I thought that Xiao Zhang's words would be understood by the company commander, but the latter was displeased on the spot, and he scolded: "These lards are for the soldiers to eat, and you distributed them to the workers, what should the soldiers do?"

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?


Xiao Zhang was speechless for a while, and after a while, he muttered: "It's not all of it, it's just a part!"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhang's casual muttering instantly angered the company commander on the side, who picked up the nearby plank and smashed it at Xiao Zhang.

The incident happened suddenly, and Xiao Zhang didn't have time to dodge at all.

The plank struck, and he was hit right in the back of the head.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?


Suddenly, a large amount of blood spilled from the back of Xiao Zhang's head.

The soldiers on the side were stunned when they saw this scene, and after they reacted, they sent Xiao Zhang to the hospital.

Fortunately, after examination by doctors, Xiao Zhang's injuries were found to be fine.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

Although this sudden incident ended hastily, the company commander's handle on recruiting recruits has been discussed by the soldiers in the army.

Earlier, Zhang Wannian emphasized to the veterans countless times, asking them not to make things difficult for the recruits.

However, this company commander "committed a crime against the wind", which was obviously unbearable for Zhang Wannian.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

Before the news reached Zhang Wannian's ears, the company commander had already been punished by the troops.

But this kind of disposal made Xiao Zhang feel extremely dissatisfied.

Not to mention his injury, but only about the lard, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what he had done.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

In the past, the company commander had instructed him to take good care of the daily life of the workers, and he had added some oil and water to the workers' food.

It was obviously the company commander's own logic problem, and in the end, he was angry and started beating people, which made Xiao Zhang feel extremely aggrieved.

Not only that, Xiao Zhang's family was also very dissatisfied after hearing about it.

They hoped that the troops would severely punish the unreasonable company commander and strictly investigate Xiao Zhang's injuries in order to make corresponding compensation.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

However, the troops who acted according to the rules finally maintained the original disposal plan and did not respond to the request of Xiao Zhang's family.

The truth was revealed, and the troops returned

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

According to the troops, their disposal plan was reasonable, because Xiao Zhang's injuries were not to the extent of disability, and the company commander was also punished.

Xiao Zhang saw that the appeal was fruitless, so he went to Wutai Mountain to become a monk.

After hearing this, Zhang Wannian felt extremely embarrassed!

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

After understanding the specific situation, Zhang Wannian decided to personally go up the mountain to bring back that little Zhang.

In the cold winter, the cold wind blew Zhang Wannian trembling.

If he wants to bring Xiao Zhang back, he not only has to endure the freezing weather, but also climb the difficult hillside.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?


Considering Zhang Wannian's advanced age, everyone in his entourage discouraged him from traveling.

However, at this time, Zhang Wannian said categorically: "There is no need to dissuade it, since I want to bring back that little soldier in person, I will climb the mountain in person, and I can't regret it because of the hardships of the road!"

When the people heard this, they stopped dissuading it.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

After some hard work, Zhang Wannian finally climbed Wutai Mountain.

In the temple, he soon saw the little monk who had become a monk.

As a general, he did not be domineering, but shook the little soldier's hand affectionately: "How is your family doing lately?

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

Zhang Wannian's words and deeds are full of cordiality and warmth, which makes Xiao Zhang feel very gratified.

At this moment, all the countless grievances he had endured earlier poured out in tears.

After seeing that Xiao Zhang had vented all his grievances, Zhang Wannian asked kindly: "Why did you come to Wutai Mountain from the army? Who forced you? Or did you say that there were any misunderstandings and grievances? ”

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

After listening, Xiao Zhang told the truth of the matter again, and Zhang Wannian listened attentively on the side.

Soon, Zhang Wannian promised Xiao Zhang that he would give the company commander a heavier punishment and make corresponding material compensation to Xiao Zhang's family.

After the knots were untied, Xiao Zhang finally returned to the army.


In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

To this day, the problem of "veterans making it difficult for new recruits" may still exist in some units.

Many veterans are either mean or ill-considered, which often causes pressure on many recruits, and I hope that every veteran in the army can be as reasonable and discerning right and wrong as Zhang Wannian.

In 1996, Zhang Wannian learned that a soldier had become a monk and asked him: Who forced you to go up the mountain?

Only in this way will the contradictions within the army gradually subside.

Original debut, it is strictly forbidden to carry!
