
【Anti-Fraud Awareness Month】There are many stories on the anti-fraud road, and there is always one that can catch your attention

author:Heian Tianshan
【Anti-Fraud Awareness Month】There are many stories on the anti-fraud road, and there is always one that can catch your attention
【Anti-Fraud Awareness Month】There are many stories on the anti-fraud road, and there is always one that can catch your attention

Submission email: [email protected] On June 24, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Public Security jointly launched the "National Anti-Fraud in Action" concentrated publicity month activity with the theme of "Vigilance against new fraud methods, not to be a tool for wire fraud". It is inevitable that there will be some "hard bones" on the road of anti-fraud propaganda, and the Xinjiang Public Security Federation will go all out to resolutely protect the "money bags" of the masses. Today, let's hear their story↓↓↓

Burjin County Public Security Bureau

Guo Senyang

【Anti-Fraud Awareness Month】There are many stories on the anti-fraud road, and there is always one that can catch your attention

There was a fraud case where the victim was a young lady. When we received the report, we found that the fraudsters were extremely cunning, using advanced technology to move funds very quickly and covertly, which was difficult to trace. The fraud gang has a complex organizational structure, and they have branches in different regions that cooperate with each other to cover each other. In the face of problems such as the difficulty of collecting evidence and the intentional destruction or tampering of key information, we were not discouraged, and after hard work, we mastered the key evidence and successfully uncovered this fraud gang.

Although the process was full of hardships, the sense of accomplishment came naturally to seeing the victims' losses recovered. This also makes us know that the anti-fraud work has a long way to go, and every "hard bone" needs us to go all out to overcome it.

Xinhe County Public Security Bureau Town Police Station

Wang Qian

On June 25, we received an early warning message: Ms. Ma, a resident of the jurisdiction, was suspected of being subjected to telecom fraud. We acted quickly and contacted Ms. Ma several times and tried to dissuade her. However, Ms. Ma was convinced of the scammers and even resisted us. After two hours of patient persuasion, Ms. Ma suddenly woke up and avoided a loss of 65,000 yuan. Ms. Ma told us that although she had received anti-fraud propaganda and downloaded the "National Anti-Fraud Center" app on her mobile phone, she always felt that "fraud" was far away from her.

Ms. Ma's case also reminds us that we must not only have professional knowledge and skills, but also always maintain the original intention of serving the people.

Wusu City Public Security Bureau

Qi Bingxin

【Anti-Fraud Awareness Month】There are many stories on the anti-fraud road, and there is always one that can catch your attention

I received a fraud warning reminder that Uncle Wang, an elderly man living alone in the jurisdiction, was suffering from telecom fraud. Uncle Wang is over 70 years old this year, and his children are not around. After receiving the warning, I rushed to Uncle Wang's house and called Uncle Wang, but Uncle Wang's phone was always busy, which made me anxious. Thinking that Uncle Wang couldn't use a smartphone, I immediately got in touch with the bank manager in the jurisdiction and asked him to help keep an eye on it.

When I arrived at Uncle Wang's house, he was not there. At this time, I received a call from the bank manager, and sure enough, Uncle Wang went to the bank to transfer money. At first, he didn't believe me, and even spoke ill of me, Uncle Wang said that the hospital called him and said that his son had been in a car accident and needed to be operated on, and he needed to pay for the operation. I immediately got in touch with Uncle Wang's son and asked him to make a video call with his son. Afterwards, Uncle Wang took my hand and said, "I'm sorry, child, thanks to you, this is my life savings!" ”

At present, the atmosphere of anti-fraud among the whole people is getting stronger and stronger, and I believe that more and more people will join the anti-fraud team to build a strong anti-fraud "firewall" and jointly protect the people's "money bags".

Public Security Bureau of Gaochang District, Turpan City

Wang Ning

We have handled a case involving online fraud, where the victim was a college student who was defrauded of a large amount of money by a fraud gang on an online dating platform in the name of love. In the face of such cases, we need not only legal knowledge, but also a deep understanding of the online environment and insight into people's hearts. In this case, the "hard bones" we encounter are how to track criminals in the virtual world. The anonymity and cross-regional nature of the network have brought unprecedented challenges to investigative work. Not only do we have to race against time, but we also have to fight against criminals. Through technical means, we were able to locate the criminal gang and, with the assistance of the police in the field, successfully caught them.

【Anti-Fraud Awareness Month】There are many stories on the anti-fraud road, and there is always one that can catch your attention

Source丨Chang'an Xinjiang



Issued 丨Xu Hongcheng