
"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

author:Situ Night
"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels
"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

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Editor|Situ Ye

Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is presented at the end of the article

Jia Hongsheng has been away for thirteen years.

Even though many years have passed, he is still labeled as "Zhou Xun's ex-boyfriend" and "addict".

Few people pay attention to his inner contradictions and struggles.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

The five years he spent in a psychiatric hospital changed the course of his life.

Why did an actor with countless classic works finally choose to jump from a tall building.

Behind it is endless struggle and sorrow.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels


Falling from a tall building was painful or liberating for him.

We have no way of knowing.

The only thing that is certain is that his years of struggle and entanglement are finally relieved at this moment.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

He has always given the impression of being gloomy, cold, and unapproachable.

But many years ago, he wasn't like that.

Many of his classmates gave him the following evaluation: Sunshine Boy!

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

He was born in 1967 in Siping City, Jilin Province.

In his genes, the seeds of art are buried.

Both parents were drama actors in the local repertory troupe.

It can be said that he grew up in the troupe since he was a child.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

Secretly hiding backstage, watching the performances of people in the stands.

This also laid a solid foundation for him to embark on the road of art in the future.

It is undeniable that some people are destined to eat the bowl of art.

Jia Hongsheng is one of them.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

In his sophomore year of high school, he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

While others were still at a loss for the future, he had already found his own path in life.

But he has a fatal flaw, which is also the root of his later inability to think about.

- Extremely sensitive!

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

Excessive perception of the world is an artist's strength, but it is also a source of suffering.

Over-perception amplifies a lot of feelings.

But it turns out that people with strong blunt sensitivity will have a happier life.

From a small northeastern city to a bustling city, along with sensitivity comes a slight inferiority.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

When many people were still worried about filling their stomachs, he could come up with seventy yuan.

Get yourself a trendy jacket.

But his living expenses are only 80 yuan a month.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

In his sophomore year, he received an invitation from the crew.

In "Summer Expectations", he plays a high school junior with excellent grades and ideals.

Although it was the first play, he still performed very well.

After getting paid, he bought a pair of designer shoes and was very angry.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

He was the first of his classmates to receive the play.

After the release of this drama, he also became a "celebrity" in the school.

Almost everyone knows that there is a handsome guy with a melancholy appearance in the acting department, named Jia Hongsheng.

He has become a school-level figure, which naturally attracts many girls.

Among them, there is Wu Yujuan, a classmate.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

However, at this time, the two did not fall in love.

Jia Hongsheng devoted himself to filming and put all his energy on his career.

The first drama became popular, and he made persistent efforts.

Three years later, he played the psychopathic Hao Feiyu in "Silver Snake Murder".

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

From "high school junior" to "perverted murderer", the span of this role is not ordinarily large.

But his grasp and interpretation of the role are excellent.

After graduating, he entered the Central Experimental Theater.

Coincidentally, Wu Yujuan also entered this unit.

The intersection of the two gradually increased, and their relationship became deeper, so they naturally fell in love.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

After graduation, Jia Hongsheng has a bumper harvest in love and career.

He has successively filmed works such as "Beijing, You Are Early", "Black Snow" and "Weekend Lover".

He became the first batch of actors to film with the "sixth generation director" Lou Ye, Wang Xiaoshuai and others.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

At this time, Jia Hongsheng was in the limelight.

Everyone thought he would be more and more brilliant.

But at this time, he was stained with contraband.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels


His friend Li Jun commented on him:

As an actor, there is a sense of danger and aggression in him.

This feeling makes him stand out from the crowd, but the most charming is also the most dangerous.

The sense of danger is like a ticking time bomb, not knowing when it will explode.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

At the end of the last century, his film career was in full swing.

But the pain in his heart also arose at this time.

Society is changing rapidly, and for many people, it is difficult to determine food and clothing.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

But in the same way, during the period of great social change, all kinds of materials were rapidly enriched.

The rich and the poor began to diverge.

From supply to free market.

For people like them, who pursue art, there is a huge conflict of worldviews.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

On the one hand, it is the pursuit of "pure" art.

On the other hand, it is not enough materially for them to pursue this purity.

So, they are angry, hesitant, and at a loss.

The art that was once Xi is just a packaged commodity in the new era.

This sense of conflict is even more obvious in the sensitive Jia Hongsheng.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

So, he began to get into contraband.

It is in the fluttering feeling that he can feel the purest art.

It was also during this period that he was introduced to rock 'n' roll.

The sound of heavy metal colliding and the exhilarating rhythm fascinated him.

For the sake of rock music, even the acting he once loved was dismissive.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

Shut yourself in your room all day and all night, listening to songs over and over again.

Delusional to find yourself in the exuberant music.

It's a pity that not only did he not find himself, but even his mental state became worse and worse.

Auditory hallucinations occurred and he thought he was the son of Lennon and the best singer of rock 'n' roll.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

He's fanatical, he's obsessed, he can't help himself.

In fantasy, he is a rock singer born into a British artistic family.

But in reality, he is nothing, just an ordinary person born in a small northeastern town.

The contraband seemed to be his bridge to Elysium.

He was immersed in illusions all day long, unable to extricate himself.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

His girlfriend stayed by his side and even knelt down, hoping to "redeem" him.

It's a pity that no one but himself can break his illusion.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

After the parents in their hometown heard about their son's situation.

He retired early to Beijing to take care of his son.

Because their son's mental condition was so poor, his parents reluctantly sent him to a psychiatric hospital.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

After gradually recovering, he was discharged from the hospital and lived a peaceful life.

However, he is no longer as sunny and cheerful as before, and he has begun to become less talkative.

But his acting energy has not degraded.

My friend Lou Ye knows this very well.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels


In 1998, Lou Ye found Jia Hongsheng and invited him to star in his new work "Suzhou River".

In the film, he is an unruly underworld postman motor, gloomy and mysterious, and undetectable.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

In the course of his work, he met Peony.

A beautiful sunny girl.

But his underworld friends put pressure on him to kidnap Peony in exchange for money.

The motor was under pressure and had no choice but to do so.

Knowing that the peony had been deceived, she was heartbroken and jumped into the Suzhou Creek.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

In the play, it is sad love, and the two cherish each other outside the play.

Real feelings are generated.

Zhou Xun was smart and lively, shining on Jia Hongsheng like a little sun.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

During the period of love, he took his girlfriend to audition for "Daming Palace Ci".

His girlfriend was selected, but he didn't lose the election.

My girlfriend became popular again with this drama.

The relationship between the two has also flattened out over time.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

The taste is the same as the feeling of chewing wax, and the pain is two people.

Later, his girlfriend met Pu Shu.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

So she proposed to Jia Hongsheng to break up.

Jia Hongsheng once again returned to the time when he had nothing.

Perhaps because he had seen a lot, in 2000 he decided to make a documentary about his past.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

A "Yesterday" shows the audience what he experienced during his time in a mental hospital.

He showed his pain to the bare eye.

We also feel his inner struggle more intuitively.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

In this film, except for his sister, who is a professional actor, everyone else is a person in his life.

Jia Hongsheng in the play is so real that it is terrifying.

Sitting in the corner, eating an apple seemingly idlely.

Look at the busy ants on the ground, take a bite of the apple and put it on the ground.

Although the sun was shining, there was always a haze on this man.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

He once thought Lennon was his father.

Between half-dreaming and half-waking, tugging back and forth between the imaginary father and the real father.

He felt that his parents were too mediocre to be worthy of him as an artist.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

So he forcibly made his parents change their life Xi.

You can't wash your clothes with soap, you can't speak in tongues.

In short, everything should be according to the "city people".

At extreme times, he will repeatedly mutter:

"Why do people live, is it interesting to live, and what is true happiness?"

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

He tried to get an answer from his father, but he was speechless.

Then he actually slapped his father twice.

The father's painful expression made people feel distressed.

Compared with the pain on his face, the father felt more sorry for his son.

He also didn't know how to save his son.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

After realizing that he had actually hit his father, he belatedly felt guilt and pain.

Kneeling on the ground and apologizing to his father.

This film is so real that you can't bear to watch it a second time.

His self-pulling, sobriety and trance, make the people who watch go crazy.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels


After making this film, his life seems to be back on track.

Cut off almost all contact with the outside world.

I don't need a mobile phone, I don't use a computer, I usually stay at home.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

It wasn't until 2007 that he was invited to star in the drama "City of Blindness".

He prefers the expression of drama to movies.

In the process of the drama performance, he finally felt the "purity" of art for the first time in a long time.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

Stills from the drama "The City of the Blind".

When everyone thought that he would continue to live a good life, he chose to fall from the building.

In mid-June, he was still partying with friends.

At the meeting, he talked about his plans for the future.

And I really hope to have the opportunity to perform on stage.

But in early July, tragedy struck.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels

No one knows what kind of torment and struggle he has gone through in the last half month.

It may be that an idealist will never be able to live in the real world for long.

His ideal utopia has always been an unattainable illusion.

"Tragic actor" Jia Hongsheng: became popular at the age of 21, jumped off the building at the age of 43, and the two celebrity girlfriends cried and broke their bowels


Those who "are drunk and I am sober" are miserable.

Pain can be inspiring, but it can also take away life.

In life, it doesn't hurt to be confused.

Mr. Why bother with the world, there is a deep meaning in sobering up.

Some references:

Sanlian Life Weekly: "Jia Hongsheng: The End of Youth of the Last Idealist"

China News Network: "One Misstep Becomes a Thousand Hatreds, Drugs Bury Jia Hongsheng's Acting Road"

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