
Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

author:Coke talks about the past and the present
Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life
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Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

In the summer of 2010, a shocking news broke through the sky like a lightning bolt: Jia Hongsheng, who was only 43 years old, the actor who was once known as the "Prince of Melancholy", jumped from a high-rise building and ended his life.

This decision is like a bombshell, which exploded in the entertainment industry, especially for Zhou Xun, who had a relationship with him, had a huge impact.

People can't help but wonder, why would an actor at the peak of his career choose such a decisive way to pass away? Why did his departure become an indelible pain in Zhou Xun's heart? Let's trace the trajectory of Jia Hongsheng's life, uncover this embarrassing past, and explore the truth hidden under the glossy surface.

Jia Hongsheng's life stage kicked off in 1967, and he was born in a family steeped in art. His parents are both drama actors, and such an environment undoubtedly sowed the seeds for his future acting career.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

Since childhood, Jia Hongsheng has shown extraordinary artistic talent, as if he was born to stand in the spotlight.

In 1985, with his love for performance, Jia Hongsheng was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama, the palace coveted by countless art students, with his solid cultural foundation and excellent artistic quality.

Here, he not only honed his acting skills, but also got to know outstanding classmates such as Gong Li, who would become an international actress in the future. The talents of the two shine brightly in the academy, as if indicating their future stardom.

During college, Jia Hongsheng's performance was outstanding. With his handsome appearance and superb acting skills, he successfully starred in two movies, "Summer Expectations" and "Murder of the Silver Snake", and made his debut.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

These experiences laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

After graduation, Jia Hongsheng was directly recruited by the Central Experimental Theater as if he was favored by God. On this stage, he is like a fish in water, devoting himself to the performing arts.

He was fortunate to cooperate with the famous director Li Shaohong and starred in many excellent works such as "Beijing, You Are Early" and "Northern Shaanxi Sister-in-law". At the same time, he also competed with Wang Quanan, Hu Jun and other powerful actors on the same stage to continuously improve his acting skills.

This experience not only honed Jia Hongsheng's performance skills, but also won him wide recognition from industry insiders. His career is like a rising star, radiating dazzling light.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

At that time, everyone thought that Jia Hongsheng's future was bright, and they were looking forward to the talented young actor being able to create more miracles in the entertainment industry.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. Just when Jia Hongsheng's career was booming, a turning point of fate was quietly coming. His life is about to usher in a major turning point, and this turning point will completely change the trajectory of his life.

When Jia Hongsheng's career was in full swing, love also came as scheduled, adding a gorgeous color to his life. While working at the Central Experimental Theater, he met Wu Yujuan, who was also an actor.

This beauty is not only a first-class actor of the National Theater, but also one of the "Five Golden Flowers of Chinese Opera" with Gong Li, Shi Ke, Jin Lili and others.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Their relationship is like a wonderful drama, full of passion and sweetness. In the four-year long-distance love run, Jia Hongsheng and Wu Yujuan have walked through many unforgettable moments hand in hand.

They cooperate tacitly on the stage and support each other in life, as if they are an enviable fairy couple in the entertainment industry.

However, just when everyone thought that they would achieve a positive result, fate began to play a cruel joke with Jia Hongsheng. In the cold winter of 1995, Jia Hongsheng's life suddenly changed dramatically.

He began to suffer from mental illness and became extremely emotionally unstable. This experience was like a sudden storm, which not only had a huge impact on his life and career, but also brought a severe test to his relationship with Wu Yujuan.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

In the face of the change of her lover, Wu Yujuan showed great understanding and support at first. She accompanied Jia Hongsheng through many difficult days, trying to pull him out of the haze with love.

However, as time went on, the gap between the two grew. Jia Hongsheng's mood fluctuated, and sometimes it was even difficult to control his behavior, which made Wu Yujuan feel exhausted.

Fortunately, after receiving treatment, Jia Hongsheng miraculously recovered. He regained his former sunshine and enthusiasm and devoted himself to acting again. However, this experience left an indelible shadow on his heart, which became a hidden danger that would affect his life in the future.

The failure of this relationship, as well as the mental problems that followed, revealed Jia Hongsheng's inner fragility and struggle. They are like time bombs planted in the bottom of the heart, and although they are temporarily suppressed, they can detonate again at any time.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

This experience also laid the groundwork for his future life trajectory, and became a key clue to understanding his final choice.

Jia Hongsheng's bumpy love road not only shows his multi-faceted nature as an actor, but also reveals the contradictions and pain in his heart. This experience may be the reason why he was able to interpret such a real and profound image of the "melancholy prince" on the screen in the future.

In 1998, like the arrangement of fate, Jia Hongsheng ushered in another turning point in his life. The talented director Lou Ye invited him to play the leading role in the movie "Suzhou River", and it was at the filming site of this movie that Jia Hongsheng met an unforgettable character in his life - Zhou Xun.

When they first met, Jia Hongsheng was still very unfamiliar with the name Zhou Xun. However, the moment the two looked at each other, it seemed that there was a wonderful tacit understanding circulating between them.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

Zhou Xun's fresh and refined temperament and innocent acting skills are like a clear spring, washing away the haze in Jia Hongsheng's heart. And Jia Hongsheng's melancholy and sunny temperament also deeply attracted Zhou Xun.

During the filming of "Suzhou River", the two got along day and night and gradually fell in love. They cooperate tacitly in front of the camera and interpret the love story on the screen; Outside the camera, real feelings also flow quietly like the water of Suzhou Creek, and the undercurrent is surging.

Jia Hongsheng's maturity and stability and Zhou Xun's youthful vitality formed a unique chemical reaction, which made this relationship come suddenly and warmly.

It is worth mentioning that the movie "Suzhou River" not only witnessed the love affair between Jia Hongsheng and Zhou Xun, but also became an important milestone in Zhou Xun's acting career.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

With this work, Zhou Xun won her first major award at the international level. It can be said that the appearance of Jia Hongsheng not only ignited the fire of Zhou Xun's love, but also injected new vitality into her career.

Despite the end of the relationship, the experience left a deep mark on both of their hearts. For Zhou Xun, Jia Hongsheng is a special existence in her life, bringing her growth and understanding.

That time has become a beautiful memory for her. For Jia Hongsheng, Zhou Xun is a bright light in his life journey, even if it is short, it is enough to warm people's hearts and bring a rare color to his life.

The end of this relationship added a bit of regret and melancholy to Jia Hongsheng's life. It's like an unfinished song, lingering on it, but never able to write another note.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

This experience also became a knot in Jia Hongsheng's heart, and as time went by, this knot became tighter and tighter, and it became one of the knots that he couldn't let go.

In the days to come, whether it is Jia Hongsheng or Zhou Xun, whenever they recall this relationship, a complicated look will flash in their eyes. This relationship has become a unique and precious chapter in their lives, although it is short, it is enough to make people reminisce for a lifetime.

After breaking up with Zhou Xun, Jia Hongsheng's life entered a new stage. Instead of dwelling on the past, he faced the future with greater determination and worked to reinvent himself.

During this period, Jia Hongsheng seemed to be performing the last movement of his life, with both high melodies and low chords.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

In order to get out of the haze, Jia Hongsheng began to try new things. He released a documentary detailing his journey to drug rehabilitation. This is not only an attempt to redeem himself, but also an attempt to warn others through his own experience.

In front of the camera, Jia Hongsheng unreservedly showed his vulnerability and strength, and told the preciousness of life with a true story.

At the same time, he regained his former passion for drama performance. On the stage, Jia Hongsheng seems to have found himself, he integrates his inner struggles and perceptions into every role, and interprets the various states of life with superb acting skills.

However, fate always seems to play cruel jokes with Jia Hongsheng. Just when people thought he was about to usher in the second spring of his life, tragedy quietly came. In the hot summer of 2010, 43-year-old Jia Hongsheng chose to jump from a high-rise building and ended his life.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

This decision shocked everyone and left endless regrets and questions for the audience and friends who loved him.

For Jia Hongsheng, this may be a relief, his last farewell to this world. But for those who knew him and loved him, it was undoubtedly a huge blow.

His departure is like a piece of music that has come to an abrupt end, leaving behind too many unfinished words and regrets that cannot be released.

Jia Hongsheng's death had a profound impact on Zhou Xun. Although their relationship has long ended, the imprint left by this relationship in Zhou Xun's heart has never disappeared.

Jia Hongsheng: jumped from a high-rise building at the peak of his career, his death, or the pain of Zhou Xun's life

Whenever Jia Hongsheng is mentioned, a complicated look always flashes in Zhou Xun's eyes, both nostalgia and regret.

Today's Zhou Xun has entered his 50s and has made great achievements in his acting career, becoming the first "Grand Slam" actress in the Chinese film industry. At the 2024 Chinese TV Drama Quality Ceremony, she made a stunning appearance in a red dress, showing the style of a king.

However, under her glamorous appearance, the past with Jia Hongsheng may still be a scar that cannot be completely healed, and it has become a deep and private memory in her life journey.

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