
Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Jiangnan Street is located in the central area of Jianghai District, the seat of the District People's Government, the political, cultural, transportation, commercial and trade center of the district, and the core area of the city.

In recent years, Jiangnan Street has fully implemented the new development concept, actively integrated into the construction of the industry-city integration demonstration zone in the central urban area of Jiangmen, firmly grasped the opportunity of the high-quality development of the "Millions of Projects", further strengthened the sense of dislocation and competition, and made every effort to build an economic development pattern of "headquarters + commerce", promoted the leading enterprises to attract investment, improve quality and efficiency, and increase both quantity and quality, expand the modern service industry, and strive to build a benchmark area with perfect commercial facilities, advanced business formats and first-class taste, and contribute to the strength of Jiangnan in "going all out to rebuild a modern new Jianghai".

At the beginning of 2024, Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street, was interviewed by Nandu, talking about the new breakthroughs made by Jiangnan Street in 2023 from multiple dimensions such as economic development, infrastructure, and people's livelihood services, as well as the planning and outlook for this year's work.

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street, was interviewed by Nandu

Dislocation development, contrarian breakthrough

In 2023, the growth rate of the two indicators is expected to rank first in the region

2023 is the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and a key year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Chen Qian said that this year, Jiangnan Street faced some difficulties and challenges, mainly reflected in three aspects:

First, external pressure is expected to be reduced. Among the top 10 enterprises in the output value of Jiangnan Street, 7 are export-oriented enterprises with a high dependence on foreign trade orders, but the current international economic environment is becoming more complex and severe, and the lack of external demand has a certain impact on these export-oriented backbone enterprises. Second, the constraints on carrier resources are tightening. The development of the industry is inseparable from high-quality resource carriers, but Jiangnan Street is located in the central area of Jianghai District, which is a pure urban street, and the area under its jurisdiction is basically a built-up area, and there is no new construction land index. The existing 11 village-level industrial parks have problems such as small overall scale, messy layout, inefficient land use, and insufficient urban supporting functions. Third, it is in the bottleneck period of development and transformation. The development of traditional advantageous industries in the jurisdiction is weak, and the lack of "famous enterprises" in emerging industries drives the transformation and upgrading of the overall industrial chain in Jiangnan. In addition, some backbone enterprises, such as Qianxin Chemical, have gradually relocated, and the stamina for steady growth of investment is insufficient.

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Donghua Bridge

"For the above problems, we do not evade, do not delay, by firmly grasping the precious opportunity of the high-quality development of the 'Millions of Projects', further strengthen the sense of dislocation and competition, highlight the development of characteristics and dislocation, and overcome difficulties with the development pattern of 'headquarters + commerce', and strive to break the situation against the trend. Chen Qian said that in 2023, it is expected to complete the quota of 790 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.4%, and industrial investment of 490 million yuan, an increase of 34.3% year-on-year.

"Zero Investment" and "Strong Two into Three"

Explore new paths for regional industrial transformation and upgrading

Jiangnan Street is a pure urban street, subject to land and space, Chen Qian told the reporter that combined with the characteristics of the location, strive to break through the development problems of urban streets, adhere to the manufacturing industry unswervingly, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and the effect of "zero investment" is gradually emerging. "Dashang Vision is the first headquarters economic project we have introduced in recent years, and we will strive to become the first big data-based security command center and big data security credit platform in Jiangmen, and work with partners in the Greater Bay Area to jointly shape the digital economy and ecological economic community in the Greater Bay Area. Baixiangshun (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. is a professional integrated supply chain company focusing on the research and development, production and sales of sauerkraut and fish prefabricated dishes, realizing the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, with an estimated annual output value of 500 million yuan. Chen Qian said that since 2023, Jiangnan Street has tapped the potential of existing resources through "zero land investment", revitalized the stock of land, and realized the trend of "no increase in land and continuous growth in investment". Successfully introduced 5 projects of "zero land investment" of 100 million yuan, with a total planned investment of 1.15 billion yuan, revitalizing the land area of nearly 138,000 square meters, and the estimated new output value of more than 2 billion yuan after the completion of the project, realizing the "zero breakthrough" in the introduction of street projects in the past three years.

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Daye Motorcycle

The secondary industry has made steady progress and improved quality. "We have successfully promoted the capital increase and production expansion of projects such as Sanlian Electronics, Wudong Cement Plant, Xinhengji and Daye Motorcycle. Among them, the two projects of Wudong Cement Plant and New Henderson have been successfully completed. Chen Qian said that he has also formulated a blueprint for the short, medium and long-term "industrial reform" of the upgrading and transformation of village-level industrial parks, and the 36.4-acre industrial transformation project of Jiaotou Associated Society, which will be the main attack in 2023, is the largest and most integrated pilot project among the projects under construction in Jianghai District. At present, the progress is going smoothly and the demolition work has been completed. It is expected that the annual rental income will increase by 337% after operation, and the total property value valuation is expected to appreciate by about 30 times.

The tertiary industry is gaining momentum. Jiangnan Street has created three major business districts: "automobile consumption circle, new consumption accommodation business circle, and cultural tourism consumption circle". In terms of automobile consumption circle, BYD has successfully introduced the new energy vehicle project, and the next step will be to build a new energy vehicle cultural circle in Jiangmen. In terms of new consumer accommodation business districts, Holiday Inn Express InterContinental has officially opened to the public, which is the fifth urban boutique hotel in the past three years. At the same time, the park market project in the Baishui area has been successfully launched.

Improve the environment and improve the supporting facilities

Highlight the characteristics of the south of the Yangtze River and enhance the appearance and connotation of the city

Jiangnan Street adheres to the coordinated development of the region, significantly improves the living environment, and improves the street recognition and highlights the characteristics of Jiangnan through the improvement of urban quality. "We're trying to make the city look good. The construction of Yau Wan Park has been completed, and it has become a new Internet celebrity check-in point and an important venue for the city's marathon. The 'Double Moon Butterfly Dance' flyover on Donghai Road was completed and opened as scheduled, improving the convenience and safety of residents, and becoming another urban landmark in Jianghai District. Chen Qian said that the street is also actively striving for more than 8 million yuan in funds, and the renovation of the façade of the building in Shuntianli, the maintenance of roads in the village, the upgrading of parks, and the construction of party and mass service stations have not only cultivated the "inner beauty" of red culture, but also highlighted the "external beauty" of the improvement of the living environment. The development of high-quality commercial and residential communities and complexes such as Mingtai City, Poly Jiangwan Daduhui and Wenchang Building is progressing smoothly, and the supporting facilities of Fuxi Community are becoming more and more mature. Invest 90 million yuan to complete the transformation of old communities along Donghai Road and Xinzhong Avenue-Jianghai 1st Road, and introduce property companies to carry out long-term and refined management services for old communities, so as to promote the rejuvenation of the old city.

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Children's park

Vigorously improve the infrastructure and enhance the connotation of the city. From January to November, infrastructure investment in Jiangnan streets increased by 30.22% year-on-year. At present, about 20 kilometers of municipal road construction has been completed, but there are still individual "broken roads" in the jurisdiction, in order to dredge the "capillaries" in the jurisdiction, Jiangnan Street has made great efforts in the construction of transportation infrastructure. The construction of the south extension of Jiangnan Road and NS 1st Road has started, and the transformation of Jiaoxing Middle Road, Jiaoxing South Road and Jiaoxing East Road in Jiaotou Industrial Park has been completed, dredging the traffic network in the jurisdiction. In addition, more than 2.5 million yuan has been invested to upgrade five garbage transfer stations, including Xinghai Bay and Zhongsha Market. At the same time, the new model of "grid + garbage classification" refined governance was carried out, and 6 star-rated demonstration units of urban domestic waste classification such as Zhuzhu Building and Jiaxi Restaurant were created, and 15 star-rated delivery points were created at the intersection of Tianxin Mountain and Renmei New Village. Renmei Community has successfully built a demonstration site of "zero-waste community".

Party building leads, people's livelihood and well-being

Create a new pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing

Chen Qian emphasized that Jiangnan Street has always adhered to the people-centered development concept and improved people's livelihood and well-being. "In order to make the people's livelihood answer sheet more warm, the 'big picture' of Jiangnan's development has always been closely linked to the 'small luck' of the people's life. "Good education for young children, building a system for the care and protection of minors, setting up street workstations for the protection of minors, improving the service functions of 8 community children's homes, creating a "Happy Child Growth" juvenile protection service project, linking various charitable resources to carry out activities such as care and assistance, care policy publicity, winter and summer camps, etc., benefiting nearly 10,000 minors in the jurisdiction. This year, Jiangnan Street was awarded the honorary title of the first batch of child-friendly demonstration towns (streets) in the province, and the new teaching building of Jiangnan Primary School has been put into use, adding more than 600 high-quality places. The North Campus of Jingxian Primary School is under construction on the fourth floor of the teaching building, and 1,620 new places will be added after it is officially put into use;

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Renderings of the off-site reconstruction of the Jiangnan Street Social Health Center

With an investment of 37.95 million yuan, the main building of the comprehensive building of the Jiangnan Street Community Health Service Center was capped, and the investment completion rate was 116% that year. It has completed the signing and filing of family doctors for 28,236 people in 14 communities, improved the elderly care service system, created the "sunset 'red' home care + social worker" model, and carried out innovative projects such as home renovation for the elderly, elderly education, door-to-door service, and meal delivery service. Comprehensively launched the party building to lead the "new" heart-to-heart warm flow food delivery service. The "Double Hundred" social work station visited a total of 1,187 service objects, and accurately identified the needs of 950 objects. Promote the assisted employment of the disabled, and the "Rainbow Employment Program for the Disabled".

Seize the opportunity and take advantage of the momentum

Write a new chapter in Jiangnan's high-quality development

Looking forward to the future, Chen Qian said that in 2024, Jiangnan Street will seize the opportunity and take advantage of the momentum, closely focus on the positioning of "headquarters + commerce", deepen the strategy of "strong two into three", seize the historical opportunity of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, and write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Jiangnan.

Enhance the vitality of high-quality economic development

We will continue to strengthen the radiation function of the center of the main urban area, adhere to the implementation of the work requirements of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing first and then breaking down, and always focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development to carry out economic development work. Unswervingly make good use of the policy dividend of "industrial transformation", continue to promote the industrial transformation project of Jiaotou Industrial Park, simultaneously promote the transformation of the old village and the transformation of the industrial park of the Star Economic Society, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial carrier and industrial structure by comprehensively improving the appearance of the village, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial carrier and industrial structure, so as to build the Star Village into a real "Star Village"; We will unswervingly cultivate enterprises, encourage enterprises to increase capital and expand production, and focus on supporting Daye Motorcycle to upgrade around the high-end manufacturing of new energy motorcycles and auto parts, so as to become one of the most advanced motorcycle production bases in the country. Carry out the action of "small promotion, high promotion", do a good job in the cultivation of backbone enterprises on the market, apply for specialized and special new enterprises and provincial engineering centers, and strive to make new breakthroughs in listed enterprises and specialized and special new enterprises in Jiangnan Street. Unswervingly develop the three industries. It is planned to introduce 4 automobile 4S stores in 2024 to create a new energy vehicle consumption business district. Relying on the existing large-scale commercial complex, we will accelerate the promotion of projects such as Wenchang Building and New Luyin Hotel to create a new consumer business district. Accelerate the construction of the Internet celebrity market in the white water belt, further extend the space of the green corridor in the central part of the city, and create a cultural, entertainment, and sightseeing consumption belt.

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Jianghai Square

Improve the quality of urban functions

We will do a good job in planning and improving the quality of city appearance, livable housing, commercial formats, and transportation with high standards, so as to create a beautiful urban area with more urban quality and Jiangnan charm, and enhance the carrying capacity of urban development. Efforts should be made to optimize the urban spatial pattern. To the north of Wuyi Road, the main focus is on urban renewal and functional improvement. Adhering to the ideas of "micro transformation, big improvement" and "small incision, big people's livelihood", we have carried out the transformation of old residential areas, road maintenance in the village, upgrading of parks, and the construction of party and mass service stations to achieve an all-round improvement of the living environment. Create high-quality commercial and residential communities and improve surrounding facilities, and innovate and integrate various new formats and models such as business offices, commercial complexes, and high-end residences. Efforts will be made to promote basic projects. Speed up the construction of the southern extension of Jiangnan Road and further extend the space of the green corridor in the central part of the city. Do a good job in the improvement of the water body and coastal environment of the Mayuan River (Jiangnan Section), improve the sewage pipe network of Jiaotou Industrial Zone, and purify the water quality of the Mayuan River. Make full use of special bond funds, give full play to the multiplier effect of special bond funds in expanding domestic demand, stabilizing growth, and benefiting people's livelihood, and promote the upgrading of road infrastructure in Jiaotou Industrial Park and the transformation of a series of geological hazards.

Raise the temperature of people's livelihood and well-being

In the picture scroll of high-quality development in Jiangnan, people's livelihood and well-being are the most important background color, and national sharing is the warmest theme. It is necessary to improve the protection of people's livelihood. We will do everything possible to ensure people's livelihood, thoroughly implement the employment priority policy, and increase assistance to enterprises to stabilize jobs. Further strengthen the protection of the lawful rights and interests of children in difficulty, persons living in extreme poverty, persons with disabilities, persons with severe mental disorders, and other persons in difficulty. Jiangnan streets should improve public services. Efforts have been made to improve the quality of service for "one old and one young", accelerating the construction of workstations for the protection of minors in Jiangnan streets, improving the "1+3+20" service network for the protection of minors, and launching the brand of "National Demonstration Zone for the Protection of Minors". Upgrading and renovating Qiaonan Home Care Station, and innovating the "1+7+N" charity innovation project in Qiaonan Community. It is planned to add a home care catering center in the Qiaonan community. Accelerate the construction of the North Campus Project of Jingxian Primary School and the comprehensive building of the Jiangnan Street Community Health Service Center Redevelopment Project.

Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street: Dislocation strives to be the first to create a benchmark for regional integrated development

Deliberative Committee

Enhance the success of party building to lead the practice of grassroots governance

In the face of the new situation and new challenges, we firmly believe that "iron still needs its own hardness". The first is to strengthen the "group of people". It is necessary to continue to do a good job in the "head goose project", adhere to the correct guidance of employing people, and vigorously select cadres who dare to break new ground and dare to try, and who are good at doing good work. It is also necessary to pay great attention to the participation of social forces, strengthen the docking with the Jianghai District Talent Introduction Workstation, and implement the talent introduction work. Continue to deepen the work of pairing the construction industry with towns and villages. The second is to innovate the governance mechanism. Build a "red housekeeper" platform, with "point accumulation" and "point exchange" as the incentive mechanism, continuously improve the enthusiasm and initiative of part-time grid members, enrich the functional connotation of "one member with multiple responsibilities", and improve the sensitivity of governance ends. On the basis of promoting the "one community, one brand" party building service brand, Jiangcui, Qiaonan, and Pengyuan communities were selected to explore and build a "red demonstration belt" for grassroots governance.

Opening Remarks:

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) took high-quality development as the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and made strategic arrangements for promoting urban-rural integration and coordinated regional development. The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee proposed to implement the "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages" (hereinafter referred to as the "100,000 Project") to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas to a higher level and higher quality. The Rural Work Conference of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee and the Work Conference on Comprehensively Promoting the "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Villages" to Promote the Coordinated Development of Urban and Rural Areas proposed to fully grasp the goals and tasks of the "100,000,000 Project", strive to create a new situation of Jiangmen's "Three Rurals" work and the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and make every effort to build a Jiangmen model of the "10,000,000 Project" and create a comprehensive pilot area for regional balanced development.

Jiangmen High-tech Zone (Jianghai District), as the only national high-tech zone in Jiangmen, has focused on the "Millions of Villages Project" since last year, and comprehensively deployed ten major actions to promote the national high-tech zone to compete for advanced positions and develop and expand the street economy, so as to build a new pattern of coordinated development of urban and rural areas, strive to build a modern comprehensive practice area that coordinates material civilization and spiritual civilization for Jiangmen City, and contribute to the high-quality development of the new overseas Chinese capital of socialist modernization. At the beginning of 2024, Southern Metropolis Daily launched a special planning report on "Longteng Jianghai Takes "4" Up", and interviewed Chen Qian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street, in the first issue.

Written by: Nandu reporter Yan Liang correspondent Jiang Siting

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