
Some people don't sweat when they exercise vigorously in summer, and the doctor explains why

author:Panda TKF, who is brave enough to forge ahead

"I'm just sweating, it's not a big deal!" This was the first reaction of Uncle Lee, a 67-year-old retiree. His life is simple and happy, and he often enjoys leisure time in the local chess and card room. But in the past three months, Uncle Li has encountered a problem: whenever night falls, he begins to sweat profusely. At first, he thought it was a normal body detoxification process.

Some people don't sweat when they exercise vigorously in summer, and the doctor explains why

However, as time passed, Uncle Lee noticed a painless lump in his neck. This anomaly eventually prompted him to seek medical attention. After a professional medical examination, including a pathological biopsy, the doctor gave a diagnosis: lymphoma.

Seemingly harmless sweating on a daily basis can be a sign of a more serious health problem. Especially during the hot summer months, people are more likely to ignore the potential risk of abnormal sweating. Therefore, we must be more vigilant, learn to distinguish between normal and abnormal sweating, and be aware of the warning signs sent by the body in time.

Sweating at every turn, is it weak or detoxifying?

Sweating is a complex physiological process that is often associated with functions such as thermoregulation, elimination of metabolic wastes, and enhancement of immunity. First, it's crucial to understand the basic functions of sweating. When the body temperature rises, sweating helps to dissipate heat and maintain a normal body temperature of about 37°C. In addition, moderate sweating can also moisturize the skin and improve immunity. Most of the sweat is water, and the remaining less than 1% consists of metabolic waste, so although it has a detoxifying effect, it is actually relatively limited.

Sweating is also related to the body's self-protection mechanisms. For example, the antimicrobial peptides contained in sweat are effective against viruses and bacteria, thereby boosting immunity. Regular and moderate exercise, such as 30 to 45 minutes a day, can encourage the body to sweat properly, which helps to enhance antibacterial and antiviral capabilities.

However, not all sweating is normal. In some cases, abnormal sweating can be an indication of physical weakness or other health problems. For example, a person with physical weakness may experience symptoms such as cold underarm sweats for no apparent reason, night sweats during sleep (especially especially in the case of kidney deficiency), and cold sweats on the palms and feet. These conditions may be related to problems such as insufficient liver function, autonomic disorders, etc.

Some people don't sweat when they exercise vigorously in summer, and the doctor explains why

The amount of exercise is light, but the amount of sweat is abnormal, which should be alert to a precursor to some diseases in the body, and should be paid attention to

Sweating is a natural function of the body, but in some cases, it can be indicative of a health problem. Usually, it is normal for us to sweat on hot days, while wearing heavy clothing, eating spicy food, or doing strenuous exercise. Sweat helps regulate body temperature and flush out waste products. However, not all sweating is harmless. Here are four conditions that can mean poor physical condition:

Spontaneous sweating: These people sweat easily even when they are cool or at rest. They may feel exhausted, weak in their limbs, susceptible to colds, and unusually sensitive to cold. This is usually associated with a lack of stomach qi and qi deficiency.

Night sweats: Some people sweat excessively during sleep at night, or even wake up with sweat. This may be accompanied by symptoms such as overheating of the palms and feet, palpitation, etc., and is usually associated with yin deficiency and internal heat.

Excessive sweating: Regardless of the climate, these people always have wet hands and feet. Studies have shown that this may be related to excessive genetic or sympathetic activity. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this is a sign of dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach, blood deficiency and yang deficiency.

Minimal or no sweating: Someone barely sweats even after strenuous exercise. This can be due to congenital sweat gland problems or certain diseases like scleroderma, diabetes, etc.

Some people don't sweat when they exercise vigorously in summer, and the doctor explains why

In addition, certain sweating patterns may indicate disease. For example:

Hyperthyroidism: manifested by heat intolerance, excessive sweating, nervousness, etc.

Hypoglycemia: may cause paleness, cold sweats, tremors.

Pheochromocytoma: An adrenal gland disorder that presents with excessive sweating, palpitation, and tremors.

Some people don't sweat when they exercise vigorously in summer, and the doctor explains why