
Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

author:Happy little entertainment

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In the bright galaxy of the cross talk world, a new star is quietly blooming.

Yan Hexiang, a heavyweight member of Deyun Club, recently posted his badge on social platforms in one fell swoop, announcing that he had stepped into a new career chapter, which instantly ignited the enthusiasm of countless fans and netizens.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

This move not only means that he officially bids farewell to the days that were often joked about as "widow unemployment" in the past, but also indicates that a cross-border storm is about to sweep in.

Is it another bold attempt in the cross talk industry, or a gorgeous turn in his acting career? What kind of surprises and challenges does Yan Hexiang's new job hide? All kinds of suspense are intertwined, and people can't wait to uncover this layer of mystery and find out.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

In this wonderful collision of cross talk and multiple fields, can Yan Hexiang continue to write brilliant and become the next model of cross-border success? Everything is about to be revealed.

On June 27th, Yan Hexiang posted his new badge on social media, and the handsome in the photo was so handsome that he simply stole the camera, it turned out that he joined the recording of "Joyful Night", and his new job get! At this time, the hat of "widow unemployed" can be regarded as completely removed.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

You must know that in the cross talk world, praise is sometimes like a green leaf foiling safflower, and when it is hot, it is easy to look "cool".

But this time, Yan Hexiang has properly proved that he can not only praise, but also be independent, netizens are boiling, and fans are screaming again and again, shouting: "Zhuangzhuang, you are going against the sky!" ”

Speaking of "Gratifying and Wonderful Night", Yan Hexiang partnered with Li Ding in the show, and the tacit understanding was simply a little clear.

In private, they rehearsed a lot, from role figuring out to psychological analysis, every look and action was perfect.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

No, one minute on stage, ten years off the stage.

Netizens commented: "This is not only about the deep kung fu of learning and singing, but also about the love and respect for art." "It seems that the Deyun Club is really not covered!

The drama "Fu Shouquan" starring Yan Hexiang is also a hot mess, and the box office of the national tour is red, and the attendance rate is very high.

People also revealed that many cross-border opportunities are due to the recommendation of his good partner Guo Qilin.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

These two brothers, one has unlimited scenery in front of the stage, and the other is silently paving the way behind the scenes, which is simply a model of the best partner.

We all know that on the cross talk stage, the joke is often the one who throws the stalk, and the joke is the one who catches the stalk, and sometimes it seems low-key.

But Yan Hexiang is biased, he uses practical actions to tell the world that he can also walk out of his own Avenue of Stars.

Those days when he was ridiculed as "widow unemployed" have become the driving force for him to keep making breakthroughs.

Some people make a lot of money in commercial performances and engage in investment; Some families are well-off and choose to be calm.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

As for Yan Hexiang, he relies on his strength to speak, and all kinds of work are soft, interpreting "don't abandon, don't give up" in his own way.

In this entertainment feast, Yan Hexiang's character creation is remarkable.

From his praise on the cross talk stage to the multi-faceted flowering in film and television dramas, he has walked steadily and steadily at every step.

His tenacity, courage to try, and never satisfied with the status quo are exactly what each of us should learn from.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

Yan Hexiang's story is not only a history of personal struggle, but also a vivid lesson in cross-border success.

The development of the role, Yan Hexiang has gradually grown from a cross talk actor to an all-round artist, and every time he crosses the border, he is accompanied by the profound transformation and growth of the role.

These changes not only make his image in the hearts of the audience more three-dimensional and full, but also make his artistic career more colorful.

His push for the entire storyline is undoubtedly huge.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

Every attempt, every success, tells us that as long as we dare to challenge ourselves, there is no so-called "dilemma", only infinite possibilities.

Yan Hexiang's respect for and inheritance of traditional culture is the cornerstone of his artistic path.

As a member of Deyun Club, he knows that the charm of the traditional art of cross talk lies in "speaking, learning and singing", and every basic skill cannot be ignored.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

Yan Hexiang often shares his understanding of the art of cross talk on Weibo, encouraging the younger generation to learn more about the tradition, and at the same time, he also participates in various cross talk performances to preserve and spread this intangible cultural heritage.

His persistence has made more young people begin to pay attention to and love cross talk, which is also a contribution to cultural inheritance.

Yan Hexiang's cross-border attempt is not to blindly follow the trend, but to have a clear goal and plan.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

In addition to cross talk, his performance in the drama "Fu Shou Quan" is eye-catching, this work not only shows his profound acting skills, but also reflects his spirit of exploration of different art forms.

In addition, Yan Hexiang also got involved in the field of podcasts, opening his own program "Yan Hexiang Said", in which he shared his reading experience, discussed social phenomena, and used approachable language to shorten the distance with the audience, showing his rich knowledge reserve and unique insights.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

This cross-border attempt not only broadened his artistic path, but also made him a literary and artistic worker with multi-dimensional development.

Moreover, Yan Hexiang's image in front of the public is always positive and full of positive energy.

On social media, he often shares his life and interacts with fans, showing a real and down-to-earth side.

For example, he participated in public welfare activities, donated books to children in mountainous areas, and conveyed love with practical actions, which set a good example in the entertainment industry.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

His positive actions not only increased the goodwill of fans, but also enhanced the positive image of his own brand, allowing people to see that an excellent artist should not only shine in the professional field, but also have a sense of social responsibility.

Yan Hexiang's growth and changes also reflect a trend in the current performing arts industry - cross-border integration.

In this era of diversified development, it is difficult for a single artistic identity to meet the diverse needs of audiences.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

Yan Hexiang's successful transformation has provided a reference model for many art workers, that is, while maintaining their core competitiveness, they have the courage to try new fields and achieve self-breakthroughs.

His story tells us that no matter what industry you are in, continuous learning and innovation are the keys to success.

Yan Hexiang is not only a highly skilled cross talk actor, but also a cross-border artist who has the courage to explore and forge ahead.

Every attempt he makes is an exploration of his own potential and an expansion of the boundaries of art.

Yan Hexiang of Deyun Club posted his work card, and with a new job, Yan Hexiang said goodbye to "widow unemployment"

In this process, Yan Hexiang proved with practical actions that no matter how the times change, treating art sincerely and connecting with the audience with heart can always shine in his own field.

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