
The reason for the national football team's goal being blown was exposed, and it is suspected that the AFC took the opportunity to target China

The reason for the national football team's goal being blown was exposed, and it is suspected that the AFC took the opportunity to target China

The first Asian Cup match of the national football team unfortunately got a draw. In the 82nd minute of the game, Zhu Chenjie scored a goal, but after VAR intervened, it was determined that Jiang Guangtai was offside first, and the goal of the national football team was canceled. This game can be said to have cast a shadow on the journey of the national football team in this Asian Cup.

The reason for the national football team's goal being blown was exposed, and it is suspected that the AFC took the opportunity to target China

First of all, it is necessary to recognize the reality that the strength of the national football team is really poor. Tajikistan is a team after the FIFA ranking of 100, but the opponent occupies the absolute initiative in the game, and the national football team was suppressed by the opponent in the whole game, and even was bombarded by the opponent with 20 shots, fortunately, Tajikistan's shooting skills are too poor. There may also be Jankovic's tactical requirements and instructions, that is, to defend and counterattack, but on the other hand, from the perspective of the team's passing and opportunity creation, in addition to that goal and another set-piece, the national football team did not have any chances at other times, but made continuous mistakes. The subsequent Lebanon and Qatar are stronger than Tajikistan, which is a big challenge for the national football team.

The reason for the national football team's goal being blown was exposed, and it is suspected that the AFC took the opportunity to target China

Secondly, the environment of the competition is very unfriendly to the national football team. Although conspiracy theories are not advisable, it is indeed a pity that the goal of the national football team was blown away, and it is actually difficult for most referees to make a decision to cancel the goal. Originally, the attitude of the West Asian side towards China was not very friendly, which can be seen in many previous national team matches and club AFC Champions League matches. And now because of some special reasons, it will only aggravate the discordant factors in this, in the follow-up face of the two West Asian teams, the national football team needs to be prepared for this, especially if Qatar is still the host, the next two games, maybe the referee's judgment will also be very unfavorable to the national football team.

The reason for the national football team's goal being blown was exposed, and it is suspected that the AFC took the opportunity to target China

After the game, many media broke the news that the AFC was deliberately targeting the Chinese team, because the Chinese team gave up hosting the 2023 Asian Cup, which made the AFC feel great pressure. Ma Dexing revealed that the deputy secretary general of the AFC had criticized some member associations for irresponsible and gave up hosting the Asian Cup without naming them at the October meeting. Coupled with the fact that Du Zhaocai was taken away for investigation last year, China has no one to serve on the AFC Executive Committee and has lost the right to speak. In the end, it directly led to the national football team being targeted by the referee in the game, from the previous World Preliminary Tournament to the current Asian Cup, the referee's targeting is obvious.

The reason for the national football team's goal being blown was exposed, and it is suspected that the AFC took the opportunity to target China

On the one hand, the domestic football environment, although anti-corruption has entered the second half of the part, but the aftershocks brought by it cannot not make many national football players "think too much", and secondly, the strength level of Chinese players has declined significantly and seriously compared with 4 years ago, and the age of the players is very old. The national football team will play Lebanon on January 17, and it will be a do-or-die match, so let's hope they can make a difference.

The reason for the national football team's goal being blown was exposed, and it is suspected that the AFC took the opportunity to target China

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