
Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu car is really high, and there are many friends who have consulted Tanlu in the live broadcast room in the past two days, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, 239,800

author:Sharp view of the car

Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu is really high

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, the starting price of 239,800, with the preferential rights and interests of about 20,000 on the market, 220,000 to buy a medium and large SUV, the cost performance is still very high, especially like the same level of Angke Qi, even if it is about to be discontinued, the discount is this number

However, if you want to buy Tanlu, there are still a few questions to be tangled in

The first is how the configuration of the whole vehicle is, although the price of the entry version is very appropriate, but if the configuration is particularly low, take the lower configuration to let consumers choose a high-configuration car, then wait for the market to talk about it

The second is how about the supply of low-profile cars, although everyone says how the configuration is when the car is evaluated, but the highest sales are generally entry-level models, so the lowest configuration is not to sell, the routine is too deep

The third is how the matching level of ZF's 9AT gearbox is, after all, the previous reputation of this transverse gearbox is not very good, and the matching level determines the future reputation

Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu car is really high, and there are many friends who have consulted Tanlu in the live broadcast room in the past two days, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, 239,800
Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu car is really high, and there are many friends who have consulted Tanlu in the live broadcast room in the past two days, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, 239,800
Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu car is really high, and there are many friends who have consulted Tanlu in the live broadcast room in the past two days, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, 239,800
Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu car is really high, and there are many friends who have consulted Tanlu in the live broadcast room in the past two days, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, 239,800
Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu car is really high, and there are many friends who have consulted Tanlu in the live broadcast room in the past two days, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, 239,800
Although it has not yet been listed, the popularity of Nissan's Tanlu car is really high, and there are many friends who have consulted Tanlu in the live broadcast room in the past two days, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the price, 239,800

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