
Chaozhou brine platter, learn this recipe, and no longer be afraid to entertain relatives without special dishes during the festival

author:Fun with your dining

Finished product features:

The variety is abundant, the plates are generous, and the banquet is particularly suitable.

Chaozhou brine platter, learn this recipe, and no longer be afraid to entertain relatives without special dishes during the festival

Dish Making:


2 brine goose heads (about 200 grams), 100 grams of brine duck kidneys, 100 grams of brine pig tongue, 100 grams of brine foie gras, 300 grams of brine duck paws and duck wings, 100 grams of brine large intestine, 100 grams of brine duck blood.

Dipping sauce:

Fen hoof juice 100 g.

Chaozhou brine platter, learn this recipe, and no longer be afraid to entertain relatives without special dishes during the festival

Chaozhou brine formula:

400 g of light soy sauce, 250 g of chicken (duck, goose) oil, 250 g of pork bones.

Herbal and spice formula:

Yaozhu 10 g, earth fish 10 g, star anise 8 g, sand ginger 10 g, grass fruit 12 g, licorice root 15 g, cinnamon peel 15 g, fragrant leaves 5 g, luo han guo 1, peppercorns 10 g, cloves 5 g, cumin 5 g, tangerine peel 15 g, dried ginger 150 g, lemongrass 30 g, jade fruit 5 g.

Other ingredients:

1 g dried chili pepper, 60 g garlic kernels, 35 g sliced ginger, 50 g shallot kernels, 50 g white shallots, 50 g parsley segments, 30 g coriander ginger.


Salt 200 g, MONOS glutamate 100 g, chicken essence 50 g, flower carving wine 150 g, fish sauce 35 g, rose dew wine 15 g, oyster sauce 80 g, rock sugar 300 g.


Put the herbs and spices in a soup bag into a stainless steel bucket, put in 5 kg of water, then add soy sauce and pork bones, put other ingredients into the soup together with the frying incense, put the chicken fat after boiling over high heat, cook it slowly for about 3 hours, fish out the soup bag, chicken fat and pork bones, put in the seasoning, and then cook it for 10 minutes on a slow heat to become Teochew brine.

Chaozhou brine platter, learn this recipe, and no longer be afraid to entertain relatives without special dishes during the festival

Fen hoof juice recipe:

60 grams of white vinegar, 50 grams of sugar, 20 grams of big red Zhejiang vinegar, 1 gram of salt, 3 grams of meiji fresh soy sauce, 3 grams of minced garlic, 3 grams of chili pepper cut wood, 5 grams of sesame oil.


Mix all the ingredients, stir repeatedly, and mix well to form the fen hoof juice.


As a dipping sauce for Teochew brine products.

Preparation Method:

(1) Slice the brine large intestine and place it in the middle of the dish.

(2) Cut the brine pork tongue, brine duck palm wings, and duck blood neatly around.

(3) Slice the foie gras and duck kidneys and spread them around, and finally cut the goose head and put it back together around the plate.

(4) Slightly decorate, serve on the plate, and dip it with fen hoof juice after going on stage.

Chaozhou brine platter, learn this recipe, and no longer be afraid to entertain relatives without special dishes during the festival


The variety of brine platter should reach at least 4-5 kinds; Chaozhou brine products are dipped in fen hoof juice, and the dishes of this platter are all tidal brine products, so it can be eaten with fen hoof juice, and the pendulum method strives to be beautiful.