
Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

author:Jade dust flying

Figure丨Jade dust flying

Text丨Yuchen Flying

Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article

At the age of 33, while pursuing an acting career, Fan Ming met his wife Li Ling, who was 6 years older than him.

Li Ling is a woman with a story to tell, she has experienced a failed marriage, and she also has a 7-year-old son.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

For more than 20 years, as a stepfather, Fan Ming has regarded his stepson as his own.

Today, the stepson is not only the pride of Pham Minh, but also the pride of the country.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Fan Ming is now 57 years old, and after "Wulin Gaiden" became popular, he became famous but still low-key, and he will be active on the screen every year, bringing joy to the audience.

In the family, he has a loving wife, children and little grandchildren, and it can be said that he has a complete life and is enjoying his old age.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud


2019 should be the happiest year for Fan Minh.

This year, his stepson Han Leng married back his daughter-in-law for Fan Ming and gave birth to a little grandson.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

On the day of his grandson's 100-day banquet, Fan Ming also posted a photo of his little grandson.

In the video, Fan Ming and his little grandson are wearing parent-child clothes and holding themselves the whole time, as if they are not willing to let go of their hands at all.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Fan Ming also carefully covered his little grandson's face.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Every time he met someone familiar, Fan Ming would take out a photo of his son Han Leng to show off, so that he was looked at by many friends.

But Fan Ming still goes his own way and enjoys it. Because of Han Leng, he has become a son that Fan Ming is very proud of.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Han Leng also sincerely expressed his gratitude to his adoptive father Fan Ming in a certain program.

He said, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am now." ”

Hearing the words that his son had grown up, Fan Ming had mixed feelings in his heart and secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Many years ago, in order to adapt Han Leng to military life, Fan Minh had strict requirements for him.

At that time, Han Leng didn't understand, and he had an argument with Fan Ming because of this. Looking back now, Han Leng truly understands his adoptive father's good intentions.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

After graduating from college, Han Leng soon became the youngest instructor at a certain school.

When he first worked, he handed over all his first month's salary to Fan Ming and Li Ling, thanking them for their support over the years.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Han Leng also gradually grew into a son that Fan Ming was most proud of.

And the starting point of all this started 20 years ago.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud


In 1997, 33-year-old Fan Ming married 39-year-old Li Ling.

Li Ling is 6 years older than Fan Ming and is a second-married woman with a 7-year-old son.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

From acquaintance to marriage, it took only 4 months for the two to get married.

It can be said that for the society at that time, this was undoubtedly a "flash marriage".

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Many people are not optimistic about them, but Fan Ming has used his life to fulfill his original promise.

Treat his stepson as his own flesh and blood.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

At the beginning, the first thing 7-year-old Han Leng said to Fan Ming, who had just become a stepfather, was "Dad, hello".

Both Fan Ming and Li Ling were moved by the child's sensibility and told him that he could call his uncle first.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

But Han Leng said that he must call Dad, because only in this way will Mom not be talked about by others, and Dad will not be talked about by others.

The words have shown that this little child's mind is very delicate.

Fan Ming also secretly swore in his heart that he must treat Han Leng like his own father and raise him well.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Later in life, Pham Minh fulfilled his promises.

Because Li Ling was busy with work, he took the initiative to take care of Han Leng, wanting to get closer to this stepson in all aspects.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Fan Ming, who was nearly forty years old at the time, wanted to better communicate with Han Leng, who was still in elementary school.

He took the initiative to adapt to the way of thinking and language expression of young people, and regarded himself as a young man in his twenties and thirties.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Under his influence, Han Leng's personality gradually became cheerful.

In 2002, Fan Ming and Li Ling's daughter "Mao Mei" was born. Worried that his sister would make his father no longer care about him, Han Leng felt a trace of worry in his heart.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

But it turned out to be just a superfluous worry.

Fan Ming's love for Han Leng has not diminished in the slightest, and he knows that this family is still full of strangeness to Han Leng.

In order to make Han Leng truly feel the warmth of home, Fan Minh continued to spend time by Han Leng's side.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

One summer vacation, Fan Ming, who was busy filming, even brought Han Leng directly into the crew. lived with him inseparably for more than 50 days.

This also became Han Leng's happiest holiday, and it was also the turning point for him to truly accept this home.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Subsequently, Han Leng was promoted to high school. Fan Minh, who has always given him a high degree of freedom, has taken a 180-degree turn in his education at this time.

Because Han Leng expressed his desire to become a soldier, in order to allow him to adapt to the life of the army as soon as possible, Fan Minh's requirements for him became more strict than ever.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Not allowed to sleep lazy, do your own laundry and housework, run in the morning, manage living expenses, etc., all kinds of measures made it difficult for Han Leng to adapt for a while, and the two had a dispute because of this.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Han Leng believes that his stepfather is not his biological father after all, so his true colors are revealed.

Later, under Fan Ming's explanation, Han Leng gradually understood his adoptive father's kindness, and felt his intentions after enlisting in the army.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

If Han Leng is Fan Ming's pride, then Li Ling is the pillar of Fan Ming's stable life.

In more than 20 years of married life, the two inevitably had quarrels, but they were only petty fights.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

What's even more enviable is that they have maintained an unknown little habit for more than 20 years.

That is, no matter what program or activity he appears in, the clothes and accessories on Fan Ming's body are almost from Li Ling's matching suggestions.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Even if Li Ling was not around, Fan Ming would call her for advice. Such details of life have become a symbol of the affection between the two.

Pham Minh is a very romantic person and still sings love songs to his wife from time to time.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Among them, there is a song "Legend" by Li Jian, and the lyrics read:

"It's just because I took one more look at you in the crowd that I have never been able to forget your face again...... I prefer to believe that we have a covenant in our past life, and the love story in this life will not change again. ”
Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

The simple lyrics express the sense of fate of the two overcoming all kinds of obstacles.

Their love, which has withstood the test of 25 years of wind and rain, is a marriage that many people envy.


25 years ago, it was Fan Ming's sincere pursuit that won Li Ling's heart.

After being rejected for the first time, Fan Ming was not discouraged, but pursued Li Ling more enthusiastically.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

He has become a squib in Li Ling's life, appearing in front of her whenever he has time.

When Li Ling is unhappy, he will take her to the beach to relax, and he will also use his natural humor to make Li Ling happy.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Gradually, Li Ling discovered that Fan Ming was different from other romance gentlemen, he showed his truest self without any packaging.

Such a sincere personality finally dissolved Li Ling's inner defense, and she gradually let go of herself and came together with Fan Ming, who was 6 years younger than her.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

The main obstacle why Li Ling rejected Fan Ming at first was her personal background.

Not only is she 6 years older than Fan, she has had a failed marriage, and more importantly, she has a 7-year-old son.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

At that time, she experienced too much criticism as a single mother.

She was afraid that Fan Ming was just a momentary novelty, and she was worried that the two would face too much worldly eyes together.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

But Fan Ming didn't care about this, he promised Li Ling: "I love you as a person, no matter your past, my children will be my own flesh and blood." ”

These words finally moved Li Ling, and she took a crucial step with Fan Ming.

In fact, the encounter between the two is also full of ups and downs and coincidences.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud


In the 80s of the 20th century, 21-year-old Pham Minh voluntarily gave up a stable job and came to the army from a factory to become a literary soldier.

He found himself well suited to acting, but he was unable to express himself in his entirety.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Four years later, Pham Minh entered the repertory troupe as an actor and gradually opened the door to acting.

In 1995, at the age of 31, he made his debut on the big screen in the movie "Seven Battles and Seven Victories", albeit only in a mediocre small role.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

It wasn't until the TV series "Wulin Gaiden" became popular in 2005 that Fan Ming's "Xing Zhutou" was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he really won the public's recognition and love.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

In 1996, a chance encounter completely changed the trajectory of Fan Minh's life.

At that time, he was well-known in the army, and was invited by his teacher to a hotel to direct the show.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Li Ling is a good friend of the teacher, and she also came to the scene.

A dance made Fan Ming fall in love with Li Ling at first sight, and began his year-long pursuit of the woman who was 6 years older than him, which finally ended in the union of the two.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Love comes suddenly, but it is ignited in the form of a "flash marriage" at the end.

In just 4 months of pursuit, Pham Minh's marriage and family were laid for the rest of his life.

If his stepson Han Leng is Fan Ming's pride and Li Ling is the pillar of his life, then Fan Ming's father has become the regret of his life.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud


Back then, when his father died suddenly, Fan Ming, who was filming in other places, failed to rush back to meet him for the last time.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

For many years, Pham Minh did not dare to look at any photos of his father, and he would feel a faint ache whenever his family was reunited.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud
Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

This regret to his father has become a lifelong concern, and it has also seriously affected his future work choice - no matter how busy he is, as long as there is something at home, he must rush back immediately.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Fan Ming's experience is full of coincidences and struggles, he has undergone too many transformations from a casual young man who doesn't like to learn, to a literary soldier chasing his dreams, and then to a well-known actor today.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud

Getting married and having children made him grow from a self-seeking individual to a responsible husband and father.

The growth of his son has changed him from a big boy to a guide. The double harvest of life and career is the proudest achievement of this ordinary person.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud


Pham Minh's life story teaches us that love and ambition can help a person go further.

Sincerity and responsibility are the keys to happiness. Every ordinary person's life deserves to be blessed, because being born as a human being, kindness is enough.

Fan Ming, an old drama bone: Marrying a second wife who is 6 years older and treating his stepson as his own, he has now become proud


Fan Ming claims to be a model husband who listens to his daughter-in-law's words: he beats his wife on the card when he earns money .chinanews.2012-02-10 [Citation date:2018-05-17]

"Kefan Listening" - Interview with Fan Ming

"The Great Drama Looks at Beijing" - Fan Ming

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