
Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

author:Sleepy and entertaining

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In the lively entertainment industry, the emotional world of celebrities is always a hot topic after dinner, today we will not talk about those young and handsome little fresh meat, nor will we mention the stars who are responsible for traffic, but focus on a powerful actor who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people - Fan Ming, who is known as "Xing Zhutou".

This tough guy on the screen has created countless characters in film and television dramas, but you may not know that his emotional experience in real life is more dramatic and touching than the plot of film and television dramas.

It is said that when Fan Ming was 33 years old, at the age of the beginning of his life, he met his sister Li Ling, who was 6 years older than him and had a history of marriage.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

The two fell in love at first sight, as if dry wood met a fire, the spark of love was burning, and in just 4 months, they decided to hold hands and enter the palace of marriage, which is lightning faster than high-speed rail!

At that time, the outside world was not optimistic about this marriage, after all, the woman was not only a little older, but also had a son Han Leng who was only 7 years old.

But Fan Ming seemed to be iron-hearted, turning a deaf ear to the discussions and doubts of the people around him, and firmly devoted himself to this newly formed family.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Married life is not all smooth sailing, as soon as his stepson Han Leng came to his new home, he gave Fan Ming a dismount, and the words of the first meeting made Fan Ming's heart shocked.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

However, Fan Ming did not back down because of this, but redoubled his love and care for Han Leng and regarded him as his own.

Despite this, Han Leng did not accept Fan Ming at first, and even had a period of rejection and resentment towards him in his heart.

But Fan Ming always insisted on resolving conflicts with a generous heart and warming every heart of this reorganized family.

01. From a factory worker to a stage dreamer

Pham Minh was born in 1964 into a military family in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province.

Since he was a child, he has a strong interest in singing and dancing, and his artistic talent appeared early.

He was not enthusiastic about his studies and gave up continuing his education after graduating from high school.

With a yearning for art, Pham Minh tried to embark on this path, but was opposed by his parents.

In desperation, he had no choice but to enter the city's electrolysis plant and become an ordinary worker.

The work at the electrolysis plant was monotonous and boring, and Fan Minh felt extremely tired of living at two points and one line day after day, and his desire for art became stronger and stronger.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Finally, in 1985, the amateur performance team of the Lianyungang Military Division of Jiangsu Province was recruited, and Fan Ming decisively resigned from the factory to join the performance team and pursue his artistic dream.

There, he taught himself how to choreograph and direct, and his sketches won wide acclaim, and people applauded his talent.

At that time, Fan Ming had not yet come up with the idea of acting, but became interested in choreography and directing, and even put on glasses and devoted himself to the work of choreographing and directing sketches for the team.

Four years later, in 1989, due to his outstanding performance, Fan Ming was transferred to work in the Frontline Repertory Troupe of Nanjing Military Region in Jiangsu.

During his days at the Repertory Theatre, he felt the charm of acting up close for the first time.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Whenever others are free on stage, Pham Minh silently imitates and practices behind the stage, and even if he is ridiculed by others as "Nerve B", he still enjoys it and indulges in the world of performing arts.

At this time, the balance of Fan Minh's heart began to tilt, and he shifted from his focus on choreography to his yearning for performance, dreaming of one day standing on the stage and playing his own role.

This wait lasted for six years.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

It wasn't until 1995 that Pham Minh finally ushered in his first chance to be "electrocuted", playing a captive driver in the TV series "Seven Battles and Seven Victories", although the role was insignificant, but it ignited his greater desire to perform on stage.

The following year, his wonderful performance in the sketch "Mountains and Seas Connected" not only won the recognition of the audience, but also won the Outstanding Performance Award of the All-Army New Literary and Art Works Award.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

With the trophy in his hand, Pham Minh was overflowing with joy in his heart, and the surprise that this year brought him was much more than that—he met his love.

Although Pham Minh is determined to break into the entertainment industry, he has not completely abandoned his role as a sketch choreographer, and in his spare time, he is still enthusiastic about helping the members of the troupe rehearse the show.

Once, his teacher, Ren Hongju, was preparing for a Christmas event at the Central Hotel, and considering Pham Minh's excellent ability to choreograph and direct sketches, he was invited to assist in rehearsals.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

It was at this event that 32-year-old Fan Ming fell in love with Li Ling at first sight, and the seeds of love were quietly planted.

Although Fan Minh's artistic path is tortuous, it is also full of hope and sweetness.

02, Fan Ming and Li Ling, the queen of department stores

Fan Ming's wife, Li Ling, known as the "Queen of Department Stores", has served as the general manager of Hangzhou Shopping Center and the general manager of Shenzhen China Resources Mixc, and her love story with Fan Ming has written a moving chapter that transcends age, career and geographical boundaries.

A Christmas party in 1996 planted the seeds of romance for the encounter between Fan Ming and Li Ling.

At that time, Fan Ming was already a drama actor, and he participated in the preparations for a Christmas event in a hotel with his teacher Ren Hongju, and Li Ling, as a fashion editor and a friend of Ren Hongju, was also present.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Fan Ming fell in love with Li Ling at first sight, and her elegant temperament, fashionable outfits and unique feminine charm attracted him.

Facing the person he liked, Fan Ming didn't know how to talk to him, so he could only understand Li Ling's background information through Ren Hongju first.

He learned that Li Ling was not only engaged in writing, but also wrote for TV stations and published several books, which made Fan Ming, who was not good at reading and writing, admire her more and more, and was determined to pursue this talented woman.

After the party, Fan Ming mustered up the courage to invite Li Ling to go bowling together, and Li Ling readily agreed.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Fan Ming's performance on the court was not satisfactory, and he made mistakes one after another, but Li Ling was at ease and scored frequently.

In the face of his clumsiness, Fan Ming was embarrassed, but Li Ling was generous and tolerant, personally instructing him in his playing skills, and the relationship between the two became closer.

The acquaintance between Fan Ming and Li Ling is like a wonderful fate, and their good feelings for each other gradually deepen, and they both want to further develop their relationship.

The relationship was not all smooth sailing, and they faced multiple obstacles.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

The first is the age gap, Li Ling is 6 years older than Fan Ming, in the social environment at that time, such a sister-brother relationship was quite challenging.

Secondly, Li Ling had a marriage and raised her 7-year-old son alone after the divorce, she knows that it is not easy to remarry, not only to consider the feelings of the child, but also to confirm whether Fan Ming can accept her past and whether she can give the mother and son a stable family life.

In addition, the nature of their work is extremely busy, Fan Ming travels around filming all year round, and Li Ling needs to focus on writing and traveling, the rhythm of life between the two is not compatible, and the social circle is quite different, which also adds many problems to their relationship.

They need more trust, understanding and patience to face and overcome these difficulties together and maintain this hard-won relationship.

03, sincerity won the heart of the second marriage goddess Li Lingfang

In that era when sister and brother love was still rare, Fan Ming's feelings for Li Ling were not smooth at first.

When Fan Ming plucked up the courage to confess to Li Ling for the first time, Li Ling sensibly rejected him.

She felt that she was 6 years older than Fan Ming, had a failed marriage, and had a 7-year-old son, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that such a combination was not suitable, and even felt that she was not worthy of the young Fan Ming.

Fan Ming did not give up, he ignored the dissuasion of relatives and friends around him, and decided that Li Ling was his lifelong partner.

In the following days, Fan Ming launched a passionate and sincere pursuit of Li Ling.

He didn't forget to greet her every day, and picked her up and dropped her off and off work rain or shine.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

What is different is that Fan Ming does not deliberately pretend to be an elegant gentleman, he knows that Li Ling's daily contact is with those who are well-dressed and well-behaved, so he chooses to show his truest self.

Send real care when Li Ling needs to care, and when she needs joy, Fan Ming will put down her body and be funny and ugly just to make her laugh.

In front of Li Ling, Fan Ming did not have any false embellishments, and this truth deeply moved Li Ling.

Finally, when Fan Ming proposed for the second time, Li Ling readily agreed.

It turns out that sincerity is the eternal secret to capture the heart.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

When proposing, Fan Ming made a solemn promise to Li Ling: "I understand your inner worries, but I want to tell you that I love you and don't care if you are divorced, whether you have children, or even how many years older than me."

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

I love you as a person, and I am willing to accept and love everything about you, including your son, and I will take care of him as if he were my own son. Fan Ming's heartfelt words completely eliminated the doubts and uneasiness in Li Ling's heart.

04, the unforgettable moment of seeing the son for the first time

The scene of Fan Ming and Li Ling's son meeting for the first time is deeply imprinted in Fan Ming's memory and has become an unforgettable picture for him.

When he first met the little one, Fan Ming was nervous, and he was worried about whether his sudden intrusion role would be accepted by the child.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

To his surprise, the little guy affectionately called him "Dad" when they first met, which caught Fan Ming off guard.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

In order to alleviate the psychological pressure of the child, Fan Ming said gently: "Baby, you don't have to rush to call me dad, it's not too late to call me when you really accept me." ”

The little guy's answer made Fan Ming stunned: "If I call you uncle, what will others think of my mother?" These words made Fan Ming realize that the little child in front of him had far more love and respect for his mother than he imagined, and he couldn't help but warn himself that he must treat Li Ling well in the future, otherwise the mother and son would join forces, and he might be difficult to handle.

After only four months of acquaintance, Fan Ming and Li Ling entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and they are still closely dependent on each other and have gone through the ups and downs of the years together.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

In married life, quarrels are inevitable.

Life is full of all kinds of trivial things, how can we guarantee that the husband and wife will always be in harmony and have no disputes? Once, Li Ling, who was pregnant, went out to buy steamed buns and accidentally underpaid.

When she returned home, she mentioned the incident to Fan Minh, blaming herself for her pregnancy reaction and making her confused.

Others may think that this is just a trivial matter, and they can make up for it next time, and they will even comfort Li Ling not to take it to heart.

Fan Ming reacted strongly to this and insisted that Li Ling return immediately to make up the arrears.

Li Ling thought that Fan Ming was making too much of a fuss, and the two had an argument because of this.

It is important to know that mood swings in pregnant women are not good for health, and conflicts between husband and wife should be avoided as much as possible.

Pham Minh believes that this is a matter of integrity and principle and must not be ambiguous.

The two had their own opinions and argued, and finally Li Ling slammed the door angrily, and even claimed to kill the fetus in her womb in impulse.

Fan Ming was shocked when he heard this, knowing that he could not let his child become a victim of the quarrel no matter what, so he immediately apologized to Li Ling and begged her to calm down her anger and dispel this dangerous thought.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Afterwards, Pham Minh reflected on his behavior during the quarrel and admitted that there was indeed something wrong, but he did not regret his principled attitude.

Whether it is treating his wife or children, he always believes that stressing principles and valuing integrity is the basic bottom line of dealing with the world.

Although this turmoil caused the husband and wife to experience a brief conflict, it also made them more deeply aware of the importance of mutual understanding and respect, and worked together to build a harmonious family and protect family love.

05, the affectionate guardianship and family love behind the four-month flash marriage

In 1997, Fan Ming and Li Ling met for just four months, and they quickly entered the palace of marriage.

As the saying goes, marriage is a testing ground for love, and the trivial and complicated affairs of daily life are easy to wear out passion and romance.

Fan Ming, however, interprets his deep love for his wife with practical actions in his ordinary life.

As an actor, Fan Ming often needs to be stationed in the crew for a long time, and it is inevitable that he will not take good care of his family.

He is well aware of the lack of time caused by this nature of work to his wife, so every time he finishes filming, he will take his wife around the world to make up for the lack of companionship during work.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

During the trip, he always accompanied Li Ling and was her intimate "little follower".

Li Ling did not feel lonely and dissatisfied with the particularity of Fan Ming's profession, although Fan Ming did not like to read since he was a child, but in order to get close to his wife's love for words, he began to try to express his feelings for his wife in the form of letters.

Every holiday or anniversary, no matter where he is, Pham Minh will always write a love letter with his own handwriting, using words to maintain the temperature of love.

Fan Ming's love for Li Ling is not only reflected in the husband and wife, but also treats his stepson Han Leng as his own, and his love is even greater than that of his own child.

After getting married, he learned about Han Leng's love for astronomy, specially purchased an astronomical telescope, and every time he went home, he would accompany Han Leng to observe the starry sky, tell stories, teach life wisdom and skills, and also play basketball with him to cultivate his brave manhood.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

In order to make Han Leng feel equal love, Fan Ming and Li Ling agreed to have children after three years of marriage, in 2000, after their daughter Fan Meichen was born, Fan Ming doted on his daughter, but did not reduce his attention and love for Han Leng at all, and the two children were like pearls in his heart, without bias.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road


Under Fan Ming's careful care and strict education, Han Leng gradually transformed from an ignorant teenager to a teenager who is excellent in all aspects.

He not only excelled in his studies, but also had a wide range of interests, and respected Fan Minh even more, regarded him as his biological father, and called him "Dad" since he was a child, which made Fan Ming feel very gratified.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

When Han Leng entered high school, Fan Ming and Li Ling suggested that he apply for military school, hoping that he would sharpen his will in the army and serve the country.

Han Leng responded positively, and his heart was full of love for the motherland.

In order to help Han Leng adapt to military school life as soon as possible, Pham Minh began a series of "special training" programs, such as urging him to get up early to run and exercise, learn to do his own laundry and housework, and often tell him military knowledge and heroic deeds, aiming to cultivate his independence and hard-working spirit.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Fan Ming knew that the duty of a soldier was first of all to be able to endure hardships and be independent, and Han Leng grew up in favor and had a relatively weak ability to take care of himself, so the couple decided to strengthen his training in advance.

That summer vacation, Han Leng obviously felt that Fan Ming was extremely strict with him, not only arranging him to do all kinds of housework, but also personally supervising him to run 1,000 meters in the morning every day.

At first, Han Leng could grit his teeth and persevere, but as the intensity of training increased, he was inevitably confused, and sometimes even suspected that Fan Ming was taking this opportunity to "abuse" him.

When Han Leng left home to go to college, Fan Ming did not see him off personally, but let him go by train alone, and Li Ling only asked Li Ling to give him 100 yuan per month for living expenses, because they knew that the army would have a corresponding allowance.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

The abrupt change from the previous pampering to a strict education made Han Leng feel unacceptable, and Li Ling was also a little confused about it.

Even when he went home on holidays, Fan Ming still strictly asked Han Leng to get up early to exercise as always.

Finally one day, Han Leng's pent-up emotions exploded, and he shouted at Fan Ming: "I've grown up, I don't need you to care about me!" This sentence made Fan Ming's heart mixed, but he still patiently told Han Leng: "Only by going through hardships can you become an excellent person, the army has strict discipline, adapt to it in advance, and you will not suffer even more in the future." ”

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

At this moment, Li Ling also had a profound conversation with Han Leng and clarified to him: "Dad is doing this for your good, you have to understand his good intentions." ”

Under the persuasion of his parents, Han Leng recalled the past and finally understood his stepfather's good intentions.

Since then, he has studied even harder and excelled in school.

When he graduated from his senior year, Han Leng was appointed as an instructor at the School of Engineering of Nanjing University of Technology, and repaid Fan Ming's painstaking cultivation with his own actions.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

07. From an instructor to a father, Fan Ming witnessed his transformation and deep friendship

After Han Leng stepped into the job, he quickly rose to prominence with his professionalism and became the youngest instructor in the college, winning praise from everyone and being known as "a good boy of other people's families".

When he received his first salary, he did not hesitate to give it to Fan Minh and expressed his gratitude to the mentor for many years.

At this time, Han Leng is no longer a teenager who needs to be carefully taught by Fan Ming, but an adult who independently assumes social responsibility.

Although theoretically, when Han Leng became an adult, Fan Ming's responsibility as a mentor has been completed, and he should have more time to spend with his biological daughter.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Fan Ming has long regarded Han Leng as his own, cared for him very much, and gave everything selflessly as if he were his own father.

He was deeply proud of Han Leng's achievements, and specially asked for a photo of Han Leng wearing a military uniform, treasured it in his wallet, and often took it out to show off this pride to the people around him.

Although the father and son no longer get along day and night, the distance between hearts is getting closer and closer.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Once, Fan Ming was invited to participate in an interview with a TV column, and the program team intimately arranged a link for Han Leng's remote connection.

Through the camera, Han Leng poured out the gratitude that had been pent up in his heart for many years, which deeply touched Fan Ming, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

This father-son affection across blood is touching.

Time passed to 2019, Han Leng entered the marriageable age, found a lifelong partner, and the two successfully entered the marriage hall.

On the day of the wedding, Pham Minh solemnly took the stage as a father and sent an affectionate message to his newlywed daughter-in-law, full of expectations and entrustment for the children's future life.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

In the depths of his affection, he bowed deeply to his daughter-in-law and solemnly said that he would entrust her with his son's happiness from now on.

This scene was warm and touching, which moved all the guests present, and Han Leng was also excited.

Soon after their marriage, Han Leng and his wife ushered in the crystallization of love, and Fan Minh was also happily promoted to grandfather.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

In the days when he is not filming, his greatest pleasure is to hold his little grandson in his arms and immerse himself in the joy of family.

At the same time, the children have grown up, and the relationship between Fan Ming and Li Ling has become deeper and deeper, and they still maintain the sweetness and tacit understanding when they first met, as if the years have not left a trace.

Under Fan Ming's careful care, even though she is over 60 years old, Li Ling still maintains a young and elegant temperament.

In her spare time, she dresses up and travels with her girlfriends and friends to share happy times.

And Fan Ming, who is over 50 years old, is still energetic and active in the film and television industry, creating one classic role after another that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Facts have proved that Fan Ming, who married a rich woman who was 6 years older than 2 marriages, embarked on another broad road

Middle-aged and famous, he not only has a thriving career, but also a warm and happy family life.

Today, Pham Minh has entered the age of sixties, has a pair of children, and the family is low-key and happy.

Whenever he talked about his family, his face was always full of happiness, and he proudly told others: "I have a dignified and virtuous wife, a calm and sensible son, and a lively and lovely daughter. Every family member is the pride of my heart, my endless concern and joy. ”

Such a Fan Ming undoubtedly interprets the image of a winner in life who combines career success and family happiness.


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