
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Understanding the Pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and what is the difference between pathogenesis and etiology?

author:Words and bodies of Chinese medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Understanding the Pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and what is the difference between pathogenesis and etiology?
Etiology and pathogenesis are important concepts in TCM theory, and they are used to explain the occurrence and progression of diseases. In traditional Chinese medicine, the human body is regarded as a whole, adhering to the concepts of "heaven and man corresponding" and "causal association". Studying the etiology and pathogenesis can help us understand the nature of the disease and develop an individualized treatment plan. In addition, the etiology and pathogenesis are also inseparable. Etiology leads to the development of pathogenesis, which in turn influences the development of etiology. Therefore, understanding the pathogenesis, pathogenesis and etiology of Chinese medicine is also the foundation of Chinese medicine.

Pathogenesis of Chinese medicine

Xiao Wang asked, "Teacher Xie, I want to understand what is the pathogenesis of Chinese medicine." I understand that it is the basis for TCM diagnosis and treatment, but I hope to have a deeper understanding of its connotation and application. "

Teacher Xie nodded, he knew that this was an important question, one involving the core theories of Chinese medicine. He began to explain: "Pathogenesis refers to the mechanism of the occurrence, development, change and outcome of the disease, and is the internal law and basis for the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, pathogenesis is based on the basic theories of yin and yang, qi, blood, fluid, Tibetan images, meridians, etiology and pathogenesis, etc., to explore and elaborate the mechanism and basic laws of disease occurrence, development, change and outcome, that is, what we call the pathogenesis theory in traditional Chinese medicine. "

Xiao Wang carefully recorded these words, and then asked, "Teacher Xie, what is the specific content of the pathogenesis theory?"

Teacher Xie smiled and continued to explain: "The specific content of the pathogenesis theory can be summarized into the following aspects. First of all, it explores the basic laws of the occurrence, development, change and outcome of diseases as a whole. This includes the rise and fall of evil, yin and yang imbalance, qi and blood disorders, and fluid metabolism disorders. "

Xiao Wang recorded it carefully, and then asked, "What else?"

Mr. Xie continued: "Secondly, the theory of pathogenesis studies the basic laws of the occurrence, development, change and outcome of diseases from a certain system such as viscera and meridians. For example, visceral pathogenesis, meridian pathogenesis, etc. "

Xiao Wang nodded and continued to ask, "Are there any other aspects?"

Teacher Xie smiled and said, "Of course, there are more. Third, the theory of pathogenesis explores the basic laws of the occurrence, development, change, and outcome of a certain type of disease, such as the pathogenesis of the six meridians, the pathogenesis of the blood of Weiqiying, and the pathogenesis of the Sanjiao. "

Xiao Wang felt as if he had discovered a treasure, and he eagerly asked, "Is there anything else?"

Teacher Xie smiled and continued to explain: "Of course, there are many more. Fourth, the pathogenesis theory studies the basic laws of the occurrence, development, change and outcome of a certain disease, such as the pathogenesis of colds, asthma, phlegm, malaria, and so on. "

Xiao Wang couldn't help but ask excitedly: "What about the last aspect?"

Teacher Xie replied with a smile: "Finally, the pathogenesis theory also studies the occurrence and development of a certain symptom. For example, the mechanism of pain syndrome, the mechanism of chills and fever, and so on. "

Xiao Wang felt as if he was in an ancient universe of Chinese medicine, and his heart was full of curiosity and admiration. He said with emotion: "Mr. Xie, the pathogenesis theory of Chinese medicine is really broad and profound, so what is the difference between the pathogenesis of Chinese medicine and Western medicine? "

Teacher Xie said encouragingly, "Very good, Xiao Wang. In the pathogenesis of Western medicine, we talk more about pathology or pathophysiology. Based on the Tibetan theory centered on the five organs, the pathogenesis theory of traditional Chinese medicine links local pathological changes with the general condition, and explores the development and transformation of diseases according to the interconnection and restriction relationship of viscera tissues and meridians, forming a unique pathogenesis view of understanding and studying the occurrence and development process of diseases from the perspective of overall connection and movement changes. Because the philosophical basis of Chinese medicine and Western medicine is different, the theory of pathogenesis is of course different. "

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Understanding the Pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and what is the difference between pathogenesis and etiology?

Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Teacher Xie's eyes were gentle and serious, and he smiled and said to Xiao Wang: "Xiao Wang, you came to ask me a question, I want to test you, what are the causes of Chinese medicine?"

Xiao Wang immediately behaved nervously, but he still nodded and replied seriously: "Etiology, also known as pathogenic factors, pathogens, and pathogens, is the cause of diseases in the human body. The theory of etiology, which studies the concept, formation, nature, pathogenic characteristics, and manifestations of the disease, is the theory of etiology. ”

The etiology of TCM is characterized by a 'holistic view' and 'syndrome differentiation and causation'

Teacher Xie nodded and said with satisfaction, "Very good, you have a good master." The etiology of traditional Chinese medicine is also characterized by a "holistic view" and "syndrome differentiation and causation", mainly including six lewdness, seven emotions, diet, work and rest, epidemic diseases, trauma and insect and animal injuries, and some pathological products such as phlegm drinking, paralysis of blood, etc. can also become pathogenic factors. ”

Teacher Xie said: "Now, let's talk about the classification of these pathogenic factors. ”

Xiao Wang opened the notebook, and the pen quickly wrote on the paper:

First, external causes: six prostitutions, epidemics. The six prostitutions are the collective name of the six external diseases and evils of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire, which mostly enter from the mouth and nose on the surface of the muscles, and are related to the seasonal environment, and can cause disease or transform each other. Epidemic disease is a strongly contagious external pathogenic evil qi, with a sudden and severe onset, strong contagion, and similar symptoms.

Second, internal causes: seven emotions, tiredness, diet. The seven emotions are joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock. Eating disorders refer to unhealthy diets, unclean diets, or dietary preferences. Lapse refers to overwork or comfort. Excessive physical and mental strength or excessive work can cause illness due to overwork, and excessive comfort can also make qi and blood unsmooth, spleen and stomach stagnation, and bloated and weak.

Third, pathological products: congestion, phlegm drinking. The pathological product pathogenic factors are pathological products and pathogenic factors. For example, phlegm drinking is a pathological product formed by water metabolism disorders, which can also block the flow of qi and blood, blinding the gods and causing disease, lingering and changeable, and the blood that is not smooth or dissipated from menstruation is paralyzed blood, and can cause stinging lumps, bleeding purple and loss of glory and other diseases.

Teacher Xie thought for a moment and continued: "Other causes include trauma, gold stones, water and fire burns, insects and beasts, etc. Classification of etiology is important for syndrome differentiation and treatment. You need to understand that the key to TCM treatment is to find the cause of the disease and then treat it in a targeted manner. Therefore, you should continue to study these causes in depth in your daily study and practice, and apply them to actual clinical practice. ”

Xiao Wang replied respectfully: "Yes, Teacher Xie, I will study hard, carefully record your teachings, and constantly improve in practice." ”

Attached "The Health of the Ancestors"

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Understanding the Pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and what is the difference between pathogenesis and etiology?
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Understanding the Pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and what is the difference between pathogenesis and etiology?
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Understanding the Pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and what is the difference between pathogenesis and etiology?

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