
Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

author:Fans of history


Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang, like Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was born in poverty, and both overthrew the rule of the previous dynasty.

After Li Zicheng established the Dashun regime, he only served as emperor for 42 days and failed, why is this?

What did Li Zicheng do in the past 42 days to send him to a dead end?

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end


Li Zi's experience when he was an adult was also full of various setbacks, and in general, it was not much different from Zhu Yuanzhang.

In Shaanxi, where Li Zicheng lived, there were also droughts for many years at that time, and the grain harvested every year was not enough to eat, and the local government had to forcibly collect grain. Most excessively, the standard has not been lowered.

In the end, in desperation, Li Zicheng also went to become a monk.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

When Li Zicheng was more than ten years old, his mother and father died one after another, and finally in desperation, he chose to join the army and become a soldier.

Unlike Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Zicheng was a soldier of the Ming Dynasty, not a rebel army.

At that time, the army of the Ming Dynasty was also very corrupt, and the officers often withheld food and salaries, and it was common for the soldiers to starve and freeze.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

In the end, in desperation, Li Zicheng mutinied with other soldiers, they killed the general and the county commander, and successfully ate a hot and full meal.

After several wars, Li Zicheng finally came to the account of the first king Gao Yingxiang, and since then he has officially started his own conquest.

Although Li Zicheng was also born as a poor peasant, he also had a talent for fighting.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

With more and more military exploits, Li Zicheng's influence in the army has increased. After Gao Yingxiang was killed by Sun Chuanting, a minister in the late Ming Dynasty, the peasant army elected Li Zi as the new king of Chuang.

The peasant army led by Li Zicheng did not go well, and they were repeatedly defeated by the Ming army under the command of Sun Chuanting.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

However, as Li Zicheng's army continued to grow and develop, and the Ming army had to divide troops to resist the Qing army in Liaodong, Li Zicheng's pressure was much less, which was one of the reasons why he was able to successfully enter Beijing.

This seems to be a good thing on the surface, but in fact, it has laid a huge hidden danger for Li Zicheng's defeat in the future.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

The first mistake

Although the enemy of the enemy is a friend, after the enemy in the middle is destroyed, the next enemy is the previous friend.

After the peasant army led by Li Zicheng entered the city of Beijing, their prototype was quickly revealed.

First of all, the first wrong thing Li Zicheng did was: let his subordinates go and lose his heart.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

As mentioned earlier, Li Zicheng is somewhat similar to Zhu Yuanzhang. Since both of them were poor peasants, they both knew that they had to be kind to the common people.

Everywhere Li Zicheng led the peasant army, he basically attacked the local tyrants and landlords.

The purpose of beating the local tyrants is to rob the rich and help the poor, and at the same time to earn some military expenses for themselves, and the purpose of beating the landlords is to make them hand over the land and then distribute it to those poor people to cultivate.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

At that time, Li Zicheng and his slogan was "free grain for all fields", and in addition to the above two methods, Li Zicheng also distributed tools to the peasants that were convenient for farming, such as ploughing cattle.

In addition, there is a very important point, every time Li Zicheng goes to a place, he will open a position to save the people.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, there was political corruption, and most of the people at the bottom could not eat, and Li Zicheng not only gave them money, but also food, which greatly moved the people everywhere.

"Open the city gate to meet the king, and when the king comes, he will not pay food", this is a song often sung by the common people at that time.

In addition, Li Zicheng also had strict regulations on the peasant army.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Wherever the peasant army went, Li Zicheng stressed: "It is not allowed to rob peasants of their money, kill innocent people at will, and touch women from good families." ”

Because of the above policies, Li Zicheng's reputation as a peasant army at that time was still very good, and it was not inferior to Zhu Yuanzhang's rebel army back then.

But after Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, everything before came to naught.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

After Li Zicheng entered the city of Beijing, he forgot everything that had been stipulated before.

First of all, the palace maids, Li Zicheng first selected a few that he was satisfied with, and then he gave the rest to the generals.

The surplus was distributed to the soldiers, but what about the soldiers who did not receive it?

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Soldiers who were not assigned concubines could only enter the homes of ordinary people, and then forcibly take away the daughter-in-law and daughter of the head of the household.

At this time, Li Zicheng's peasant army seemed to have become robbers. In fact, their essence is bandits, but they have not been shown before.

In addition, Li Zicheng also wantonly collected money.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

For example, he collected all the money from the ministers of the Ming Dynasty and distributed it to his soldiers.

Unlike before, this time Li Zicheng did not share it with the common people, because he had been blinded by victory.

The soldiers got a lot of money, so their appetite grew, but what if the ministers just paid the money and finished it?

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Therefore, in addition to taking away the women, the soldiers also robbed families of their money.

The reason why the soldiers do this is also related to their accommodation.

The city of Beijing is so big, and Li Zicheng came in with an army of 400,000, so the accommodation of so many people is a big problem.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Some of the places that were already occupied were occupied, so they had to live in the homes of the ministers or the common people.

Li Zicheng does not restrain himself according to his own behavior regulations, let alone the soldiers below, this is the so-called "upward and downward effect".

If there are too many people, there will definitely be conflicts, so there are many innocent victims.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

The second thing is wrong

Since Li Zicheng came to the capital, it has made it a miasma of smoke and misery, and compared with before, it is heaven and earth.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang was much better than Li Zicheng in this regard.

Then the second wrong thing Li Zicheng did after entering the capital was: neglecting the precautions against the Qing army outside the Guan, and that Wu Sangui.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

In fact, Li Zicheng also knew that there had always been Qing troops outside the Guan, but he had already been carried away by the victory, and he felt that it was easy for his Dashun army to defeat the Qing army.

But someone has to defend him in Liaodong, and this person is Wu Sangui.

At that time, Wu Sangui's family was in the hands of Li Zicheng, so Wu was forced to want to submit to Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

But it was at this time that Wu Sangui learned the very angry news that his concubine Chen Yuanyuan had been taken away by Li Zicheng's general, Liu Zongmin.

This made Wu Sangui very angry, so he decided to take refuge in Dolgon in the Qing Dynasty.

However, in order to save his family's life, Wu Sangui could only fake surrender, and then take the opportunity to get rid of Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Under Wu Sangui's repeated requests, Dolgon and the army had already quietly touched over.

Just when Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng were negotiating, Dolgon suddenly led a large army to kill, and together with Wu Sangui's troops, they finally succeeded in driving Li Zicheng out of Beijing.

It is not difficult to see from this that because of too many victories, Li Zicheng has long lost his military vision.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

According to the idea of a normal commander, there is such a powerful enemy outside the pass, and it is right to send heavy troops to defend it, but Li Zicheng wants to use a person at both ends of the head to guard against them.

If Li Zicheng successfully buys off Wu Sangui and then lets him die for himself, there is still a little hope for resisting the Qing army, but not much.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

There are two main points in the third wrongdoing

In fact, no matter whether Wu Sangui follows Li Zicheng or not, the Qing army will enter the customs in the end, which is related to the last thing Li Zicheng did, that is, he did not let his Dashun regime operate normally.

As mentioned earlier, Li Zicheng has been carried away by victory, so his behavior in the capital is really excessive, but if he manages it well, there is still hope to save it.

There are two main reasons why Li Zicheng was unable to run his regime normally, the first of which was that he did not reuse Ming officials.

Although they are defeated, at least they have experience in politics, and even if their ability is low, there is no problem in how to run a city.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

And the ministers of the Ming Dynasty did not desperately resist anything, they just hoped to succeed in coming to Li Zicheng and then serving the new dynasty.

Anyway, the corrupt old dynasty has perished, and if it can assist a new politically clear dynasty, wouldn't it be a great achievement, and it will be a bit of a face in the history books in the future.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

But Li Zicheng is good, he doesn't need to use it, and he also locked these ministers in a small dark room.

At this time, many ministers did not understand: "What does it mean to kill us if you want to kill, or use it if you want, and lock us up in a small dark room and ignore us all day long?"

Maybe Li Zicheng didn't have time to deal with them at all.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Another major reason is that Li Zicheng's advisers are incompetent.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is not that they are incompetent, but that they have no political experience.

The strategists under Li Zicheng's account are mainly to lift people, but these people are mainly unsuccessful.

If you say that they are good, they are readers, but if you say that they are ugly, they are the same as Li Zicheng, and they are also savages.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

These strategists had never worked in the court, and they spent their days walking back and forth on their two acres of land, until they joined the peasant army, and they began to display their talents.

Their role is nothing more than to provide Li Zicheng with a little good strategy, such as "Juntian free grain" is a strategist's suggestion.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

But Zhu Yuanzhang was different at that time, like Liu Bowen and others, they used to be officials in the Yuan Dynasty.

Moreover, the educational level of the strategists under Zhu Yuanzhang's account is generally much stronger than that of Li Zicheng, and the gap between civil officials and military generals is also the same.

Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, and Lan Yu are not fierce generals on the battlefield, and Li Zicheng's subordinates can see too little.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Of course, the most important thing is politics, which has a lot to do with the strategists around you.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang didn't understand it at first, he at least knew how to treat the people well, and he didn't forget his original intention.

And what Li Zicheng did has long lost the support of the people.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

Therefore, even if Li Zicheng knows how to engage in politics, his advisers also know how to engage in politics, and the final outcome is still the same.

Although the peasant rebel army has great limitations, it can be avoided slowly as time goes on, and Li Zicheng has gradually drifted away on this road, and finally he is almost forgetting his name.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Three things sent him to a dead end

After such a comparison, it seems that Zhu Yuanzhang is much stronger, but the Ming Dynasty established by him from a poor peasant was also overthrown by poor peasants in the end, is this "echoing from beginning to end"?

History is always full of coincidences, such as the name Zhu Chongba, which perfectly verifies the fate of the 16 emperors of the Ming Dynasty.