
DNF: Hanbok New Year rewards crush the national uniform, and the battle pass will send the supreme pet!

author:Gaming Esports Express


The Hanbok New Year version of the event is also here, which is also the theme of the "Clear Sky Ran" series, but the related rewards can be described as crushing the national uniform. The old rules go directly to the dry goods: first, the battle pass is directly sent to the supreme pet, "Mini Baiyun Herald Elysy", and the national uniform is also sent to Mini Selia. Second, the event will directly send the Shimmer Stone of the Great Variety Material, and the national service will send the Abyss Ticket Fog Core. There is really no harm if there is no comparison.

DNF: Hanbok New Year rewards crush the national uniform, and the battle pass will send the supreme pet!

DNF: Battle Pass for the Supreme Pet!

The national server contributes 90% of the dungeon's revenue, and the rewards are the worst and the latest updates. The krypton gold of the stick country is less than the amount of an anchor in the national server, but the experience is the best. Hanbok has aroused heated discussions among users with this welfare measure alone. The reason is that in the current environment, this pet has attributes comparable to the top graduation level. And there's no need to purchase additional Kryptonite packs, just by participating in the Battle Pass event. This move has aroused the amazement and envy of the majority of players. The national costume has to be pulled for a round to get the supreme, and compared with the hanbok, the national costume planning is really "crazy vampire essence"!

DNF: Hanbok New Year rewards crush the national uniform, and the battle pass will send the supreme pet!

In addition, another highlight of the event was the equipment customization system, the "Brilliant Stardust" material. Through the event, players can reduce the difficulty of crafting to a certain extent, and achieve the goal of equipment customization faster to improve their combat effectiveness. This has undoubtedly given a great impetus to the healthy development of the game. The national costume planning is still like a treasure!

DNF: Hanbok New Year rewards crush the national uniform, and the battle pass will send the supreme pet!

The event will send a variety of materials, and the Hanbok New Year reward will crush the national uniform

Behind the successful launch of such events in Hanbok, we vaguely see the --- planning team behind the scenes who are busy promoting the quality improvement and optimization of Battle Pass. In order to better meet customer needs and increase revenue, they continue to optimize the content of Battle Pass and provide players with richer game resources and channels. "Dungeons and Warriors: Game E-sports Jun Kuai Information" 3451 "DNF: Battle Pass to the Supreme Pet! Event to send a variety of materials, Hanbok New Year rewards crush the national service", the old rules hurry up, directly on the Bakar Raid version of the national server BUG test screenshot display:

DNF: Hanbok New Year rewards crush the national uniform, and the battle pass will send the supreme pet!

The above content is purely the personal opinion of the game e-sports, and the views have nothing to do with the platform! Players who like it can like and follow, there are new game information and skills every day, around 10 o'clock every night, and reply to players' messages and questions in a unified manner! The next few previews are a detailed explanation of Bakar Raid and 110-level dungeons moving bricks and upgrades, interested players please pay attention.

DNF: Hanbok New Year rewards crush the national uniform, and the battle pass will send the supreme pet!

Summary: And the national server can only see the co-anchor cheating Krypton, the joint plug-in opens the back door, look at how rampant the auction house's sweep is to govern the party's cheating, 9163 time plug-in has existed for 2 years, TP didn't find it, and the one-minded cheating Krypton only cares about his year-end bonus, and the interests of the players are not valued at all!