
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

author:Xinjiang Adasi

Do you know?

There is also a place in Xinjiang

It is in a strong seismic zone

From 1905 to the present,

There were 56 recorded earthquakes with major earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or above.

There have been more than 10,000 earthquakes below magnitude 6.0

But it still can't hide her beauty!

It is the westernmost county seat in China

Ucha County!


Xiaobian will take you to know this low-key small county!

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Ucha, unique location

The terrain of Ucha County is low in the southeast and high in the northwest and southwest

The mountains surround it in typical mountainous terrain

The altitude is 1760~6146 meters

The planar is horseshoe-shaped

geographical location

Ucha County is located at the junction of the southern foothills of the Gantian Mountains and the Kunlun Mountains. It is bordered by Artush City and Shufu County to the east, Aktau County to the south, and Kyrgyzstan to the northwest (410 km long).

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

It is precisely because Ucha County is located at the junction of the southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains and the Kunlun Mountains, the northwest border with Kyrgyzstan, and the Pamir-India Plate and the Eurasian Plate Collision Zone, so that the new tectonic movement in this area is quite strong, which also causes frequent seismic activity.

Ucha, the scenery is beautiful

Ucha, a small county town submerged in Kezhouli

Although it does not have the famous beauty of tianshan mountain scenic spot and colorful mountain

But her beauty is also picturesque:

YuqiTash grassland

The Yuqitashi Grassland is the highest and largest summer pasture in southern Xinjiang, and Yuqitash means "three stones" in The Kyrgyz language means "three huge peaks".

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Surrounded by mountains, the Yuqitash grassland stretches like green brocade.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

In the early morning, the whole pasture is shrouded in milky white mist, and the blades of grass are covered with crystal dewdrops, flowing through the streams of the grassland, bending and flowing from the snowy mountain glaciers in the distance.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

As dusk fell, smoke rose from the felt room, and sheep barked. This is the summer that belongs to Yuqitash.

Red Valley Scenic Area

The Red Valley Scenic Area belongs to the Yadan landform, which is the appearance of the earth given by hundreds of millions of years of geological changes.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

After hundreds of thousands of years of wind and sand carving, it has created a variety of strange mountain forms in the Red Valley, some like animals, some like reliefs, some like terraces, and the whole scenic spot is a beautiful oil painting, which makes people marvel at the magic of nature.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60">


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="61" > the sun is new every day, and the Red Valley has turned a new page in the morning light. </h1>

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="63">

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="64" > such a color would not trust your own judgment if you did not see it with your own eyes. </h1>

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="66">

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="67" > layers of cold and warm tones are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley. </h1>

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Shanghai Grassland Scenic Area

Shanghai Grassland Scenic Area is 104 kilometers away from the county seat of Ucha County, with an area of about 10 square kilometers, integrating natural scenery, ethnic customs, and summer vacation, as early as the Republic of China period, the British consul in Kashgar built the Garrison Summer Resort here.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

There are natural landscapes and historical sites

How could such an Ucha not be attractive?

Folklore of Ucha

In Ucha County, the population is 56,633 (2018 data)

Among them, the Kyrgyz ethnic group accounted for 73.10%, and the Uyghur ethnic group accounted for 19.76%.

Han Chinese accounted for 6.89%, and other ethnic groups accounted for 0.25%.

Girl chase

"Girl Chase", Kazakh is called "Kyzkuvar", Kazakh, Kyrgyz and other ethnic groups on horse sports, entertainment activities, mostly held at weddings, festivals and other festive occasions.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.


Sheep hunting is a highly confrontational and fiercely competitive sport. It is usually held during festivals or performances. There are two ways to do it, detachment and non-detachment.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

The Falcon

The Kyrgyz have a close relationship with the eagle. For thousands of years, the place where they lived was known as the "Land of The Falcons". In the years without guns, people tamed ferocious eagles to hunt for themselves, and a good falcon could feed a family.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.


The game is played on a flat, hard ground.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

During the competition, two athletes put a ring made of a long silk cloth belt on the neck (the belt passes between the legs), land on all fours and turn their backs on each other, and climb in their own direction, with one side pulling the fall bar placed between the two across their side of the tiebreaker line.


Kyrgyz women are good at weaving and embroidery, mainly wall tapestries, curtains, headscarves, handkerchiefs, bedding and so on. The Kyrgyz people always carry a very elaborate, small and exquisite "Huerjun" on horseback, which is an indispensable "treasure bag" in daily life.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Singing Manas

"Manas", "Hero Tosituk", "Kurmanbek" and so on are sung in oral form, accompanying them through the vicissitudes of history, and hundreds of heroic epics have sung their hearts in the language of art, recording the footprints of the history of their ancestors.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

The cuisine of Ucha

As an ethnic minority in the frontier area, the Kyrgyz people have many ethnic characteristics, and the more famous delicacies are: pilaf, ramen, roasted whole lamb, horse meat and so on.

Hand pilaf

The lamb is tender, the rice is strong and elastic, the yellow carrot is soft and sticky, plus the sweet and sour taste of the raisins, and the cumin necessary for grilling meat is used for Titian, which is really delicious and nutritious

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.


"Naren" is a hand-grasped food made from a mixture of meat pieces and noodles, and is generally eaten during festivals or when entertaining guests. The Kyrgyz Naren work very fine, the meat is cooked, cut into soybean-sized cubes, and then mixed with the noodles, seasoned with onions, bacon broth, carrots, etc., of which the amount of meat is equivalent to one-third of the noodles.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.


"Catama" is a kind of cake, because of the many layers of cakes, so it is also called "mille-feuille cake". The roasted "Catama" is a charred yellow, fragrant, fluffy and delicious, and is the best of the Kyrgyz people's hospitality.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.


In the Recipes of the Kyrgyz people, many meals often use beef and mutton as the protagonist, but Sharkol does not use beef and mutton for this meal. "Sharqol" means "yellow lake". The ingredients are rice, milk and ghee, and sticky rice is made from milk and rice.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Horse intestines

Horse intestines are selected fat and strong horses slaughtered, take their intestines, wash, and then cut the horse's rib meat into strips, put salty salt seasoning, stuffed into the horse intestines about 1 meter long, both ends with animal tendons tied, hung in the house air dry, about two months to complete.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.


Jubuga is a ghee cake. First, the flour is mixed into balls, rolled into a very thin cake, placed in a pan and cooked, then spread with ghee, sprinkled with sugar, and then folded into a triangle. This kind of cake is sweet and crispy, and adults and children like to eat it.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.


"Shonupa": that is, large pieces of meat, hand-grabbed meat. This is one of the food products of the Kyrgyz people. The method is to cut the meat into large pieces, divide the ribs, neck bones, spine, thighs, calves and sheep's head, hooves, and liver together, and divide the meat according to the level of the guests.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Milk skin

Milk skin: it is a layer of pale yellow coagulant on the top after fresh milk is cooked and cooled, and a chopstick is picked up and placed in a ventilated place, and it can be eaten when it is dried.

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

The milk skin is simple in process, rich in ingredients, rich in flavor, and particularly nutritious. Mongolians are generally used as a good product for banquets and ancestors!

Milk skins are generally made into snacks and eaten directly, or they can be eaten together with milk tea or fried rice, and the taste is very pure.

Ucha, the night view is beautiful

Urban construction is getting better and better

This small county town is located in the north of the Pamir

The night view stunned most people even more

Indulge in such a night

Jing is not intoxicating

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Ucha, the place where the Sun sets at the latest in China

Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.
Grassland, valley, embroidery, Xinjiang, a small county in the earthquake belt, the sun is new every day, and the red valley has also turned a new page in the morning light. If you don't see such colors with your own eyes, you won't trust your own judgment. Layers of cool and warm colors are matched at will, instantly stirring up the red valley.

Image source: Ucha Zero Distance


In the land of Ucha

There is no lack of history, no shortage of scenery

The beauty of Ucha, the beauty of her lake;

The beauty of Ucha, the beauty of her prairie scenic area;

The beauty of Ucha, the beauty of her rich flora and fauna

The beauty of Ucha, the beauty of her united and fraternal multi-ethnic family

May Ucha County become more and more beautiful!

I also wish the motherland the mountains and rivers are safe, and the country is safe!