
What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

author:Sewage Museum

As more and more friends begin to pay attention to health and wellness, fitness and running seem to be about to become a new lifestyle fashion. What we're going to share today is: What is electrolyte water? What is the difference between electrolyte water and ordinary water, whether to supplement electrolyte water with regular exercise, and the role of electrolyte water?

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

We take running as an example, most people run mainly sprinting and jogging, 3-5 kilometers, or 5-10 kilometers, such a amount of exercise if not more than 10 kilometers a day long-distance running, do not need to specially supplement electrolyte water, mainly because the amount of exercise at this stage will not cause significant dehydration, and ordinary tap water or mineral water originally contains the electrolyte elements needed by the human body, there is no need to supplement deliberately.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

In fact, whether it is bottled water or tap water that we drink, it contains trace amounts of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium and calcium. Unlike tap water/purified water, the concentration of electrolytes in drinks will be relatively large, and some brands add a lot of minerals to carbohydrates, and then with a refreshing and delicious taste, it will naturally attract a large number of consumers to pay for it.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

Let's first look at the definition of electrolyte: electrolyte is a mineral that conducts electricity when dissolved in water. They are distributed through fluids within the body and use their electrical energy to promote important bodily functions. Electrolytes are essential for several major roles in our bodies:

1. Control the fluid balance

2. Regulate blood pressure

3. Promotes muscle contraction (including the heart)

4. Maintain the appropriate acidity of the blood (ph)

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

Common electrolytes include sodium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These charged minerals enhance electrolyte water, but in varying concentrations. Unless labeled "distilled water", the mineral water and beverages we drink every day will contain a small amount of electrolytes. At the same time, tap water also contains electrolytes. On average, 1 liter of tap water contains about 2-3% sodium, calcium and magnesium, but contains almost no potassium. In contrast, the same amount of electrolyte water can contain up to 18% sodium RDI (Daily Value) sodium and 3% potassium (RDI), however, almost no magnesium or calcium.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

To sum up: Electrolyte water is an important charged mineral for maintaining optimal bodily functions, and common electrolyte drinks include fortified water and sports drinks.

Electrolyte drinks have the following effects:

1. Can promote athletic performance ability.

Electrolyte water can help athletes replenish hydrate, electrolytes, and energy lost during exercise. Because in the process of physical exercise, we need extra fluids to replenish the water lost due to sweat, according to statistics, the loss of 1-2% of the body's body weight will lead to a decrease in strength, speed and concentration. (This also answers why the above mentioned, ordinary exercise is not necessary to drink electrolyte water) Our sweat contains electrolytes, contains a lot of sodium, and a small amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium. On average, 1 liter of sweat is produced, and about 1 gram of sodium is lost.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

If you sweat regularly, or exercise regularly for more than 1 hour, or are often in a hot environment, it is recommended to use sports drinks instead of regular water to replenish electrolytes and energy.

It should be noted that electrolyte water (sports drinks) is mainly designed for athletes, not for sedentary people. In addition to electrolytes, electrolyte water also contains "calories" that can replenish sugar for the human body, so a bottle of 500 ml of electrolyte water may contain up to dozens of grams of sugar.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

2. You can hydrate when you are sick.

Oral rehydration solutions contain specific proportions of easily digestible water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes, vomiting and diarrhea in the short term when sick are usually not severe, and severe or persistent symptoms can quickly lead to dehydration without fluid and electrolyte supplementation; infants and children are particularly prone to dehydration due to severe vomiting, so doctors often recommend oral rehydration solutions to prevent dehydration.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

Sports drinks can play a similar role, but due to the high carbon content, it is not recommended for infants, young children and the elderly to avoid aggravating diarrhea. However, sports drinks can be diluted into 1 serving of water and 1 serving of sports drinks, older children may tolerate sports drinks, and adults can usually tolerate oral rehydration solutions and sports drinks without problems.

It is important to note that electrolyte drinks may not be sufficient to treat severe dehydration. If diarrhea persists for more than 24 hours, seek medical advice.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

3. Helps prevent heat stroke.

Hot weather and environment are prone to the risk of diseases related to high temperatures, including prickly heat to heat stroke and so on. Usually when our body releases heat and sweats through the skin to control heat, however. In the face of hot weather, the body's heat exhaust system is almost ineffective, so getting enough liquid and electrolytes is very important to help the body stay cool. therefore. In the heat of the environment, we can replenish our water with drinking water and sports drinks.

What is electrolyte water, how to make your own electrolyte water, is it good to drink electrolyte water after exercise?

Finally, let's summarize that electrolyte water may be beneficial if you are at risk of rapid mineral loss. In addition to exercise, hot weather and illness, ordinary tap water can meet our daily hydration needs. Beverages supplemented with electrolytes may need to be considered if:

--Exercise for more than 1 hour

--Sweating profusely during exercise

--Sick vomiting or diarrhea

--Prolonged exposure to high temperatures