
The cold wave on the 28th ~ 30th cooled down greatly, and the large-scale low temperature rain and snow weather hit, is it so cold that you cry during the Spring Festival?

author:An Ann tells a story A2lK

On the edge of the frozen world, the bell of the 28th rings the alarm bells of winter. A biting cold current, like an uninvited guest, quietly invaded the earth. Doors and windows were closed, and pedestrians on street corners were wrapped in their coats, and only the exhaled white air jumped in the air, as if telling the arrival of the cold.

The cold wave on the 28th ~ 30th cooled down greatly, and the large-scale low temperature rain and snow weather hit, is it so cold that you cry during the Spring Festival?

This cold wave is not just a change in the weather, it brings a test of warmth. A wide range of low-temperature rain and snow, like the sky is out of control, crying and overwhelming. The snow was heavy on the roofs, the ice hung on the branches, and every step was accompanied by the creaking of the snow, as if even time had frozen at this moment.

The cold wave on the 28th ~ 30th cooled down greatly, and the large-scale low temperature rain and snow weather hit, is it so cold that you cry during the Spring Festival?

The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, which should have been a symbol of reunion and joy, but it was overshadowed by this sudden cold wave. People can't help but wonder in their hearts: Will this Spring Festival be spent in the cold wind, and will the warmth of home be able to resist this cold invasion?

In this context, we should not only care about the changes in the weather, but also care about those who stick to their posts in the cold. They are the warm guardians of the city, our reliance in the cold. They may be a traffic policeman directing heavy traffic, a sanitation worker sweeping snowy roads, or a medical worker guarding people's health.

The cold wave on the 28th ~ 30th cooled down greatly, and the large-scale low temperature rain and snow weather hit, is it so cold that you cry during the Spring Festival?

At the same time, we should also think of those homeless homeless, who need care and help even more in such days. A piece of food, a piece of warm clothing, a place to shelter from the wind and snow, these seemingly insignificant gestures can bring them the most precious warmth in winter.

At such a moment, it is all the more important for us to unite and face this test of nature together. Family can be our safe haven, greetings between friends can be a comfort to the soul, and social care can be a force to resist the cold. Every small action can be gathered into a huge energy to resist the cold wave.

Let us not only convey the blessings of the festival in this Spring Festival, but also convey the warmth between people. Even on a cold and windy day, we can warm everyone with our hearts, so that this winter will no longer be so cold that it makes people cry. Because in this world, the greatest warmth often comes from mutual support and love between people.

The cold wave on the 28th ~ 30th cooled down greatly, and the large-scale low temperature rain and snow weather hit, is it so cold that you cry during the Spring Festival?

The bell of the Spring Festival is about to ring, let us join hands to spend this special festival, use love and action to dispel the cold, and let the warmth bloom in every corner. This Spring Festival, we are not so cold that we cry because we have each other.