
also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

author:People who have a splendid life say entertainment

In contemporary urban dramas, there are two characters who deeply portray the influence of the original family on women - Jiang Xi played by Zhang Jiani and Fan Shengmei played by Jiang Xin. Their stories are fictional, but they reflect the plight of many real-life women.

Jiang Xi was born in a patriarchal family, and her mother's attitude towards her was as cold as ice, she only knew how to ask for it, and never gave warmth. In "Good Things Come in Pairs", we see Jiang's mother traveling thousands of miles from her hometown to the metropolis, but just to mess around in Jiang Xi's company.

When she saw a photo of Jiang Xi and Gu Xu, she thoughtlessly decided that Gu Xu was her son-in-law, and even mistakenly thought that Lin Shuang had robbed her daughter's boyfriend. These behaviors all show Jiang's mother's selfishness and indifference to her daughter's life.

Jiang Xi's pain is self-evident. She was destined not to get her mother's love since she was a child, but instead became a "money-making machine". Jiang Xi's eyes often flickered with a trace of imperceptible sadness, as if telling the loneliness in his heart and the desire to be loved.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

Fan's situation is equally poignant. In "Ode to Joy", we see that most of her salary is used to support her brother, who is not successful. Fan Shengmei paid a down payment and repayment of the mortgage for her brother's wedding house, and even had to pay for her brother's child.

Every time her mother asks for money, Fan Shengmei has to quietly check the online banking before paying her salary, and this cautious appearance is distressing. What's even more sad is that as a 30-year-old working woman, Fan Shengmei has no penny in savings.

In order to maintain the appearance of brilliance, she can only wear some high-imitation brand. Fan Shengmei's eyes often flashed with exhaustion and helplessness, and her shoulders always seemed to be slightly rickety, as if she was bearing an invisible burden.

These two women are struggling to survive in the shadow of their original families. Their stories are like a mirror, reflecting the mental journey of many people who are trapped by their original families in reality.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

However, fate has arranged different scripts for them, allowing us to see the different choices and possible outcomes of human nature in the face of difficulties. Faced with the pressure of their original families, Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei both lost their way and made questionable choices.

Their stories illustrate the difficult process of finding a way out of difficult situations. Jiang Xi appeared as a "little three" in "Good Things Come in Pairs" and intervened in Wei Ming's marriage. This choice is undoubtedly wrong, but it also reflects Jiang Xi's inner fragility and desire for love.

There was a complex glint in her eyes, with both anticipation of love and a hint of uneasiness and guilt. Jiang Xi's every move seemed to be shouting: "Please love me, even if it's just a little bit."

This ambivalent state of mind is the result of a long-term lack of family warmth. The choices of these two women, while different, are both a reflection of their struggles in the face of difficult situations.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

Jiang Xi's choice to become a "little three" is a wrong pursuit of love; And Fan Shengmei's proximity to the rich is a desire for economic security. Their actions may not be understood, or even criticized, but we can see their inner struggle and helplessness.

It is worth noting that Jiang Xi later realized his mistake. She left the scumbag Wei Ming, became best friends with Lin Shuang, and began her own growth path. This change shows the strength of Jiang Xi's heart, and she begins to face up to her problems and strive to change.

In contrast, Fan Shengmei seems to be mired in a deeper quagmire. She continues to struggle between family burdens and personal pursuits, unable to break free from the shackles of her family of origin. Fan's story reminds us that sometimes, kindness and a sense of responsibility can also be a shackle that binds us.

The experience of Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei is like a mirror, reflecting the mental journey of many people who are trapped by their original families. Their stories show us that when faced with difficult situations, we need to have the courage to face up to problems and try to find the right way out.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

As the plot deepens, Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei are faced with key life decisions, and their decisions show very different attitudes towards life and ways of facing the pressure of their original families.

In "Good Things Come in Pairs", Jiang Xi finally made up his mind and gave his mother 50,000 yuan to send her back to her hometown. This decision was not easy to come by, reflecting Jiang Xi's inner struggle and growth.

When Jiang's mother traveled thousands of miles from her hometown to the metropolis and messed around in Jiang Xi's company, Jiang Xi felt embarrassed and helpless. Especially when Jiang's mother mistakenly thought that Lin Shuang had robbed her daughter's boyfriend Gu Xu, she also pushed Lin Shuang, which made Jiang Xi very embarrassed, and apologized to Lin Shuang afterwards.

Faced with this situation, Jiang Xi made a difficult but necessary decision. She took out all the savings of 50,000 yuan to her mother and asked her to take the money and return to her hometown obediently. Although this move is distressing, it also shows Jiang Xi's courage and determination.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

She finally realizes that in order to be truly free and grow, she must break free from the shackles of her family of origin. In contrast, Fan Shengmei's choice in "Ode to Joy" is full of helplessness and compromise.

She continues to bear the heavy burden of the family, spending most of her salary on supporting her brother, who is not able to make a living. Fan Shengmei paid a down payment for her brother's wedding house, repaid the loan, and even paid for the birth of a child.

Every time her mother asks for money, Fan Shengmei has to quietly check the online banking before paying her salary, and this cautious appearance is distressing. Fan Shengmei's life has become extremely poor. As a 30-year-old working woman, she has no savings of a penny, so she can only wear some high-imitation brand-name brands to maintain the appearance of brilliance.

Fan Shengmei's choice reflects her inner conflict and weakness, and she is unable to cut off financial support for her original family as decisively as Jiang Xi did. Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei's different choices show the different attitudes that people may adopt when faced with the predicament of their original family.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

Jiang Xi chose to give up, and although he paid the economic price, he gained spiritual freedom. Fan continues to endure, on the other hand, struggling to balance family responsibilities and personal development.

The choice between these two roles makes us wonder: how should we choose between family responsibilities and personal growth? Will he be brave enough to pursue himself like Jiang Xi, or will he continue to bear the burden of his family like Fan Shengmei? There is no standard answer to this question, but the story of Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei undoubtedly gives us a profound inspiration.

Jiang Xi's story shows an encouraging growth trajectory in "Good Things Come in Pairs". Her change is not only to get rid of the shackles of her original family, but also to completely redeem herself and be reborn.

After leaving the scumbag Wei Ming, Jiang Xi's life began to change significantly. She and Lin Shuang became best friends, and this friendship was like a ray of light in the darkness, illuminating Jiang Xi's life path.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

The two formed the "Avengers" and officially started the task of joining forces to deal with Wei Ming. This process not only helped Jiang Xi get out of the haze of feelings, but also allowed her to find sincere friendship and fill the emotional gap in her heart for a long time.

In the workplace, Jiang Xi also showed an impressive side. She began to become stronger and stronger, no longer the little girl trapped by her original family, but an independent woman who had the courage to pursue herself.

Jiang Xi began to pursue his life goals and strive to achieve his desire for promotion and salary increase. This transformation shows Jiang Xi's inner growth, she no longer pins her value on others, but realizes the value of life through her own efforts.

It is worth noting that Jiang Xi's appearance has also changed significantly in the play. Her image has become more refined and professional, with red lips and a professional skirt, showing the ability and confidence of a working woman.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

This change in external image also reflects Jiang Xi's inner transformation. Jiang Xi's growth path was not all smooth sailing. She must confront the shadows of her past, including her experience as a "junior" and her complicated relationship with her family of origin.

But she chose to face these problems head-on and try to change herself. Jiang Xi's story tells us that even if you come from a bad background, even if you have made mistakes, as long as you have the courage to admit and correct them, you can regain control of your life.

Zhang Jiani used superb acting skills to vividly interpret Jiang Xi's series of changes. She delicately showed Jiang Xi's process from confused to firm, from weak to strong, so that the audience deeply felt the inner changes of the character.

Jiang Xi's growth path has pointed out a path of hope for those who are also trapped by their original families. Her story proves that with the courage to make changes, it is possible for everyone to escape the shadow of their original family, achieve self-redemption, and live a wonderful life.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin showed excellent acting skills in their respective roles, injecting fresh vitality into Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei, two characters trapped by their original families.

In "Good Things Come in Pairs", Zhang Jiani perfectly interprets Jiang Xi's complex inner world. She accurately captured Jiang Xi's psychological changes from confusion to awakening, and vividly showed the character's struggle and growth.

Especially in the face of her mother's request, the pain and determination in Zhang Jiani's eyes made the audience deeply feel Jiang Xi's inner struggle. Zhang Jiani's appearance in the play is also very outstanding, bringing Jiang Xi's charming temperament to the extreme.

The image of red lips and professional skirts not only shows the ability of women in the workplace, but also hints at Jiang Xi's inner growth and self-confidence. This change in the external image complements the inner transformation of the character.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Jiani himself is one of the representatives of Qiong Yao drama. She was well-known to the audience for her role as Ziling in "Seeing a Dream Again", and then played Huang Yaping and other roles in "The Road of Life".

These experiences provided her with a rich acting foundation for the role of Jiang Xi. In contrast, Jiang Xin's role as Fan Shengmei in "Ode to Joy" is equally impressive.

She interpreted Fan Shengmei's helplessness and struggle to the fullest. Especially when secretly checking the bank balance, Jiang Xin's expression changed slightly, showing Fan Shengmei's anxiety and helplessness vividly.

Jiang Xin restored the details of Fan Shengmei wearing a high-imitation brand in order to maintain the glamour on the surface, showing the character's struggle under economic pressure. Her performance made the audience really feel the pain of Fan Shengmei being trapped by her original family.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

In addition to the role of Fan Shengmei, Jiang Xin's role as Concubine Hua in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is also one of her masterpieces. The classic line "Slut is hypocritical" fully demonstrates Jiang Xin's acting skills.

The superb performances of the two actors brought to life the two characters of Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei, who were trapped by their original families. Their acting skills are not only playing roles, but also telling the hearts of thousands of women with similar fates, which has aroused deep resonance with the audience.

The story of Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei shows us the completely different life trajectories brought about by different choices when facing the difficulties of the original family. Jiang Xi chose to take the initiative to get rid of the shackles and pursue independence and growth.

In "Good Things Come in Pairs", we see her transform from a "little three" who is troubled by her original family to an independent woman who has the courage to face reality and pursue herself. Her decision to give her mother 50,000 yuan to return to her hometown was a difficult but crucial step towards freedom.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

After that, Jiang Xi and Lin Shuang became best friends, became stronger and stronger in the workplace, and began to pursue their life goals. Jiang Xi's transformation tells us that even if we come from a bad background, as long as we have the courage to make changes, we can take control of our lives.

In contrast, Fan Shengmei's story in "Ode to Joy" shows a different reality. She is still struggling with her family and personal dreams. As a 30-year-old working woman, Fan Shengmei has no savings of a penny, and most of her salary is used to support her brother.

In order to maintain the appearance of brilliance, she can only wear some high-imitation brand. Fan's story shows us that sometimes, kindness and a sense of responsibility can also become shackles that bind us.

The different choices and outcomes of these two characters have brought us deep thoughts: when facing the predicament of our original family, should we bravely choose to change like Jiang Xi, or continue to endure like Fan Shengmei? The story of Jiang Xi and Fan Shengmei is like a mirror, allowing us to see our possible future.

also played "was miserable by the original family", Zhang Jiani and Jiang Xin compared, the gap is clear at a glance?

At the same time, these two characters also reflect the situation of many people in real life. Their stories remind us that everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, and that pursuit sometimes requires us to have the courage to break through old shackles and take the first steps toward change.

Whether we choose to change or persevere, it is important that we recognize our situation and take responsibility for our choices.

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