
Interesting facts about large brine noodles

author:Snowflakes pass

Whether we are doing scholarship or engaging in technology, we should adopt the strengths of other cuisines and the advantages of others with a realistic and modest attitude, and we cannot forcibly disregard the market and deny the facts in order to safeguard the interests of personal face.

Carry forward Shaanxi cuisine, care for Shaanxi cuisine, and safeguard the status and dignity of Shaanxi cuisine and Shaanxi cuisine people from being arbitrarily trampled and slandered. It is like when the little devils destroyed, bullied, and trampled on the Chinese nation at will, we must not let the southern cooks not understand Shaanxi cuisine, but they must indiscriminately comment on Shaanxi cuisine and slander Shaanxi cuisine and Shaanxi cuisine people.

At noon, "Qin Fu Lou" Chef Yang Zheng personally made a special noodle dish in Guanzhong: large brine noodles. The color sauce is red, the ingredients are exquisite, the taste is soft and moist, the taste is pure and fragrant, and the slowly forgotten delicacy on the market is pushed to the diners without hesitation, making it shine.

The production of Guanzhong large brine noodles, in the past, was their own use of the dough press pressed narrow leek leaf noodles, evenly placed on the steaming plate steaming for an hour, so that the noodles are thoroughly cooked (this is the key to the brine noodles after the final steaming out of the tendons soft and loose without sticking), and then shake loose, and then the cooked hind leg meat cut into thin strips, add onions and ginger large materials to sauté the aroma, add soy sauce to color, and then put in the long beans, soybean sprouts, and other dishes that are not easy to get out of the water to boil into a less than half a soup dish, the oil and water are appropriately larger, adjust the taste, the dish is stewed, and then the steamed noodles are poured into a large basin. Pour the vegetables and vegetable soup oil juice on top, mix well, let the noodles absorb the oil juice inside the dish for a while, and then steam on high heat for fifteen minutes. Now it is generally used to buy cooked noodles from the market, which will shorten the processing time, but the basic number of roads and principles are consistent.

At noon today, after frying the brine noodle dish, Chef Yang Zheng stirred up the dish and the noodles in the large basin and sang two moving songs for Shaanxi noodles: "Eight hundred miles Qinchuan my home, Shaanxi noodles Momada ..."

Understand the words of Shaanxi cuisine culture, outsiders see that you can still be a ghost?!


Interesting facts about large brine noodles
Interesting facts about large brine noodles
Interesting facts about large brine noodles
Interesting facts about large brine noodles

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