
staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

author:Drunk breeze film entertainment
staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

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“...... Who said that acting can only be done by face?......"

"Yi Nian Guan Mountain" set off a sensation when it was launched, like a clear stream pouring into the rivers and lakes unstoppable.

The beginning of the martial arts drama is like a firework, which has attracted the attention of many knights.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

In this world of martial arts, Liu Shishi incarnated as the killer of Anguo Zhu Yiwei, which rekindled the dream of rivers and lakes in the audience's hearts.

When it comes to Liu Shishi, everyone is amazed by her appearance, at the age of 36, she is still outstanding, like a plucked string, which is heartwarming.

In particular, the performance of that dance, like a solo dance, conquered all the audience on her stage.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

This makes people sigh that the years have not left traces in her face, but they are more beautiful.

The rivers and lakes are so difficult and dangerous, no matter how beautiful the martial arts drama is, there are always people who question Liu Shishi's appearance.

is a martial arts drama, and the heroine turned out to be Liu Shishi, who had been married and had children, which caused some people to worry.

Is time too ruthless, or is the rivers and lakes too desolate? Is 36-year-old Liu Shishi capable of playing the role of ancient costumes?

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

Such doubts surged for a while, like swords and shadows, confusing.

In the play, Ren Ruyi played by Liu Shishi is the top killer of Anguo Zhu Yiwei, with strong martial arts and unforgettable.

The fight scenes make the audience's blood boil, as if they are in danger, and they are fighting fiercely with the enemy.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

When the audience found out that the heroine may have used a stand-in in the fight, a storm of controversy was set off in the martial arts for a while.

Liu Shishi admitted in the live broadcast that she did shoot, but was replaced by a stand-in in the post-editing.

This statement is both frank and helpless, like a lone wolf on the rivers and lakes, and can only be sad in the face of the crew's arrangement.

Although Liu Shishi's play is wonderful, there are some problems in slow motion in the whole play, which makes people feel dazzled and have a poor look.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

The road to the rivers and lakes is bumpy, even if the martial arts are strong, it is inevitable to leave a trace of regret in the changes.

has outstanding appearance and superb martial arts, but Liu Shishi's acting skills in the play have been controversial, especially in expressing the emotions of the characters, and some viewers think that she still has shortcomings.

Above the rivers and lakes, the tension is intertwined, and the deep understanding and emotional expression of the characters are particularly important.

Liu Shishi said in an interview that Ren Ruyi in the play is a tenacious and brave existence, like a sharp sword and like a lone wolf.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

At this moment, the character number responded in a yin and yang weird tone, questioning whether Liu Shishi really understood this character.

This was like a dark wind and rain, which made the entire rivers and lakes suddenly fall into chaos.

Liu Shishi's fans and viewers obviously can't accept the character's questioning, and they have criticized the attitude of the character number for not fitting the character setting, and even questioned whether he really understands the plot.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

Under the pressure of public opinion, the character number deleted the previous statement, but then released a tea-scented remark.

This is like a battle of words on the rivers and lakes, making it impossible to predict the final outcome, and in the rivers and lakes, there is also a storm of propaganda injustice quietly coming.

In the official blog publicity of the crew, the male protagonist is mainly the main one, but the actresses are ignored.

This has aroused the dissatisfaction of many netizens, as if a dark tide is surging, and it is difficult for the heroes in the rivers and lakes to be peaceful.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

In the way of martial arts, men and women walk hand in hand, why take sides?

Such a propaganda strategy makes one wonder if the crew is really impartial and selfless, or if they can't extricate themselves from the whirlpool of interests.

As soon as the New Year's bell rang, Wu Qilong released a New Year's Day greeting video that detonated public opinion on social media, which hit the hearts of fans.

In the video, he shows his good state at work, full of energy, as if the whole person is filled with happiness.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

This sudden New Year's Day blessing became a hot topic for a while, attracting the attention of a large number of netizens.

When looking deeper into Wu's social media pages, the popular comment and retweet sections take on a completely different picture, as if they had become bustling overnight.

In the comment area, the voices of blessings came one after another, and a harmonious atmosphere came to the face.

But in the forwarding area, the extremely chaotic situation caused quite a stir, and irrelevant topics came to the face, including sensitive words such as Liu Shishi, divorce, and cheating.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

Interestingly, careful netizens found that in Wu Qilong's comments and forwarding areas, the name of "Liu Shishi" and words related to divorce and derailment were actually blocked.

This move immediately raised questions about the rift in the marriage between Wu Qilong and Liu Shishi, and the direction of public opinion changed drastically in a short period of time.

Is this just part of the scandal hype, or is there really a wave in married life?

In this era of information explosion, gossip on the Internet often makes it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

Liu Shishi has always been the focus of controversy, and her marriage to Wu Qilong has become one of the topics of concern.

When the changes in marriage are magnified into the public eye, are we jumping to conclusions too quickly?

Behind this blessed video, is it a gritty marriage, or is it a clever hype? Everything on social media is sometimes real, sometimes like a gorgeous show.

Wu Qilong's rhetoric revealed a beautiful state at work, but the heat in the comment area was perfectly stirred up by irrelevant topics.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

Maybe we should stop and examine the truth behind all this.

The information on social media is always superficial, but the truth is often hidden behind the flowers.

Whether the marriage between Wu Qilong and Liu Shishi is really in jeopardy this time remains to be verified by time.

And we, as viewers, should also maintain rational judgment and not be confused by the superficial prosperity.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

Perhaps, all this is just a fictional story, a small episode on the Internet.

We always tend to comment on other people's marriages in an instant, but maybe Wu Qilong just wants to give everyone a positive start through such a blessing video, and Liu Shishi is just a passerby in the marriage.

It is undeniable that Wu Qilong's practice of blocking "Liu Shishi" and words related to divorce and derailment in the video undoubtedly provides enough room for speculation to the outside world.

Whether all this is out of protection or cover-up is perhaps best known only to the parties themselves.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

We can't deny that some bad habits on social media, false information, malicious speculation, can cause great damage to a person's image.

Perhaps Wu Qilong's approach was just a helpless move, wanting to protect himself and his wife from criticism from the outside world.

In this era of information overflow, privacy is becoming more and more precious, and social media has become the main channel for information dissemination.

How to protect personal privacy while being able to express oneself in public has become a question that many public figures need to think about.

staring dryly and expressionless throughout the whole process, Liu Shishi actually taught young actors a lesson in this way

Combined with Wu Qilong's blessing video, we may be able to see a kind of pursuit of happiness and love for life.

In this anxious and stressful society, people crave a variety of ways to find inner peace and fulfillment.

And Wu Qilong's choice to pass on positive energy by sharing the beauty of his work may be a positive attitude towards life.

(Only published on the headline account, other platforms are ported)

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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