
Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

author:Elegant Genie P1

Liu Shishi's daily street show in Hong Kong, the new work is full of expectations! Netizens are hotly discussed: Is the goddess going to transform?


Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before
Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

Recently, there has been a small wave in the entertainment industry, and it turns out that it is our national goddess Liu Shishi who has shown off her daily life on the streets of Hong Kong! This sudden vlog not only made fans scream again and again, but also sparked speculation and heated discussions among countless netizens: "Is the goddess going to transform?" "Don't worry, let's unveil this mystery together and take a look at the details of Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong!

Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before
Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

1. The temptation of Hong Kong street food, the goddess can't resist it!

In the vlog, Liu Shishi incarnated as a "foodie", shuttling through the streets and alleys of Hong Kong, tasting all kinds of authentic food. From spicy crab to roast goose, from egg waffles to pineapple oil, the goddess ate with relish and a satisfied smile on her face. Looking at us in front of the screen, our saliva is going to flow! Netizens left messages: "Goddess, ask for the same food strategy!" "Watching you eat, I feel like I'm fat!" It seems that the charm of the goddess is not only in her appearance, but also in her love and truth for life.

Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

2. The new drama "Palm" has attracted attention, and Liu Shishi's acting skills have been affirmed again!

Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before
Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

In addition to the temptation of food, Liu Shishi also did not forget to remind everyone to make an appointment for her new drama "Palm". This story about love and growth, starring her, sparked heated discussions among netizens as soon as it was exposed. Everyone said: "The long-awaited new drama is finally coming!" "Liu Shishi's acting skills have always been online, this drama must not be wrong!" As for Liu Shishi's performance in the play, everyone is full of expectations and trust. After all, she has won the love and recognition of countless audiences with many classic works such as "Step by Step" and "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

3. Her private life is exposed, and the goddess is down-to-earth and close to the people!

In the vlog, Liu Shishi also rarely showed her private life. She walks the streets and alleys of Hong Kong, interacts cordially with passers-by, and has no celebrity shelf at all. This simple and real daily life made netizens feel her closeness and warmth. Some netizens left a message: "Liu Shishi is really a comfortable existence, and her attitude towards life is worth learning from." This kind of resonance and recognition makes Liu Shishi's influence even more far-reaching.

Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

Fourth, the goddess is faced with a choice, enter the group or walk the red carpet?

At the end of the vlog, Liu Shishi revealed the choice she was about to face: should she continue to film in the group or participate in more red carpets and business activities? This question immediately sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some people support her to continue filming, and look forward to her bringing more wonderful works; Some people also hope that she can appear more in the public eye and show her beauty and temperament. However, no matter which path you choose, we are confident that Liu Shishi will make the most suitable decision for you. After all, she has always been a thoughtful and pursuing actress.

Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

Fifth, the works to be broadcast have attracted much attention, and the expectations of fans are full!

In addition to "Palm", Liu Shishi also has two works to be broadcast: "Fox Demon Little Red Lady Bamboo Industry Chapter" and "Ye Ping'an". Both of these works are high-profile masterpieces, and Liu Shishi's role in them is even more exciting. In "The Fox Demon Little Red Lady Bamboo Industry Chapter", she will challenge a new character image and perform a touching love story with many powerful actors. In "Ye Ping'an", she will partner with powerful actors to present a tense and exciting suspense drama. These two works will undoubtedly once again prove Liu Shishi's acting strength and market appeal.


Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before
Liu Shishi's trip to Hong Kong: The state is better than before

After reading Liu Shishi's Hong Kong vlog, we can't help but sigh: this national goddess not only has an enviable appearance and temperament, but also has a heart that loves life and pursues dreams. She records the beauty of life in her own way, allowing us to see a different Liu Shishi. At the same time, she also proved that she is an actor worthy of respect and love with her strength and works. In the days to come, we look forward to Liu Shishi continuing to bring us more excellent works and surprises!

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