
"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

author:Kiki's mother's upbringing

Ling Ling put on this dress that she had been dreaming of for a long time, and looked left and right in front of the mirror for a while, the price of 2999 yuan was indeed a little expensive.

But when he thought of it, Chen Junsheng wanted to give Ping'er 50,000 yuan without blinking his eyes, and he was unhappy for a while, thinking: I don't spend anything.

Coupled with the disdain in the salesperson's eyes, Ling Ling's desire to buy was even more stimulated, and she couldn't wait to prove that she could afford it.

"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

Ling Ling: That's it!

Salesperson: Then I'll help you pack it!

Ling Ling: I'm just wearing it, help me put up the clothes I have changed!

Salesperson girl: Okay, sister, do you swipe your card or WeChat payment?

Ling Ling: Swipe your card!

The saleswoman took the card with a smile, and swiped it twice without success, so she asked: Sister, you can't use this card!

Ling Ling's expression was a little unnatural, and she still smiled and said, "No, I used it well yesterday."

The little girl in the salesperson swiped it again, but it still couldn't be used, and asked tentatively: Why don't you try a different card?

Ling Ling smiled awkwardly, took out the bank card she had saved money from her wallet, and handed it to the little girl.

This time the card was swiped, and Ling Ling walked out of the clothing store with a heavy heart.

Originally, I went to buy clothes to relieve my bad mood, but I found that the card Chen Junsheng gave her could not be used, and my mood became worse and worse.

It seems that Chen Junsheng is not only elbowing outward, but also wants to take back her financial power.

The more Ling Ling thought about it, the more angry she became, and threw the old clothes she was carrying directly into the trash.

She was glad that she had saved up her private money, otherwise she would have died of embarrassment today.

Ling Ling especially wanted to lose her temper with Chen Junsheng, but she knew that losing her temper would not bring back the financial power, but would be counterproductive.

So she didn't go home directly, but found a café and sat alone for a while to think about countermeasures.

Chen Junsheng called her today to ask, "Why did you stop Luo Zijun's mortgage", Ling Ling felt that this was the reason why Chen Junsheng wanted to take back the financial power.

"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

Through this incident, Ling Ling knew Chen Junsheng's bottom line, so she won't step on it next time.

Since she can't change Chen Junsheng's preference for Ping'er and her special care for Luo Zijun, she can only change her thoughts and strategies.

First of all, don't worry too much about this and be kind to yourself.

She can't control Chen Junsheng's behavior and thoughts, but she can be more kind to herself and focus on herself.

Secondly, in addition to Chen Junsheng's financial power, he saved more of his own private money.

Ling Ling had the habit of saving private money in her previous marriage, and she felt that only private money was completely her own, which could bring a sense of security.

This time, Chen Junsheng suddenly stopped her card, and it was the private money that relieved Ling Ling.

Therefore, she vowed that in the future, no matter what her relationship with Chen Junsheng is, she will work hard to save private money.

After figuring out the crux of the matter, Ling Ling went home happily.

Seeing Ling Ling going home in a new dress, her mother-in-law first praised her good looks, but when she saw the price of 2,999 yuan that Ling Ling threw into the trash, her face immediately looked a little unsightly.

Although she didn't say anything, Ling Ling clearly read the word "loser" from Chen's mother's face.

"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

But Ling Ling didn't care at all, as long as she was happy.

Ling Ling thought that Chen Junsheng would continue to ask her about "stopping Luo Zijun's mortgage", but he didn't ask anything, only said: You look good in this dress!

Ling Ling smiled and said: Yes, I have liked it for a long time, but I am not willing to start, 2999 yuan!

Chen Junsheng: Since you bought it, then wear it, what is expensive or not!

Ling Ling saw that Chen Junsheng didn't mention Luo Zijun's mortgage, and deliberately said: Junsheng, I was talking to you on the phone today, but in fact, I didn't mean not to help her pay it back, but I was too busy recently and forgot about it.

Chen Junsheng no longer cared whether Ling Ling was intentional or really busy forgetting, because he decided that he would do this matter himself in the future.

So he said: I know, you have worked hard, you have to go to work, take care of two children, and worry about me and my parents, and I will take care of the money in the future!

When Ling Ling heard that Chen Junsheng wanted to manage the money, she instantly felt a little disobedient in her heart, she was unwilling to hand over the financial power.

Ling Ling: Junsheng, do you think I married you for money?

"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

Chen Junsheng did not speak.

Ling Ling continued: Junsheng, you know me, I will earn the money myself, although I don't earn as much as you, but it is no problem to support myself and my son, even if I have an additional An'er, I can afford to raise it.

Chen Junsheng didn't know what to say and continued to be silent.

Ling Ling: Chen Junsheng, why don't you speak?

Chen Junsheng: I know you're not in it for money.

Ling Ling's voice became louder: Since you know, why did you stop my card?

Both of them actually knew that it was because Ling Ling stopped Luo Zijun's mortgage, and Chen Junsheng lost face.

One asks knowingly, the other vaguely answers.

The conflict between husband and wife, in addition to emotion, is money and children.

Ling Ling was angry that Chen Junsheng was too kind to his ex-wife and children, and Chen Jun was angry that Ling Ling always interfered with his freedom, especially the freedom to give money to his son.

This may be the problem of most second-married couples!

Chen Junsheng didn't explain, and said directly: I'll take care of the money in the future!

Ling Ling didn't ask or make a noise, but was silent, it was she who said that she didn't want Chen Junsheng's money, if she competed for financial power at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that she was trying to make money?

She thought to herself: Chen Junsheng is not good at managing money, and when he takes care of it for a few months, he will naturally return it to her when he is tired.

So he said gently: Okay, I will listen to you!

Chen Junsheng looked at Ling Ling incredulously, he thought that she would make a big fuss about this matter, but he didn't expect it to be so calm.

It seems that it is the heart of his villain.

"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

Luo Zijun took the three projects that Lisa gave her home to do, and got up at 5 o'clock on Saturday morning to work, because she had to go to the hospital this morning to file it.

After He Han was woken up by the alarm clock at 6 o'clock, he found that Luo Zijun had already started working.

He walked over and poured Luo Zijun a glass of water: Drink some water! Don't be tired.

Luo Zijun smiled: Mr. He, I'm going to set up a file today, and I can't drink water or eat!

He Han smiled: yes, I almost forgot, do you need my help to do it?

Luo Zijun: I can, believe me, you go for a run!

He Han: Okay!

It was already half past seven when He Han came back from running, Luo Zijun was still working hard, her eyes were very sour at the computer, she rubbed her hands and dry cleaned her face a few times.

Then he stood up again, twisted his waist back and forth, left and right, and then turned his neck.

He Han asked with concern: Are you done with work?

Luo Zijun shook his head tiredly: It's still far away, and I haven't even finished half of it! This Lisa is so hateful, she deliberately embarrassed me!

He Han: Let's pack up and go to the hospital first, otherwise there will be more people in a while.

Luo Zijun: Okay, I'll change my clothes and set off immediately.

Luo Zijun quickly changed his clothes, checked the documents he wanted to bring again, and finally carried his laptop.

He Han looked puzzled: To build a file, do you still need to hold a laptop?

"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

Luo Zijun smiled: I want to continue to do some work while waiting for the results.

He Han: You're a workaholic better than me! Can you withstand this kind of body? Let me do it for you!

Luo Zijun said: No, I can't rely on you for everything, I can, believe me!

He Han saw that Luo Zijun's eyes were firm, and he didn't insist on doing it for her anymore, seeing that she went from not knowing anything to now being able to take charge on her own, He Han was very pleased.

Luo Zijun, who used to lose his shoes when he went to work, has now been reborn.

There were no more red, sheepskin-soled, no-wet heels in her closet, but a lot of flat, athletic shoes.

It is practical and comfortable, and no matter how much you walk, you will not get tired of your feet.

After arriving at the hospital, He Han ran up and down to register and queue up for Luo Zijun, and Luo Zijun first found a chair to sit down.

When it was time for her, He Han came to call her again.

The hospital was crowded and the environment was very noisy, but Luo Zijun turned a deaf ear.

She was in a corner, hugging her laptop, immersed in her own world, tapping quickly on the keyboard.

He Han looked at her from the side, deeply moved by her efforts and persistence.

It is said that hard-working men are the most charming, but hard-working women are not charming?

Luo Zijun wanted to rely on Tang Jing for everything, and when he saw Chen Junsheng taking the girl to buy a necklace, he asked Tang Jing to check the girl's background, Chen Junsheng wanted a divorce, and he also asked Tang Jing to give her ideas.

Even when he went to the interview, he had to be accompanied by Tang Jing.

Now I can solve things on my own, and I no longer think about relying on others to help me.

These are all skills tempered by the blows of life, and divorcing Chen Junsheng, although Luo Zijun lost a layer of skin, it also gave her a new life.

People have potential, and if they are not stimulated, they will not show it.

A life of smooth sailing is good, but it is just a good wish, and people will only grow when they encounter problems and solve them.

"The First Half of My Life" Chen Junsheng took back Ling Ling's financial power, and Luo Zijun refused He Han to provide a shortcut

Luo Zijun knew that it was a shortcut to let He Han help her finish it, but it would not help her grow much, and it would encourage her to be lazy.

Therefore, he simply refused He Han's help from the beginning and relied entirely on himself to overcome the difficulties of his work.

Work skills and interpersonal relationships are topics that she has to continue to cultivate, and Luo Zijun knows that there are some roads that she must grit her teeth and stick to it.

She also knew that He Han was so powerful now, and it was also her way out step by step.

Therefore, if she wants to become so powerful, she also needs to move forward step by step, and if she wants to progress, there is no shortcut, she needs to practice her internal skills.

He Han: Zijun, it's your turn!

Luo Zijun withdrew his thoughts from work and closed the computer, but by accident, the computer fell to the ground.

Her heart skipped a beat and she quickly picked up the computer.

Can a computer break?

If you want to know what happens next, let's talk about it next time!

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