
The first half of my life: Chen Junsheng was obviously annoyed with Ling Ling, why didn't he choose to divorce, the reason is realistic

author:Jian Xiaoyu, who loves to chase dramas

When did Chen Junsheng start annoying Ling Ling?

It started when Ling Ling calculated to drive Chen Junsheng's parents and son Ping'er out of her family's big flat.

It started with Ling Ling and her colleagues in the department designing Luo Zijun and trying to make her make a fool of her.

Starting from the winter camp where Ling Ling reported 50,000 yuan to her son Leng Jiaqing, and only chose 8,000 winter camps for Ping'er.

All in all, the chicken feathers after entering the marriage made Chen Junsheng more and more bored with Ling Ling, and began to return late, refusing to answer the phone, missing Luo Zijun.

The first half of my life: Chen Junsheng was obviously annoyed with Ling Ling, why didn't he choose to divorce, the reason is realistic

But even so, Chen Junsheng still chose to continue to live with Ling Ling, for several reasons:

A dilemma of second marriage

Chen Junsheng and Ling Ling belong to the second marriage.

At the beginning, Chen Junsheng chose to give up Luo Zijun and formed a family with Ling Ling without hesitation.

Only a little more than a year has passed, although Chen Junsheng is tired of Ling Ling, if he chooses to divorce again, he will be criticized by others.

As Ling Ling said to Chen Junsheng: You were tired of Luo Zijun at the beginning, divorced her and married me, and now you seem to be a little tired of me, if this is the case, you also have to think about whether you have a problem.

The first half of my life: Chen Junsheng was obviously annoyed with Ling Ling, why didn't he choose to divorce, the reason is realistic

Indeed, if a person is divorced once, it may be the other party's problem, and if he is divorced twice, then he should find his own problem.

For such a dilemma of second marriage, Chen Junsheng naturally did not dare to divorce easily, even if he had no love for Ling Ling in his heart, he could only make do with it.

Community of interests

At the beginning, Chen Junsheng chose to be with Ling Ling, the main reason was that Luo Zijun had been out of the workplace for many years and could not give him the emotional value he needed for work.

Ling Ling, as Chen Junsheng's colleague, pretended to be very empathetic in order to be recognized by him, causing Chen Junsheng to sink for this.

In the final analysis, the marriage between Chen Junsheng and Ling Ling has never been love, but just an exchange of emotional value and material life.

The first half of my life: Chen Junsheng was obviously annoyed with Ling Ling, why didn't he choose to divorce, the reason is realistic

The relationship between the two is said to be husband and wife, but in fact it is just a community of interests.

Husband-wife relationships are easily broken, while cooperative relationships with communities of interest are more likely to be involved.

Everyone calculates what they have gained, whether it is worth giving up, but the relationship is not easy to break down

The first half of my life: Chen Junsheng was obviously annoyed with Ling Ling, why didn't he choose to divorce, the reason is realistic

Luo Zijun will not look back

Chen Junsheng and He Han had a heart-to-heart conversation.

He Han asked Chen Junsheng and Ling Ling how they were?

Chen Junsheng had to say with a wry smile: Doubt, doubt that I divorced Zijun at that time, is it wrong to be with Ling Ling, there are some words, I have always been stuffy in my heart and dare not say it to others, but sometimes I can't help but think about Zijun!

Yes, Chen Junsheng, who was tough on divorce in the past, regretted it and began to miss his ex-wife Luo Zijun.

But time will not go back, today's Luo Zijun is not as good as before, and it is impossible to go back.

Even if Chen Junsheng misses Luo Zijun again, everything is in vain.

The first half of my life: Chen Junsheng was obviously annoyed with Ling Ling, why didn't he choose to divorce, the reason is realistic

I think if Luo Zijun took the initiative to choose to reunite with Chen Junsheng, probably Chen Junsheng would abandon Ling Ling without hesitation.

In fact, after the divorce of Zijun's husband Juan Sheng (called Juan Sheng in the original book), he did ask Zijun to get back together with him, but he was refused.

Maybe Chen Junsheng never loved Luo Zijun, let alone Ling Ling, the choice of these two women was just based on his own needs at that time.

As a young talent, Chen Junsheng loved a beauty like Luo Zijun, so he married her back and raised her at home.

But Chen Junsheng, who is middle-aged, is faced with the situation of being old and young, and is more inclined to be like Ling Ling, a woman who seems to be empathetic and shares the pressure, so he resolutely chose to abandon Luo Zijun and marry Ling Ling back.

But this kind of refined choice will only make you regret it in the end, because no one thing, any person, will never remain the same, and will always be suitable for you.

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