
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring

author:Wakamori knows

Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring

Today is February 4, 2024, the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month, the Year of the Rabbit, and the beginning of the Spring Festival.

The beginning of spring is the first of the 24 solar terms. Standing means "beginning", and spring represents warmth and growth. The beginning of spring marks the beginning of the winter when everything is closed has passed, and the spring has begun to enter the spring when the wind and the sun are warm and everything grows.

Five days after the beginning of spring, the stinging insects slowly wake up in the hole, and after another five days, the ice in the river begins to melt, and the fish begin to swim to the surface of the water.

Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring

"The plan of the year lies in spring", the ancient Chinese attached great importance to the beginning of spring, and would hold a variety of traditional cultural activities on this day.

Welcoming spring: The ancients attached great importance to the beginning of spring and had the ritual of welcoming spring. It is recorded in the "Book of Rites and Moon Order": "On the day of the beginning of spring, the Son of Heaven personally commanded the three princes, Jiuqing, princes, and doctors to welcome spring in the eastern suburbs. ”

Paste spring cattle: At the beginning of spring, the folk have the custom of carefully making paper spring cattle, implying a bumper harvest of grains.

Beating spring: refers to the day of the beginning of spring, whipping the mud made of spring oxen to pray for a good year. Yu Qian of the Ming Dynasty had the poem "Lichun": "Strike the new phenology of the mud cow, and divide it with Wanjiachun." ”

Food customs: The beginning of spring is an ancient custom that originates from people's awe and prayers for spring. On the day of the beginning of spring, people are asked to eat spring rolls, make spring cakes, give spring plates, and eat spring vegetables. It means to welcome the arrival of spring and bite the health of spring.

Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring

Spring is a time when respiratory diseases are predisposed, including colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc. Pay attention to the air circulation in the room, and open the windows moderately for ventilation.

In the beginning of spring, many people will have some allergic reactions in the body due to contact with external allergens, which will induce seasonal allergic diseases such as asthma and rhinitis. Around the beginning of spring, the spring breeze blows, and it is a good time for people to take a walk outside, but many people are allergic to pollen, so avoid close contact with pollen when going out.

Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring

In spring and summer, "lie down at night and get up early, and walk in the court", that is to say, generally go to bed no later than 23 o'clock, and it is best to go to bed at 22 o'clock, so as to facilitate the return of liver and blood to the meridians and nourish the viscera; after getting up in the morning, it is best to go to the courtyard or outdoors to take a walk to feel the germination and nourishment of spring.

People are diligent and spring comes early, at the beginning of the four o'clock, everything recovers, let us embrace this spring of flowers and branches!

Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring

Let's enjoy a few ancient poems describing the beginning of the spring solar term, and feel the mood of the ancients during this solar term.

"The beginning of spring day banquet out of the cut of the silk flower should be made"

Don · Su Hip

Xiao entered Yichun Garden, and Qin Fang was forbidden.

Scissors due to cracks, makeup powder is red.

The color is strange and the snow is frightening, and the fragrance is a little windy.

Cut into the will of heaven, all things and flowers.

"Standing Kasuga"

Don · Tortoise Mon

When the flowers fell last year, the title was a spring poem.

Since we see each other again, there should be no sadness today.

The road is lonely and widowed, and it is too late to buy a name when he is sick.

The east wind rose overnight, and I didn't dare to peep when I opened the curtain.

"Beginning of Spring"

Song · Huang Tingjian

Leeks and seedlings cook cakes, and the wild old don't know spring.

Look at the mirror road like a hand, leaning on the building plum to shine on people.

"Man Tingfang, Part II, Lichun Words, Time and Prison Empty"

Song · Shi Hao

The love is light and melting, the clouds are beginning to converge, and the snow is in full swing.

The willow shakes the golden wisp, and the plum blooms and the jade cheeks are cold.

It is known that it is the Eastern Emperor Cuibao, the flying star Han, and the world.

Open a new feast, sing and amuse, and be full of harmony.

The scenery, the water, the virtuous and the beautiful, the shade of the Tang is happy.

More round grass bow, wooden rope long leisure.


See you soon, Yichun post, write Jinluan early at night.

"The Beginning of Spring"

Song Zhang

There is little frost in the late year, and the grass and trees in the world know when spring arrives.

I felt that the business in front of me was full, and the east wind blew the water and the green was uneven.

"The Day of Spring"

Song · Liu Qi

The flowers are already in spring, and the cutting is more human.

The scenery is good today, and the appearance is new.

"Spring Festival, Beginning of Spring"

Kim Woo Moon


The world must know where spring comes from. Wild geese in the sky, trees by the river.

Who is the owner of the warbler flower in the old country? Haggard, several years of detention.

Toast the wine to the east wind, and blow the people home.

"Beginning of Spring"

Ming · Wen Zhengming

The snow is red and the sun is beautiful, and I am happy to see the whip spring in front of the wax.

The third sun is open, and the remaining eight days are the last year.

After the news of the plum blossoms was cold, the feelings of the victory were thin.

Do the post of taking things, and the warm marks are floating on the green grass and making smoke.

"Feelings for the Beginning of Spring"

Ming Yu Qian

The year was full of gray hair and new hair, and it was spring again in a hurry.

The years are ruthless and do not lend people.

One inch of Dan's heart wants to serve the country, and two lines of tears are missing relatives.

Lonely and fierce and difficult to pastime, the gold plate is clustered with five hardships.

"Jialing River on the Spring Sent Inside"

Qing · Zhang asked Tao

People don't return in spring, and people have lost weight when they return in spring.

The east wind is like my heart, blowing into your arms.


Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring

"Beginning of Spring 2024"

Ken Azusa

Whipping mud oxen and preparing new flags,

Six days left in the Year of the Dragon,

Let the noise be loud,

The spring breeze turns into rain.

The following are the small words made during the beginning of the Spring Festival in 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring
Whipping the mud ox to prepare a new flag, there are still six days left to enter the Year of the Dragon, and today is the beginning of spring