
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

author:Lucky Mouse OS5E

In the vast ocean of the Internet, we often encounter three different attitudes. Enthusiastic advocates, who give us encouragement and motivation, calm skeptics, who push us to think deeply and improve ourselves, and the existence of so-called "trolls", who are manipulated by certain behind-the-scenes forces to become tools for profit.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

In this era of traffic-oriented, some people do whatever it takes to create topics and controversies in order to attract attention and increase click-through rates, while some media outlets tend to ignore the truth and only focus on click-through rates and traffic in order to pursue the explosiveness of news.

In this storm of public opinion, we found a hidden commander. She was once jokingly called a "ruthless person" by netizens, but as time went by, she suddenly changed her attitude, accusing netizens of being a water army, claiming that she had been subjected to online violence. This makes people wonder: what kind of family education can cultivate such a role?

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

In an interview on Feb. 3, Grandma Xu's daughter made another statement. She first denied the fact that her mother was driving, trying to exonerate the man who was driving.

From a legal point of view, the person driving should be held responsible. In addition, she may have been suspected of perjury, misleading the judgment of the traffic police.

As the incident deepened, the truth gradually emerged. Grandma Xu's daughter tried to cover up the truth, but witnesses and photos revealed that it was a man who was driving. Brother Yi Xiu's remarks also caused controversy, and he no longer dared to speak out after the official intervention.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

As the incident progressed, a video of the Mercedes-Benz car was exposed, recording Grandma Xu's words: "Hit him, you hit him." This sentence proves that it is not Grandma Xu who is driving.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

In the face of doubts, Grandma Xu's daughter chose to avoid it, and even used the public security organs to suppress netizens' questions.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

However, in order to win sympathy and traffic, she deceived the public and the official, and now she blames netizens in turn.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

The black material of the Xu family was exposed by netizens, which brought this farce to a climax.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

Wulian Xu's social media accounts are undoubtedly a striking example. Some attentive netizens have revealed the truth behind it, and after digging deeper, they found that the words and deeds of this account last year, especially those ironclad evidence of "road rage tiger wolf words", are shocking.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

These fierce and heart-piercing words can't help but make people question, is this really something that an ordinary person can say?

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

Some netizens commented: "There is only a picture in the video where you want to overtake, follow along, why do you want to overtake him? This kind of rude rhetoric seems to come from the voice of a young man than from an old man who has experienced hardship.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

A screenshot of the incident's traffic shows that the number of comments is as high as 4,588, with a conservative estimate of several million traffic. This may mean that they have successfully tasted the sweetness of traffic and opened the password of traffic, and the car smashing incident is exactly what they are looking forward to.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

The daughter of the Xu family immediately edited the video and posted it on the Internet, and it became a hot topic on the same day.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

From the avatar and signature of the account, we found some hidden clues. Although the signature reads "A lifetime of suffering, a lifetime of struggle", this does not seem to be the whole truth.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

There are all kinds of indications that the owner of this account is actually Mrs. Xu's daughter.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

As time passed, the lies and black materials were exposed one by one, and the comment area expressed dissatisfaction. Some people pointed out that Mrs. Xu was arrogant and domineering when she was young, and this attitude makes people question whether she really deserves the signature of "a lifetime of hardship, a lifetime of struggle". This question begs us deeply: how should we view speech and behavior on the Internet?

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

In this story, we see a man who tries to attract traffic through false packaging, a person who tries to cover up the truth through words and deeds.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

This makes us think about how we should treat information on the Internet, how to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and how to stay sane and sober.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

Officials have intervened in the matter, and if Grandma Xu's daughter perjured during the lawsuit, they could face the maximum punishment. Perjury refers to the act of deliberately making false evidence, records or translations in the course of litigation with the intention of framing others or concealing criminal evidence. In order to create traffic and win sympathy, Grandma Xu's daughter deliberately distorted the plot of important facts, which misled the public and the media, incited emotions, and created traffic. If officials hold her accountable, she will face severe penalties. However, we cannot dismiss an entire region because of individual incidents. There are good people and bad people in every place, and we should think deeply about the reasons behind Grandma Xu's daughter's lies.

As for the driver of the person, his whereabouts are still unknown. We can't easily generalize and make judgments about people or things in the region as a whole. We need to dig deeper into the truth of the matter and give everyone a fair judgment.

After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it
After the incident of Grandma Xu, she lied again, and it turned out that she was the mastermind behind it

As a writer, we need to focus not only on topics that are already well known, but also on corners that may otherwise be overlooked. We should dig deep into the truth behind the incident and give everyone a fair judgment, rather than making generalizations.

In this era of information explosion, we need to keep a clear head and the ability to think independently. Only in this way can we find our own treasures in this challenging world. I'd like to share a point that I believe I don't doubt is that the corners we often overlook are actually full of possibilities and surprises.

These corners may be areas that we need to dig deeper into and explore, and where we can get inspiration and inspiration. So let's go on a quest for those neglected treasures. These treasures may be hidden deep within us, or they may be hidden in all corners of life. I believe that if we look for them with our hearts, we will surely find them.