
#天南地北大拜年#过年好, I am a pig from the north. The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic and happy, extremely happy pigsty life, and my fellow villagers served me.

author:Mountains and seas


Happy Chinese New Year, I'm a pig from the north.

The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic life

Happy, incomparably happy pigsty life, by fellow countrymen

Serve me, eat and drink, bask in the sun, hum songs,

Sleep, and soon the turning point of fate comes,

I was thrown into the cauldron from the heavenly pigsty.

I regard my fellow villagers as family, and my fellow villagers treat me as well

"Big meat", is all this fate


I am the one who has set it on the table,

Sitting at the table will be the fellow,

I have a head and ears, and there are a lot of eyes.

The fellows are eating, drinking, talking and laughing, leisurely and comfortable.

It turned out that the "Spring Festival" New Year's dish of the fellow countryman, I

It's the main character who appears.

I'm going to be a pig again, and I'm going to revisit the pigsty

Happy times.

#用这个菜过年# #这大餐敢吃吗#

#回老家开大餐# #Chinese New Year's Eve those things about rice#

#天南地北大拜年#过年好, I am a pig from the north. The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic and happy, extremely happy pigsty life, and my fellow villagers served me.
#天南地北大拜年#过年好, I am a pig from the north. The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic and happy, extremely happy pigsty life, and my fellow villagers served me.
#天南地北大拜年#过年好, I am a pig from the north. The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic and happy, extremely happy pigsty life, and my fellow villagers served me.
#天南地北大拜年#过年好, I am a pig from the north. The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic and happy, extremely happy pigsty life, and my fellow villagers served me.
#天南地北大拜年#过年好, I am a pig from the north. The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic and happy, extremely happy pigsty life, and my fellow villagers served me.
#天南地北大拜年#过年好, I am a pig from the north. The name is "Laifu". 1 year ago, I was still living a chic and happy, extremely happy pigsty life, and my fellow villagers served me.