
May your life be as bright as early spring

author:Nanhai Coconut City said
May your life be as bright as early spring

In this life, the most ruthless thing is not people, but time. The most precious thing is not money, but feelings. The most terrible thing is not ignorance, but neglect. The saddest thing is not waiting, it is the wordless ending. The most hurtful thing is not swearing, it's a lie. The widest is not the sea, but the human heart. It is not people who hate the most, it is the deception of lies. The most terrible thing is not the night, but the helpless loneliness. The warmest thing is not sunshine, it is a sincere and kind heart, and it is priceless, don't use lies to deceive a person who is sincere to you.

May your life be as bright as early spring

It's spring again, and the season wakes up happily from its slumber, and every inch of time is a quiet appearance. Wandering on the Mo may your wind, although it has not yet prompted the blossoms to fill the path, but the air flows with vigorous vitality, and the rising sun, telling me that it is another good year. Jia Ke said that the four seasons of the year, winter and spring, just a cycle, and then reincarnation, give people eternal hope. No matter how deep the winter, no matter how cold the day, it will pass. As soon as it passed, I saw spring again.

May your life be as bright as early spring

Between people, if they are not sincere, they can't get along, if they don't cherish it, they can't last long, and if they don't communicate, they can't communicate. The most feared thing is not that there will be misunderstandings, but that there will be estrangement. In this world, any kind of relationship, no matter what kind of relationship, sincerity, can get along, cherish, and last. If you want to continue, you must understand each other, and if you want to go together, you must tolerate each other. Between people, quarrels are because they are valued, and they are angry because they care. I'm not afraid of quarreling and getting angry, I'm afraid that two people won't talk. Once you have no desire to speak, you are unwilling to communicate, and you are not in the mood to communicate. What is estrangement? Estrangement means that there is a generation gap between two people, estrangement means that there is an obstacle in communication, and estrangement means that there is a problem when getting along. You are polite to me, and I am angry with you, like strangers, wary of each other, and wary of each other. Once there is a gap between two people, they will no longer speak freely, they will no longer dig out their hearts and lungs, you are not sincere to me, I am not honest with you, you are indifferent to me, I turn a blind eye to you, and I will never return to the enthusiastic past. I can't get my original feelings back. Once two people have an estrangement, they will no longer trust each other, and they will no longer talk easily. You are suspicious of me, I am suspicious of you, and if you don't say a few words, you will quarrel, and if you don't stay long, you will make trouble. Slowly, I was cold and disappointed, and gradually, I became alienated. So no matter what kind of relationship, there must be no barriers. Estrangement is more terrible than quarrels, it can kill the enthusiasm of the past, it can destroy good memories, let nothing to talk about, become nothing to talk about, let the attachment become perfunctory and hateful. As long as there is an estrangement, no matter how good the relationship was before, I don't want to interact, and no matter how close the relationship between the two is, it will be difficult to continue. When people get along, tolerate each other, and understand each other in interactions. Don't let the contradictions deepen, don't let the estrangement breed. Communicate often together, communicate more, and don't be silent. Silence will lose intersection, and cold war will exacerbate the damage. This life is very short, a life is not long, no matter what feelings, what kind of relationship, you must maintain it well and treat it with kindness. If you have something to say, solve misunderstandings in time, and don't let estrangement appear. With estrangement, the relationship changes, and when the estrangement breeds, the relationship is broken. Only by knowing how to cherish, understanding each other, and having feelings without estrangement can we be firm and deep, and relationships without estrangement can be closer and longer.

May your life be as bright as early spring

Busy and broken life, the most important thing is to be happy, those ordinary and beautiful days, just like that, go forever, although we can't do it like a breeze, not sad or happy, but can live the present with beautiful mountains and rivers, birds and flowers, comfortable and peaceful. In the vast time, there is a stable heart, stop-and-go, but full of affection, the kind and simple flowers, bloom in every thanksgiving day. There is nothing more precious than a bright spirit, nothing is more desirable than spring, may life be like early spring.

May your life be as bright as early spring