
Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

author:Zhang Wusheng Talk History

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We all know the principle of rejuvenating the country through science and technology, but there was a very bad phenomenon on the mainland many years ago. That is, scientific research funding is not something that can be applied for based on merit.

Rao Yi, a professor who has returned from studying abroad in the mainland, once issued an article denouncing this phenomenon after seeing this phenomenon: I really didn't expect that there would be a situation where an old academician would laugh and curry favor with a director.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

So, why did Rao Yi make such a denunciation, and what was his final choice?

Admission to medical school

Rao Yi is not an ordinary professor. There are so many universities in China, and naturally there are countless professors. But among the many professors, Rao Yi can be regarded as a maverick existence.

Rao Yi was born in the sixties of the last century. His luck was good. When I grew up, I just in time for the national resumption of the college entrance examination. With the help of this style, Rao Yi was successfully admitted to the medical school in Jiangxi.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

At Jiangxi Medical College, Rao Yi had a deeper understanding of the profession of doctors for the first time, and it was here that he was determined to contribute his life's energy to China's medical cause.

In the eyes of the older generation, only teachers, doctors, and civil servants are the most secure professions. And Rao Yi was admitted to medical school, and there is no doubt that he will have a very good job in the future.

But Rao Yi does not have a heart that is willing to be stable. At that time, although China resumed the college entrance examination, its domestic economic construction was far less developed than that of foreign countries. The level of all walks of life is also in a period of accelerated catch-up.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

Therefore, as soon as he entered college, Rao Yi found that the knowledge he learned in college was too one-sided. The educational resources and teaching environment provided by the university were far from what he imagined.

In order to be able to have a better platform for learning. After graduating from university, Rao Yi obtained a master's degree from Shanghai First Medical College.

In the past few years of master's degree, Rao Yi's personal medical level has improved, but also has the idea of seeing the world farther, at that time, the level of foreign medical theory and practice are in a leading position, which makes Rao Yi moved.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

As a first-tier city, Shanghai's degree of development is naturally far beyond that of Jiangxi. Here, Rao Yi saw more advanced educational resources and realized the huge gap between different regions.

Study abroad

As we all know, medical students are very strict with their own abilities, and so is Rao Yi. After graduating with a master's degree, Rao Yi hesitated for a long time between employment and further study.

In the end, he decided to study abroad, so that his ability could be further improved, and at the same time, he could bring more advanced medical knowledge to China.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

Rao Yi's diligence was not disappointed, and after completing his master's degree, Rao Yi successfully got an offer from the University of California with his own efforts.

At that time, countless people thought that foreign countries were a treasure of feng shui. Rao Yi, who was able to study abroad, was also believed by everyone around him that Rao Yi would not return to China.

In the comparison of the domestic and foreign environment at that time, if Rao Yi chooses to stay abroad, he will naturally have a very good future. Many of his classmates and friends also chose to stay abroad.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

But Rao Yi's idea of going abroad is only to learn more knowledge so that he can contribute to the country in the future. While in the United States, Rao Yi spent all his time researching his own projects.

With Rao Yi's unremitting efforts, after graduating with a doctorate, he not only won the title of neurosurgery expert, but also countless American hospitals handed Rao Yi olive branches.

The U.S. government even issued Rao Yi a U.S. green card that no one else could ask for, in order to retain a talent like Rao Yi, who has been deeply involved in the medical profession for more than ten years.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

In the face of these temptations, Rao Yi did not shake his heart of dedication to the country. Even though Rao Yi already had a decent job and a good income in the United States at that time, Rao Yi still returned to China.

China will eventually be transformed

In 2007, after Rao Yi returned to China, he was full of hope. He hopes to help the country to delve into medicine, so that the country will no longer lag behind the world in medicine.

Rao Yi's idea at that time was to make himself a part of the promotion of China's medical industry.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

However, at that time, China's support for the medical industry was not large, and many scientific researchers had a heart to study, but there was no funding to support their research.

After Rao Yi returned to China, he saw several academicians laughing at a director in order to obtain funding for medical projects. This situation made Rao Yi feel very cold.

What's more, Rao Yi has also seen many people who are obviously fraudulent in their scientific research results, but they can get a large amount of national funding support. And all this is only because there are people behind it. Rao Yi himself lost many opportunities for promotion because he didn't know how to be flexible.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

Faced with this situation, ordinary people may either choose to go along with the pollution or choose to quit the industry. But Rao Yi didn't take the usual path, he thought, since the situation of scientific researchers is so dark now, then he must fight for the rights of scientific researchers.

So, since then, in addition to concentrating on academic research, Rao Yi has attacked those who enjoy the laughter of scientific researchers on the Internet. Rao Yi can't see the hard work of scientific researchers being buried, and he can't see anyone defrauding money in the name of research.

It is precisely because of this incident that Rao Yi has lost a lot of opportunities invisibly, and even when he was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, he was defeated several times, for which Rao Yi firmly stated that he would not participate in any more elections.

Rao Yi, a professor at Peking University who abandoned his American citizenship and returned to China, once angrily reprimanded: Several old academicians laughed around a director

Rao Yi's behavior is undoubtedly contrary to the choice of most people, but Rao Yi is hard, as long as he persists, more and more people will insist in the future. The status quo in China will definitely change.

The development of the country and the progress of the world are precisely promoted by scientific scholars like Professor Rao Yi, because only they are the inexhaustible driving force for the continuous progress and development of this society.