
"I want to catch love", the primary school student's "application for changing seats" became popular, and the teacher actually approved it?

author:Watermelon Curiosity Hall

Elementary school students pursue true love and write a sincere "Application for Seat Change"

Xiao Ming is a lively and cheerful little boy, when he was in the third grade of primary school, he noticed Xiaohong at the front table, and thought she was beautiful and gentle, with a lively and lovely personality. Every day in class, Xiao Ming would secretly look at Xiaohong's long hair like a cloud, look at her side face listening carefully, and his heart was full of love for Xiaohong's innocence.

One day, the Chinese teacher said that the seats would be readjusted for the next semester. Xiao Ming actively submitted a "Seat Change Application" to the teacher, full of hope to be at the same table as Xiaohong. In the application, Xiao Ming bluntly expressed his liking for Xiaohong, praising Xiaohong as a beautiful, smart and hardworking girl.

"I want to catch love", the primary school student's "application for changing seats" became popular, and the teacher actually approved it?

Xiao Ming said that he really hopes to sit with Xiaohong, because "I think love can help with learning". This straightforward application is full of Xiao Ming's desire for love, and every word reveals his innocent and sincere love for Xiaohong. Xiao Ming mustered all his courage to pursue his true love, hoping that the teacher could satisfy a little boy's beautiful yearning for love. He knew that the road might be long, but he decided to fight bravely and seize his own happiness.

The teacher did not reject the application and made a request for learning

When the Chinese teacher replied to Xiao Ming's application, she did not directly reject his request. The teacher understands Xiao Ming's yearning and pursuit of love, which is normal in the growth of primary school students. But the teacher also made it clear that learning is the first priority, and you can't let love affect your studies.

Therefore, the teacher agreed to give Xiao Ming a chance to be at the same table for a month, but proposed that if the monthly test score reached 95 points or more, he could continue to be at the same table. Otherwise, the original seating arrangement should still be followed.

In this way, the teacher wisely guided Xiao Ming. It did not stifle Xiao Ming's desire for love, but also clearly conveyed to him the fundamental importance of learning. The teacher's wisdom not only gave Xiao Ming a chance to express his love, but also taught him to strive for the desired result through his own efforts.

"I want to catch love", the primary school student's "application for changing seats" became popular, and the teacher actually approved it?

Xiao Ming is very grateful for the open-minded approach of his teacher, and is determined to study hard, win Tiffany's sincerity, and lay a good foundation for his future.

A month later, the boy met the teacher's requirements

In the monthly exam a month later, Xiao Ming memorized the teacher's teachings and worked very hard to prepare. Finally, after he finished the exam, he saw the score on the test paper - 97 points!

This not only exceeded the 95 points required by the teacher, but also the highest score in all the exams given by Xiao Ming this semester. Xiao Ming sincerely thanked the teacher for his wise guidance, and won the opportunity to continue to share the table with his beloved Xiaohong through his own efforts.

At the same time, the high test scores also made Xiao Ming more confident in himself. He found true love, improved his academic performance, and he felt that he had matured a little more, and he did not fall behind in either goal.

"I want to catch love", the primary school student's "application for changing seats" became popular, and the teacher actually approved it?

Another introverted boy's story

Xiao Gang is an introverted boy who doesn't like to talk very much, preferring to be alone and quietly observing his classmates. He noticed that Xiaodong, a top student, was always very good, and the little girls in the class liked to talk to Xiaodong. And Ding Yu is a girl's school girl, and she is often surrounded by other boys.

When changing seats this semester, Xiao Gang was assigned to Ding Yu's side. Xiao Gang was a little nervous at first, after all, he had never been so close to such an excellent girl before. Ding Yu is very beautiful, and his grades are also among the best. She is very amiable to Xiao Gang and often helps Xiao Gang solve his confusion in learning.

But as the days went by, Xiao Gang felt more and more that he and Ding Yu were too much behind. Ding Yu is so good, but he is just an ordinary existence. This made Xiao Gang's inferiority complex spontaneously arise, and he began to struggle in pain, not daring to talk to Ding Yuduo, and just sitting silently in class.

Until one day, the Chinese teacher talked to Xiaogang alone, and the teacher encouraged him not to feel inferior because of this. You should see your strengths, study hard, and aim for Ding Yu to become a better person.

"I want to catch love", the primary school student's "application for changing seats" became popular, and the teacher actually approved it?

Xiao Gang realized that he shouldn't be ashamed of Ding Yu's excellence. He wants to cheer up, give full play to his potential, take Ding Yu as an example, and grow through his own efforts.

Stories of elementary school students' confessions can be found everywhere

At this age full of innocence and fantasy, elementary school students begin to have the budding of puberty. Curiosity and interest in the opposite sex sprouted between them, and they began to have a shy and simple crush. As a result, primary school students express their hearts in their own simple and direct ways, and these youthful confessions can be seen everywhere.

Some little boys will give their favorite girl a small card on Valentine's Day, which says "I like you". Then he shyly watched the girl's reaction, hoping that the other party would like him too. Some girls will secretly twist a few headbands, make up the words "I love you", and put them in the desk of the boy they have a crush. Although the way is very naïve, it can be seen that it is the sincere heart of the children.

There are also some little boys who are bold enough to write a love letter to express their hearts. The letter bluntly poured out his love for the girl, and the tone revealed the nervousness and anxiety of the little boy. I hope to convey my emotions through words and get a response from the people I like.

"I want to catch love", the primary school student's "application for changing seats" became popular, and the teacher actually approved it?

These youthful confessional texts all reflect the simplicity and frankness of elementary school students at that age. They are still very direct and pure in their feelings. As a parent, you should not overly deny your child's behavior, but guide them in a gentle way so that they can grow up healthily.

Primary school is one of the best stages of everyone's growth. In this time full of innocence, dreams and hopes, we experienced the first curiosity and yearning for the opposite sex in our lives.

Those youthful feelings are as bright and dazzling as the flowers of early spring. We should cherish this carefree time and actively experience, feel, and grow. Face every new challenge with a positive and enterprising attitude, and believe that as long as we are brave and sincere, love will eventually favor us.

Let us have a heart that never stops, stirring our youth.