
27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival


After 7 years in the industry, what initially attracted her was the cool "truck female driver" identity, "my heart is more ambitious", and in the new year, she hopes to apply for a visa and go abroad to see. Now I can basically earn 30,000 yuan a month, which is similar to other drivers, and during the Chinese New Year, I can earn an extra one or two thousand. ”

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

In the distant town of Mengding in Yunnan Province, there is a figure that looks very small in front of a huge truck: 27-year-old Shao Yun, a truck driver who is more than 2,700 kilometers away from home and spends the Spring Festival in the wind and snow on the road.


In the past 7 years, she has performed her own story on this unusual career path. But don't look at her driving a giant machine of dozens of tons on the road, Shao Yun's inner world has her own small universe, full of ambition for the future and warmth for home.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

First of all, I have to mention Shao Yun's career choice. In the eyes of most people, the profession of a truck driver may be hard and monotonous, but in Shao Yun's view, it is a job with an adventurous spirit and a free atmosphere.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

She said, "My heart is more ambitious", which may be the best description of her choice of this path. In her eyes, every long-distance journey is not only about transporting goods, but also about exploring the unknown and challenging her own ability.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

However, the road has not been easy. In the face of the ups and downs of the industry, many peers chose to change careers, but Shao Yun still persisted. The monthly income of 30,000 yuan is the best proof of her hard work for her hard work. Although she has a car loan of 17,000 yuan to repay every month, she can still look at life optimistically and bring hope to herself and her family.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

What is even more admirable is that Shao Yun is not satisfied with the status quo. Her vision is far beyond the world in front of her, and she dreams of going abroad and seeing the wider world. This yearning is not only the pursuit of personal freedom, but also an active exploration of life and curiosity about the unknown.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

And in this vision for the future, Shao Yun has not forgotten his roots-home. During the Chinese New Year, when most people sat around her family, she could only pray silently in the cockpit of her truck to the wind and snow outside. This longing and concern for home may be the biggest motivation to support her to persist on the road.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

Shao Yun's dream doesn't stop there. She also wants to use her influence to help those in need. She said she wanted to help farmers who were struggling to grow fruits and vegetables but couldn't sell them at a good price. This kindness and sense of responsibility to the society that wells up from the depths of her heart shows that Shao Yun is not only a truck driver, but also a modern woman with a broad vision and deep emotions.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

Finally, Shao Yun also talked about her plans for the future, and she hopes to find a reliable partner to fight side by side. Her openness and inclusiveness make people see the breadth of her mind and the depth of her heart.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

In Shao Yun's story, we see a truck driver's unique attitude to life and value pursuit. Her story tells us that no matter what kind of profession you are in, you can have your own dreams and pursuits, and you can find extraordinary meaning in ordinary work.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

Shao Yun uses her actions to interpret what is a true attitude to life, and her story inspires everyone who struggles in life, no matter how difficult and challenging they encounter, to bravely pursue their dreams and stick to their beliefs.

27-year-old female truck driver: has been in the industry for 7 years, and plans to run two more times during the Spring Festival

Shao Yun still has a long way to go, but she has already left her own unique footprints on this road. We look forward to her journey in the future, and we believe that her story will continue to inspire more people to bravely pursue their dreams and brave the ups and downs ahead."

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