
A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

author:Silk Academy
A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears
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A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

On an ordinary day in 1999, the life trajectory of national first-class actor Shao Feng was completely changed. His wife, Zhao Xia, suddenly felt unwell and had a high fever.

At first, neither of them paid much attention to it, thinking it was just a common cold. However, when they finally decided to seek medical attention, the diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: Zhao Xia suffered from lupus erythematosus, a chronic autoimmune disease that is difficult to cure.

What is even more shocking is that the doctor's warning is like a whisper of death: Zhao Xia may not live more than 38 years old. The news instantly pushed the newlyweds into a desperate situation.

Faced with high medical costs and threats to his life, Shao Feng stood at a crossroads in his life. Do you choose to give up, or do you give everything you have to save your wife's life? This decision is not only about their future, but also about the power of love.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

Shao Feng's life is like a drama of ups and downs. Born in 1968, he was often the target of ridicule and bullying by his peers during his childhood because of his short stature.

However, instead of breaking him, these painful experiences inspired him to fight in the depths of his heart. He secretly aspired to become an honorable soldier in order to get rid of those unfair treatments.

In order to realize this dream, the young Shao Feng developed a strong interest in sports. Despite the ridicule he often suffered, he always maintained an optimistic attitude towards life and persevered in training himself.

This experience laid a solid foundation for him to face the challenges of life later in life.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

At the age of 18, Shao Feng, who graduated from high school, resolutely chose to enlist in the army with the support of his family. He finally got his wish and became a soldier.

In the army, Shao Feng actively participated in various rigorous training every day, and won the appreciation of the leaders with his diligence and perseverance.

However, fate always likes to joke. By chance, Shao Feng unexpectedly entered the art troupe with his excellent singing voice. This turning point completely changed the course of his life.

In the preparation of an emergency party of the art troupe, the original actors were suddenly unable to attend. At this critical moment, someone proposed to let Shao Feng take the stage. Despite his inner trepidation, Shao Feng mustered up the courage to accept the challenge.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

To everyone's surprise, his performance was a huge success. Shao Feng's sense of humor and unique performance style attracted the attention of the audience, winning warm applause and high praise from the leadership.

This chance opened Shao Feng's acting career. He was exceptionally admitted to the art troupe and started a new chapter in his life. Shao Feng, who first joined the art troupe, was like a blank sheet of paper, and he didn't know anything about the performance.

In order to gain a firm foothold on this unfamiliar stage, he humbly asked his seniors for advice, studied his acting skills hard, and worked hard to improve his performance level.

As time passed, Shao Feng's performance became better and better, attracting the attention of the leadership. He successfully entered the Drama Theater of Jinan Military Region and officially embarked on the road of drama actor.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

This experience not only allowed Shao Feng to master solid acting skills, but also honed his tenacious character.

Shao Feng's story teaches us that life's tribulations are often catalysts for growth. It was those painful experiences that shaped his strong will and indomitable spirit.

This mental strength prepared him to face life's major challenges in the future. From a short boy who was bullied to a successful military actor, Shao Feng's experience is undoubtedly an inspirational legend.

In the 80s of the 20th century, Shao Feng's life ushered in an important turning point. Under the matchmaking of the elders of the family, he met the destined other half - Zhao Xia.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

When they met for the first time, Zhao Xia couldn't help but be a little disappointed with Shao Feng's thin figure, but out of politeness, she still kept smiling and talking to Shao Feng. However, Shao Feng was deeply attracted by Zhao Xia's cheerful and lively personality, and took the initiative to find various topics and strive to shorten the distance between them.

As the relationship deepened, Zhao Xia was gradually moved by Shao Feng's sense of humor. She admired Shao Feng's humble, polite, conscientious and responsible character more and more, and secretly believed that he was a lifelong partner worthy of entrustment.

The two hearts gradually got closer, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. With the blessings of family and friends, they opened a new chapter in their lives.

Although the life after marriage is poor, the young couple is happy. Due to Shao Feng's busy work and meager salary, all the big and small affairs in the family fell on Zhao Xia's shoulders. For this reason, Shao Feng often feels guilty and cherishes this hard-won happiness even more.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

He was considerate to Zhao Xia at home, and interpreted his love with his actions.

However, the happy days did not last long. One day in 1999, Zhao Xia suddenly felt unwell and had a high fever. At first, neither of them paid much attention to it, thinking it was just a common cold.

But at Shao Feng's insistence, they still went to the hospital for a detailed examination. The doctor's diagnosis came like a bolt from the blue: Zhao Xia suffered from lupus erythematosus.

The news was like a hammer hammer that drove the young couple to rock bottom. Faced with high medical expenses, Zhao Xia felt guilty, and even proposed the idea of divorce, not wanting to become a burden to Shao Feng.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

However, Shao Feng was adamantly opposed, and he was determined to cure his wife's illness and spend the rest of his life with her.

From this moment on, their lives were turned upside down. Shao Feng began to raise money from all over the place, and even had to sell his home to raise money for treatment.

In the face of the doctor's warning that even after treatment, Zhao Xia's lifespan may not exceed 38 years old, Shao Feng's determination has never wavered. He always believed that as long as the two of them worked hand in hand, they would be able to overcome the disease.

This sudden illness became a touchstone to test their marriage. The story of Shao Feng and Zhao Xia is not only a sweet love, but also a magnificent epic of fighting against fate.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

They interpreted the marriage vow of "never leaving" with practical actions, showing the most touching power of love in ordinary life.

Faced with his wife Zhao Xia's illness and high medical expenses, Shao Feng resolutely decided to step into the film and television industry, hoping to earn more income. However, due to height limitations, he can only start from obscurity.

Although there are few scenes and a meager income, Shao Feng cherishes every opportunity and goes all out for every job. In his heart, every penny of income is the hope of his wife's life.

Shao Feng's professional attitude and unique sense of humor gradually attracted the attention of industry insiders. In 2005, the opportunity finally came, and he received an invitation to participate in "Don't Take Bean Bags and Improper Dry Food".

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

Although he is still not the protagonist, his role has increased significantly compared to the past. After the broadcast of this work, it aroused enthusiastic responses, and Shao Feng gradually came into the audience's sight.

However, the real turning point came in 2007. The famous comedian Guo Donglin has a discerning eye and invited Shao Feng to appear on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.

This collaboration made Shao Feng an instant hit and quickly became a household name comedy star. Since then, Shao Feng has frequently appeared in the Spring Festival Gala, conquered countless audiences with his superb acting skills, and finally won the honor of national first-class actor.

With the increase in popularity, Shao Feng's economic situation has improved significantly. However, he did not let up on this. Every time he performs on stage, he puts his heart and soul into it, because he knows that there may be countless people in the audience who are fighting against illness like Zhao Xia, and he hopes to bring joy and hope to them through his performance.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

Shao Feng's success is not easy to come by, and behind it is the dedication and sweat of countless sleepless nights. Whenever he felt tired, he would always think of his wife's strength on the sickbed, which gave him the motivation to keep going.

He knows that every step of his success means more opportunities for his wife to be treated.

However, life is always challenging. Although Shao Feng's career is thriving, Zhao Xia's condition continues to deteriorate. When Zhao Xia was unable to stand due to the worsening of her condition, Shao Feng felt unprecedented pressure.

But instead of giving up, he worked harder and searched for famous doctors in the hope of finding a cure for his wife.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

In the process, Shao Feng showed amazing perseverance and tenacity. He took his comedic talent to the extreme, shining on stage while pouring all his love and care into his wife.

His life seems to be divided into two worlds: one is a glamorous stage, and the other is a reality full of hardships.

But Shao Feng never complained about the unfairness of life. On the contrary, he always faced all difficulties with a positive and optimistic attitude. He believes that if you persevere, you will be able to create miracles.

This belief not only supported him to continue to climb new heights in his career, but also gave Zhao Xia the courage and strength to overcome the disease.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

Over time, Zhao's condition continued to deteriorate, eventually progressing to the severity of necrosis of the femoral head. She used to be lively and cheerful, but now she can only rely on a wheelchair to get around, and even standing has become a luxury.

Faced with such a predicament, Zhao Xia's heart was full of despair, and she once had the idea of giving up treatment. She couldn't bear to see her husband Shao Feng working so hard for herself, running between work and care day and night.

However, Shao Feng did not give up hope. He traveled around, searched for famous doctors from all over the world, and finally found a glimmer of life in an expert. Doctors told Shao Feng that through a high-risk surgery to replace the necrotic bones in Zhao Xia's body, she might regain the chance to stand.

However, this surgery is extremely risky, the success rate is uncertain, and it is unknown whether the health can be fully recovered after the operation.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

Faced with this difficult choice, Shao Feng told his wife all the information truthfully. He said that no matter what decision Zhao Xia makes, he will fully support and take care of it.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xia, who had experienced long-term illness, chose to undergo surgery without hesitation.

In Zhao Xia's view, this is an opportunity to gamble with her life. If successful, she will be able to stand again and lighten her husband's burden; If it fails, it's just a matter of maintaining the status quo.

This decision shows Zhao Xia's inner courage and love for life.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

Lady Luck favored the brave couple. The operation was a complete success, and with the careful care and encouragement of her family, Zhao Xia not only regained her feet, but also broke through the 38-year-old life limit predicted by doctors.

This miracle surprised and touched everyone, and also gave great encouragement to other patients.

Zhao Xia's recovery seems to have given Shao Feng infinite strength. He performed even better on stage and won the love of more audiences. With the encouragement of her husband, Zhao Xia also regained her confidence in life, began to learn new skills, and worked hard to reintegrate into society.

Behind this miracle is Shao Feng and Zhao Xia's 23 years of mutual support and unremitting efforts. They proved with their actions that sincere love can create miracles and overcome the test of fate.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

Their story is not only a touching medical miracle, but also a touching hymn to love.

After 23 years of hard struggle, Shao Feng and Zhao Xia finally ushered in a happy old age. They returned to their hometown in Shandong hand in hand and lived a peaceful and peaceful life. The suffering of the past has now become a precious memory for them, and each time they think about it, they cherish the happy time in front of them even more.

What's even more gratifying is that their children have grown up and have tied the knot this year and started a new chapter in their lives. Watching their son form a new family, Shao Feng and Zhao Xia's eyes were full of relief and pride, as if they saw the shadow of their youth.

The story of Shao Feng and Zhao Xia is not only a touching love legend, but also brings us valuable life inspiration. It tells us not to give up in the face of difficulties; It demonstrates the power of perseverance and hard work; It proves that true love can overcome all obstacles.

A national first-class actor of the Shideng Spring Festival Gala: Scattered all his family property for his wife of "lupus erythematosus", all tears

The experiences of Shao Feng and Zhao Xia will always inspire us. It tells us that as long as there is love in our hearts, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Their story is not only a personal victory, but also a sparkle of human beauty.

In this challenging world, they interpret the true meaning of love with their actions, setting an example for us to be strong, brave and never give up.

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