
Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

author:A little gluttonous cat

Eighth: mahogany furniture

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

As the essence and representative of traditional Chinese craftsmanship, mahogany furniture not only has high artistic value, but also is precious because of its rare materials and exquisite craftsmanship.

With the passage of time, the value of mahogany furniture is not only reflected in its use function, but also in its unique cultural connotation and historical value.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Therefore, over the years, mahogany furniture has been highly sought after in the collection market and has a very high potential for value preservation and appreciation.

There are many reasons why mahogany furniture is more and more valuable. In addition to practical functions, such as its hard texture that can be passed down from generation to generation, its exquisite texture is also fascinating.

First of all, as a precious wood, mahogany has a long growth cycle and scarce resources, which makes mahogany furniture have a high value retention in the market.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

As the saying goes: scarce things are expensive.

Secondly, the production process of mahogany furniture is exquisite, and the traditional mortise and tenon structure combined with exquisite carving skills make each piece of mahogany furniture unique.

This exquisite craftsmanship and unique design make the mahogany home highly artistic and ornamental, and its value will only increase over time.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Third, mahogany furniture not only has practical functions, but also carries rich historical and cultural value.

As a representative of traditional Chinese crafts, its design style and production process clearly reflect the essence of traditional Chinese culture and the aesthetic taste of each era.

Each piece of mahogany furniture is a witness to a period of history, highlighting the mark of the times and a microcosm of the times.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

However, although mahogany furniture is a sweet spot in the eyes of investors and collectors, investing in mahogany furniture also needs to adhere to rationality and not blindly follow the trend.

There are too many pitfalls in this, and they are too big.

Seventh: Antique art

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

As a carrier of human history and culture, the uniqueness and rarity of antique artworks have made them treasures in the world of collecting, and have been favored since ancient times.

These artworks not only represent the artistic styles and aesthetic concepts of different periods, but also contain rich historical information and cultural connotations, and have great historical value.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

As a result, antique art has historically been a rare commodity in the collector's market, and its value has increased over time.

First of all, antique works of art are products of the times, contain great historical value, and are witnesses to the process of human civilization, which is incomparable to other commodities.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Through these beautiful works of art, we can learn about the history and culture of each era, and explore the living conditions and even ideas of human beings in that era.

Secondly, antique artworks have a unique artistic and aesthetic value, because each antique artwork is a masterpiece created by the artist with a meticulous and personal style.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Whether it is calligraphy and painting, Jingdezhen porcelain, or purple clay pot, Jun porcelain, all have high ornamental and collection value, and the works of ancient masters are worth thousands of gold.

Song Huizong's words, Tang Bohu's paintings, and the Ming Dynasty Chenghua chicken bowl cup, these things can easily shoot hundreds of millions.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

In addition to high artistic value, many antique artworks also contain extremely high scientific value, which is the intuitive embodiment of the level of science and technology and productivity in the era.

For example, ceramics and silk, the materials, processes and production techniques used show the development of the scientific and technological level and the exquisite degree of craftsmanship at that time.

But there are also many pits, and they are big.

Sixth: Jewelry and jade

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Jewelry and jade are the treasures of nature, and they have been loved by people for their unique charm since ancient times.

In addition to the most direct decorative function, these jewels and jade have become a symbol of people's status, status and wealth.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

First of all, the rarity of jewelry and jade is an important factor in its value, and many gemstones and jade are formed over a long period of millions or even hundreds of millions of years.

This rarity determines that the market for jewelry and jade is in short supply, and the price is also rising.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Secondly, the uniqueness of jewelry and jade also gives it a unique value and a lot of value.

Each piece of jewelry and jade has its own unique color, texture, luster, texture and other characteristics, and later cutting, inlay and other processes also require exquisite skills.

These techniques give the jewel a more dazzling brilliance, so it is not unreasonable to multiply the value.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Finally, with the depletion of the earth's mineral resources, the value of jewelry and jade is gradually rising.

As we all know, many gems and jades have finite mineral resources, and these resources are being depleted as mining continues to increase.

For example, Hetian jade and jadeite conflict with the growing demand for jewelry and jade in today's society.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

This conflict has exacerbated the scarcity of jewelry and jade, and it is normal for the market to become more and more expensive.

However, the investment and collection of jewelry and jade are also deeply risky, and if you are not careful, you will be led into the ditch.

There are too many holes in this, and they are big.

Fifth: old objects

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

In China, old objects are gradually becoming the new favorites of the collecting world because of their unique charm and profound cultural and emotional value, and the transaction volume is constantly refreshed every year.

With people's emphasis on history and culture and the pursuit of emotional belonging, the value of old objects is also rising, and the continuous increase in transaction volume speaks for itself.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Old objects are the bearers of history and culture.

Whether it's vintage furniture, daily necessities or other old items with a sense of age, they all carry memories of the past and people's real emotions.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

These one-of-a-kind old objects have a high cultural value and real emotional value, which cannot be replaced by any other commodity.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

The old objects also record the social style, lifestyle and aesthetic concepts of different periods, reflecting the living conditions of people at that time, and have high historical value.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

By collecting old objects, you can better understand the history and culture of the past and feel the style of that era.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

The most important thing is that old objects carry people's emotions and memories and are a special commodity.

These old objects are often closely linked to family inheritance and family memory, and are the most authentic treasures in people's hearts, with irreplaceable value and significance.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

In today's fast-paced life, more and more people are beginning to pursue a return to the basics and nature, which is the social basis for old objects to be sought after.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Many people are willing to spend a lot of money on decades-old objects, such as radios, tailors, televisions, bicycles, and even dung buckets.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Therefore, as an old object that connects people's present and past, it has naturally become the object of collectors rushing to buy and collect, and the price is also rising.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

However, there are also huge risks and uncertainties in the collection of old objects, and not every old object has investment value, which depends on people's investment vision.

There are actually a lot of pits, and they are big.

Fourth: gold and silver commemorative coins

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

As a special form of national legal tender, gold and silver commemorative coins integrate the material value and profound cultural connotation of precious metals, and become an upstart in the collection market.

Their uniqueness lies not only in their metal material, but also in the national authority, historical events, cultural traditions and artistic designs behind them.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

First of all, the authority of gold and silver commemorative coins is beyond doubt. As legal tender issued by the state, gold and silver commemorative coins carry the credit and authority of the state.

The issuance of each commemorative coin goes through a strict approval process to ensure that its design, production, issuance and other aspects comply with national laws, regulations and standards.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

This authority not only ensures the quality and authenticity of the commemorative coin, but also gives it a special collector's status.

Secondly, the artistic and historical value of gold and silver commemorative coins should not be underestimated. These commemorative coins are often created by well-known designers and engravers at home and abroad.

The pattern design is exquisite, and the carving process is delicate and detailed.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

It can be said that each commemorative coin is a unique work of art and has a high ornamental value.

At the same time, the theme of gold and silver commemorative coins is often closely related to major national events, historical figures, cultural traditions, etc., and has high historical value.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Third, the scarcity of gold and silver commemorative coins is an important reason for their rising value, which is of course relative.

Gold and silver commemorative coins are usually issued in limited quantities, and over time the number decreases, while the demand grows.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

This contradiction between supply and demand makes the price of gold and silver commemorative coins continue to rise, and has a high appreciation potential.

Some of the scarce and well-preserved gold and silver commemorative coins with unique themes are now highly sought after by many collectors and investors.

But there are many pitfalls, and they are big.

Third: the four treasures of the study

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

The Four Treasures of the Scholar's Room, namely pen, ink, paper, and inkstone, are extremely important components of traditional Chinese culture and are also essential writing tools for ancient Chinese literati and ink writers.

These tools not only carry profound cultural connotations, but also have high artistic value and collection value because of their unique materials and exquisite craftsmanship.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

In ancient times, pen, ink, paper, and inkstone were essential practical tools for literati and artists to engage in poetry creation, calligraphy, painting, and painting.

The quality of these tools affects the artistic effect of the work, so the literati were very particular about the selection of the Four Treasures of the Study.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Over time, these tools evolved into unique art forms of calligraphy and painting, which became an integral part of traditional Chinese culture.

Secondly, the Four Treasures of the Study have extremely high artistic value because of their unique materials and craftsmanship.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

As we all know, many of the four treasures in the field of study are national intangible cultural heritage skills, whether it is the selection of raw materials or process forging, they are all very ingenious boutiques.

These unique materials and craftsmanship make each of the four treasures of the study a unique work of art, and the ornamental and collection value is very huge.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

In particular, the four treasures of the study room created by the masters themselves or used by famous artists have now become the objects of competition among collectors, and the prices are often sky-high.

Therefore, the four treasures of the study have always had a high potential for value preservation and appreciation, and in recent years, they have also shown an upward trend.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Therefore, for some investors, collecting the four treasures of the study is not only a cultural pursuit and spiritual enjoyment, but also a stable investment choice.

But the risks are not small, and there are many and big pitfalls.

Second: stamps

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Stamps are the product of a special era, in the past when communication technology was not developed, stamps carry people's information exchange and emotional communication, is a special bond.

Because stamps have immeasurable historical value and sentimental value, they have always been sought after by investors.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

First of all, stamps are usually issued to commemorate some important event or special day, or to commemorate an important historical figure, which has a unique meaning.

Moreover, the design of the stamps has always been exquisite, full of a strong sense of art, and has high aesthetic value.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

For example, in 1997, a stamp was issued to commemorate Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and in just two years, the initial face value rose from 50 yuan to 200 yuan.

It skyrocketed 4 times, and many people made a lot of money.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Secondly, the issuance of stamps is limited, especially some rare stamps, the circulation is very small.

Over time, some precious stamps have been lost or damaged, resulting in increasingly rare stamps in circulation.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

In 1980, a Gengshen New Year monkey ticket was issued, with an initial face value of only 8 cents, but at its peak, it rose to 12,000 yuan.

The highest increase of 150,000 times is jaw-dropping!

However, although stamps have a high potential to retain and increase their value, especially some rare stamps, they are highly sought after in the investment market because of their great scarcity.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

But the world of stamp collecting and investment is also accompanied by huge risks and speculative bubbles, in which many people have fallen and some have even lost a lot.

We need to be rational at all times, and beware of our wallets and pensioners being taken away by others.

First: love

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

Compared with the above commodities, love is the model of eternity and the most precious treasure of human beings.

A sincere relationship can not only make people feel the meaning and value of life, but also make us no longer lonely on the road of life, and walk all the way.

Therefore, for everyone, love is the "top commodity" with the most potential for value preservation and appreciation.

Don't lose the 8 top products that are "more valuable"! How many do you have at home?

As a precious intangible wealth, love does not depreciate with the passage of time, but becomes more precious over time.

Of course, I'm talking about real love, not the kind of bread love and papier-mâché love.