
After the US missile attack on civilians, Russia issued a warning, and in less than 48 hours, the US and Russian defense ministers exchanged phone calls

author:Tani Hihei

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the two major military powers of the United States and Russia have completely torn their faces, and they are only one step away from meeting each other. It's just that the military collision between the major powers is earth-shattering, and neither side dares to fire the first shot, so it maintains restraint on several red lines. For Russia, prohibiting Ukraine from using American-made weapons against the Russian mainland and prohibiting the killing and wounding of civilians are the two red lines. However, the United States crossed both red lines at the same time. Less than 48 hours after the Ukrainian army used American-made missiles to kill Russian civilians, the US and Russian defense ministers spoke on the phone. In the face of a menacing fighting nation, the United States relented.

After the US missile attack on civilians, Russia issued a warning, and in less than 48 hours, the US and Russian defense ministers exchanged phone calls

According to Russian media reports, the defense ministers of the United States and Russia held telephone talks on the situation between Russia and Ukraine on June 25, which was also the first time that Belousov had a phone call with US Secretary of Defense Austin after taking office as Russian defense minister. Now that the Biden administration has passed a new round of military aid to Russia, the United States continues to provide military aid, and the contradictions between the United States and Russia have become public, it stands to reason that there is nothing to talk about at the top of the two sides. It's just that this time, Belousov came completely from Xingshi to ask for guilt. Just a day before their call, the Ukrainian army used US-supplied ATACMS tactical missiles to carry out an attack on the Black Sea port city of Sevastopol in Crimea, killing not only four people, but also wounding more than 150 people, including many children.

After the US missile attack on civilians, Russia issued a warning, and in less than 48 hours, the US and Russian defense ministers exchanged phone calls

The Russian side has very good reasons to accuse the United States. First, the missile attack hit the Crimean peninsula on Russia's mainland, and the missiles that killed and injured a large number of civilians were supplied to Ukraine by the United States. Secondly, during the attack, the United States also provided Ukraine with information intelligence and positioning and navigation support, as if it was an accomplice in the attack. Not only that, but on the same day of the attack, 20 people were killed and dozens injured in terrorist attacks on churches and police posts in the Russian Republic of Dagestan. At present, the suspect has been captured by the Russian side. Judging from the course of this operation, this is exactly the same as the previous "Moscow concert hall terrorist attack", although the outside world generally believes that this is the operation of the "Islamic extremist group", but the Russian Federation Council Shivalentina Matviyenko publicly stated on social platforms that the terrorist attack in the Republic of Dagestan was carefully planned by Russia's enemies abroad.

After the US missile attack on civilians, Russia issued a warning, and in less than 48 hours, the US and Russian defense ministers exchanged phone calls

In the previous incident, the Russian side found a series of evidence, and even Biden's son was suspected of participating in the "Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack", as the incident continued to ferment, the US government is facing huge public pressure pressure. Today, there are both air raids and terrorist attacks, and the spearhead is pointed at the United States, and Russia's attitude is very clear, and the United States, even if it talks about it, cannot get rid of the connection with these two bloodshed incidents. Especially in terms of supplying weapons to Ukraine, the United States continues to relax restrictions and allow Ukraine to use American-made weapons to attack Russia and kill civilians, which has touched Russia's bottom line. It is worth mentioning that after Russia's ultimatum, Austin stressed to Belousov that the United States and Russia should maintain communication to prevent miscalculations, and repeatedly promised that the United States would not send troops to Ukraine. Hearing this news, Zelensky is bound to be unable to sleep.

After the US missile attack on civilians, Russia issued a warning, and in less than 48 hours, the US and Russian defense ministers exchanged phone calls

Putin once said that it is better to make a bomber flap its wings once than to protest a hundred times in a diplomatic protest. This time, although Putin did not dispatch strategic bombers, he threw out two other king bombs, which is also the key reason why the United States admits instigation. On the one hand, a naval fleet consisting of the Russian nuclear-powered submarine "Kazan" and the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" recently visited Cuba, and the Russian naval vessels were once less than 30 nautical miles off the coast of Florida in the United States.

After the US missile attack on civilians, Russia issued a warning, and in less than 48 hours, the US and Russian defense ministers exchanged phone calls

You must know that the "Kazan" can launch nuclear missiles, and the "Admiral Gorshkov" can launch hypersonic missiles, and this silent contest staged in the Caribbean really panicked the United States. At the same time, according to reference sources, on June 23, Belarusian Defense Minister Khlenin, Russia's number one ally, publicly stated that the Belarusian army has conducted joint training with the Russian army, and Belarus is ready to use tactical nuclear weapons if necessary. It is a nuclear submarine again, and it is a tactical nuclear weapon, and in the face of Putin's thunderous methods, Biden, who knows that he is at a loss, has to calm down and honestly admit his cowardice to the fighting nation.

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