
Dandelion is a treasure all over the body, so it can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Fan Mengfei

Dandelion this traditional Chinese medicine must be familiar to everyone, it is also more common in life, many friends like to soak it to drink water as soon as they are on fire, today Dr. Fan teaches you the five golden pairings of dandelion, and it is soaked in water to drink, there are many benefits!

Dandelion is a treasure all over the body, so it can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys!

First of all, dandelion with wolfberry, if you often feel that your waist is sore and your legs are soft, your head is dizzy, your ears are buzzing, your eyes are dry, your face is yellow, your tongue sticks out to see, both sides of your tongue are dry, and there are more cracks at the root of your tongue.

Dandelion is a treasure all over the body, so it can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys!

Second, dandelion with licorice, if you usually don't have a good appetite, eat less and diarrhea, often feel that you have no strength in your body, don't want to move, and don't want to speak, the tongue sticks out to see, there are more cracks in the middle of the tongue, this situation is mostly a weak temper, at this time we can try to match dandelion and licorice to replenish the spleen and invigorate qi, clear heat and detoxify, and regulate this kind of situation.

Dandelion is a treasure all over the body, so it can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys!

The third, dandelion with hawthorn, if you usually eat a little greasy stuff will not digest, nausea want to vomit, stool is difficult to discharge, stomach distension and stomach pain, as well as bad breath, tongue sticks out to see, tongue coating is thick and greasy, this situation mostly belongs to the spleen and stomach, at this time we can try to match dandelion and hawthorn to clear heat and detoxify, strengthen the spleen and appetize, regulate this kind of situation.

Dandelion is a treasure all over the body, so it can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys!

Fourth, dandelion with roses, if you are often on fire, there is always an inexplicable stinging pain on the body, female friends also have irregular menstruation, the color of the tongue is also relatively purple and dark, and the two green tendons under the tongue are thick and black, most of this situation belongs to the body stasis, at this time we can try to match dandelion and roses to clear heat and detoxify, invigorate blood and eliminate blood stasis, and regulate this kind of situation.

Dandelion is a treasure all over the body, so it can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys!

The last one, dandelion with chrysanthemum, if you often feel dry eyes, redness, swelling and pain, eye feces are more, grumpy, tongue sticks out to see, both sides of the tongue are swollen and red, this situation mostly belongs to the liver fire, at this time we can try to match dandelion and chrysanthemum to clear heat and detoxification, clear the liver and eyes, and regulate this kind of situation.

Dandelion is a treasure all over the body, so it can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys!

Speaking of this, do you think that dandelion has a great effect? Here I still want to remind everyone, if necessary, it is recommended to use it under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, today's content is here, we will see you next time!

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