
Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, and the table is more than noodles. Dear good friends, hello everyone, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, today is the time to share the food with you, are you ready?

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

Soon the New Year, every year, the Chinese New Year's Eve meal table must be indispensable to fish, today, I will share with you, our Shandong characteristic tile fish method, not fishy, simple method, brought to the table with guests times have noodles, well, nonsense not much to say, let's come and see how I operate it?

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

<h1>The first is the preparation of raw materials. </h1>

A fresh carp. A little flour, an egg, a little salt, a little pepper, a little thirteen spices, a little soy sauce, a little soy sauce, a little oyster sauce, a little vinegar, a little green onion, a little ginger, an star anise.

<h1>Next up is the production process. </h1>

1, first of all, we will be fresh carp after a clean treatment, the fish head cut off the chopped pieces, and then cut the fish body, and then cut into a centimeter wide strip, put in the basin, add a spoonful of fine salt, two spoons of pepper, three spoons of thirteen spices, a spoonful of raw soy sauce, a little sliced onion and ginger, and then beat into an egg, the purpose of this step is to give the carp to fishy marinade into the flavor, so everyone must do a good job.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

2, then we boil the wide oil, the oil temperature rises to 50% heat, and then the marinated fish pieces, put the right amount of flour in it, stir it well, and then wrap the fish pieces wrapped in batter, put it into the pot, fry it in turn into the pan until golden and set, and then fish out the oil control and reserve.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

3, then, we clean the pot to add a little bottom oil, first put the star anise into the pot and stir-fry, and then the onion ginger garlic into the pot to fry incense, stir-fry incense after adding a spoonful of aged vinegar, a spoonful of soy sauce, a little oyster sauce, soy sauce and soy sauce, and then add two spoons of water to boil, and then add the right amount of fine salt, chicken essence, MSG seasoning, after the water boiled, the fish pieces into the pot, open medium and medium heat to three minutes, when the pot is drizzled with minced garlic and sesame oil can be plated.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

<h1>Next up are the production points. </h1>

1, the fish must be added in advance to add eggs, green onions, ginger, cooking wine and other spices marinated for 15 minutes to fishy, and adding eggs can also lock the moisture in the fish, so this step, we must not ignore.

2, when frying fish pieces, the oil temperature should not be too high, because our batter is all noodles, the oil temperature is too high, it is easy to fry the paste later, resulting in the evaporation of fish water, and the taste of stewing is particularly unpalatable.

3, when this characteristic tile fish comes out of the pot, be sure to drizzle with minced garlic and sesame oil, so that the aroma of his fish can be lifted up, and when it is served on the table, it will drool when it smells fragrant, which everyone should also keep in mind.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

Well, I believe that after reading this article, you must know how to make this characteristic tile fish, not fishy, not greasy, no wood, and after serving the table, the fragrance is fragrant, Chinese New Year's Eve the family to try it when you eat.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice, teach you a special tile fish recipe, not fishy, not greasy, on the table to treat guests double noodles first of all is the preparation of raw materials. Next up is the production process. Next up are the production points.

Thank you friends for your patience to read, if you like this article, then please like the comments, and share it, so that more good friends can see it, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, we will see you in the next issue.